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  1. I was thinking of ways to teach children by using the things they like the most. Personally I learned a lot of English and a bit of math from playing Pokemon and talking about it online in my teens. I also loved chess as a child, as I still do, and I wondered if it might be possible to teach about probability using chess with questions like "How many possible legal positions are there for only 2 kings?" and "If one player has a pawn and the other only his king, what is the chance that the person with the pawn can win?" How's your progress been so far?
  2. Hello guys, I live in the east of the country, near Enschede, and I'm planning to move to Leeuwarden this summer. I'd be very much interested in meeting a libertarian in either of those places or anywhere else in the country. if you're interested, please feel free to message me!
  3. Do they have multiple fields of vision? Do we know how that works in their brains?
  4. Even if he believes that video games have so much influence on his children there still is the question of why that is. How could his children get so invested into video games? And I find this pretty infuriating as well, especially this part where he says "my little shit for children who I expect will cry and beg. It will be glorious." What kind of a sadist do you have to be to look forward to seeing your children cry? I think the children will get a very mixed message from all of this. On one hand, they'll be told not to steal by their father. On the other hand they will be stolen from by their father.
  5. I think Trump would reject the invitation, since Stefan is a good debater and he might bring up some moral issues regarding Trump's plans. I don't think it would be a great PR move for him.
  6. I'm actually pretty optimistic about the future when I hear what people think about spanking. I've never seen anyone use physical aggression towards their children in public and I have also never heard anyone speak out in favor of it. I've looked for a survey that asked people around here what they think. I couldn't find one, but I believe that society is more and more starting to reject it. Those who do get abused will at least be able to see that their parents know it's wrong, because they don't do it in public. I think they will be less likely to perpetuate the abuse, since they will also have access to great materials, like this show.
  7. Hey Baxter, nice to see you! You could also get some of the books here: https://freedomainradio.com/free/ And then donate what you think you would want to pay for them if you'd purchase them.
  8. I don't know exactly when or where, but I believe Stefan said that he prefers being paid for bringing philosophy to his audience to being paid for bringing an audience to advertisers. And also that he wouldn't want to be dependent on advertisers.
  9. Hello MRAllen440, how are you doing? I actually had some ideas for a website or an app, so I am studying some programming and web development right now. Whenever I try to talk about problems like national debt, or taxation or our school system being coercive with my family or people at school, I just get very confused looks and people start talking about other things. I find it difficult to keep conversations about these topics going.
  10. I don't really know what I want to do for a living. I was thinking of becoming a teacher, since I love sharing knowledge I have and I have been a tutor, which I really love doing. But if I would become a teacher, I would have to work in a system that I completely disagree with in the coercive way it is set up. And there are also issues like bullying. Now there are also private schools, but not very many of them.
  11. My name is David, I am a 20 years old guy going to high school in the Netherlands. I came across Stefan's Youtube channel last year and I found his ideas regarding government really interesting. Though I had been following politics for quite some time, I never really heard or thought of the idea that there should be no government at all. I listened to some podcasts every few weeks and finally I understood why government is both immoral and impractical. I have decided to go to therapy, mainly because I have trouble sleeping, but I am currently on a waiting list again, after getting a diagnosis. The recent videos about the attacks in Paris really felt like a wake-up call to me and I am pretty worried about where we might be heading, so that has occupied my thoughts the recent days and I finally posted here to talk about that. If there is anything else you want to know, please ask! Thanks.
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