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Matt Shrooms

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  1. Before we rush in and try to argue about this, shouldn't we first and foremost define 'truth'? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall Stefan describing 'truth' as a relationship between our ideas and objective, emperical reality. If we were to follow through with this definition in mind, how would feelings get us to the truth about something? Can anyone think of an example? "I feel that the pen I'm seeing is of the color blue"? I'm of the opinion, that emotions are quite complicated. By that I mean that our emotions have an effect on what and how we think but also how and what we think have an effect on what emotions we experience. Wouldn't this be like the chicken vs the egg dillema?
  2. FDR (and some MGTOW YouTube channels) have exaplained to me what I have felt on a subconcious level. I'm not sure if the way I phrased it here makes sense, so please forgive me as my language skills are lacking a bit. To answer your question: I've never said anything about children or getting married. I have though about it many times and unfortunately I concluded that 'the juice is not worth the squeeze'. Perhaps I will get some new information in this field and change my mind, but for now I don't want to get married or have kids.
  3. Thank you for the advice NordiCicero. I was actually thinking to going back to studying part time, to do my masters in computer science focusing on software engineering. I would have a chance to do that in Kraków, where they do have some good universities which offer a part time study courses. I've done enough software development (although brownfield) and IT work in general that I know that this is the industry I want to stay in for a long time. That's the subjects which I adress with lots of emotion - the so called sexual market and dating. No offence to any female participants of this forum, but my past experiences with women, the information contained in FDR podcasts for the most part confirm the MGTOW point of view as valid: for women the bottom line is resources in exchange for fertility/sex. Men are seen for what they can provide, they are viewed as ATM's, not as persons. I don't accept that. I'm not some disposable resource. And that's why I'm single and none of my recent relationships became serious.
  4. Yes, I am single. I don't really have many friends in London nor in Pooland. I have plenty of acquaintances in both tax farms but currently only one person I can truly call friend and I realise now that this relationship won't last for long. We've been through a lot of very bad things together and supported each other throught. I have progressed, they haven't. I'm striving to improve myself, I have taken 'the red pill' and this person chose the blue one. They have no interest in virtue, no interest in self knowledge or improvement. This pains me, because I can see how much potential this person has. The only other person I called friend here in London, started to experience some form of extreme depression 3 weeks ago. I visited them every second day trying to help in any way I could but this person still wouldn't let me know what's wrong. They wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't open up. I didn't try prying the information out of them as I though this could make things worse than they were. This person has now left the UK to go live with some of their friends almost half across the world. Without telling me or their family. Disabled their social media, cell phone, not even bothering to resign from their job. Just packed up and left. I see this now as a choice on their part. I offered my help. I offered them to stay at place for as long and this person needed (this person's family home was really a bad environment for many reasons). They didn't take my offer, instead going to live with some people I never knew of, half across the globe. I hope they find peace wherever they went, but they have lost me as a friend. As I'm writing this reply, I realise I don't really have much of a social circle here in London anyway. It bugs to think that it's largely my own fault. After all we attract people similar to ourselfs. This tell me a very uncomfortable truth about myself.
  5. Hi Romuloux, Sadly most Anarchists in Pooland tend to be very left-wing, Socialists or outright Comunists even, which is why I will have very slim chances of meeting someone with similar outlooks on this crazy world we live in. The need for ownership comes out of a few things: 1. I'm sick and tired of paying off someone else's mortgage. In most cases paying off a mortgage is cheaper than renting. 2. Renting agreements (at least those which I've had and currently have) prevent me from changing the property in any way. I literarly, can't drive a nail in a wall without my landlords written consent. That is understandable as they own the property. I would have a similar stance if I was in their shoes. However the landlords I've been dealing with and my current one are simply un-reasonable. 3. I really want to live in place which is suited to my height (I'm quite tall) and I haven't found such property on the letting market. 4. The properties for let in London which are in my budget are low quality and in rough parts of town. To give you an idea - Currently I live 15 minutes away by foot, from Lee Rigby's barracks. If you haven't heard of Lee Rigby, please do web or YouTube search.
  6. Hi Kiki, Thank you for the advice. A green card is not an easy thing to get. To the best of my knowledge, I'd have to be sponsored by some company to come over there and in my industry, I'd have a very hard time competing with south asian born software developers. They know their stuff and are willing to work for a lot less than most other software devs. I finished all my formal education in Pooland. I ran the Idea of coming to Kraków to my manager today and was very much for it. I'm gonna look at this option very seriously now as I can get a lot 'more bang for my buck' in Pooland and I'm far less likely to be a victim of terrorist attack than I am in London.
  7. Hi dear FDM'ers. I've started posting on this forum fairly recently although I've been following FDR for about 2 years now. In a 'welcome' thread I've mentioned that I'm originally from Poland (or Pooland as I call it) and that 5 years ago I decided to migrate to less hellish place - the UK. I'm currently living in South East London, which is quite dodgy but not very expensive compared to other parts of London. I've been renting properties so far but really want to buy my own place as I've recently enterred my 30's. I'm a software developer in a big financial corporation, hence my wage is quite high and I have good career prospects here if I stay in this industry sector. Despite this, my options of getting on the property ladder are quite grim as the prices of property are simply astronomical. For those not living in the UK, to give you an idea, newly built one-bedroom (shoebox sized) flats in my area start at about £320k to £350k. Even with my high wage, I can't get a mortgage as I'm not making enough money. Old builds are cheaper but usually in very rough areas (like Dagenham) and are usually either very neglected, ex-council (social housing) or both. My place of work is right smack in central London, hence If I go further out the property prices reduce but only slightly and even If I did get a mortgage for one of those I would be facing at the very least, 20 years of paying it off while spending 3 hours a day commuting to and from work. This is not a life I want to lead. If I go out into smaller towns in the UK, there is very little demand for my skills if any. My company recently established a big presence in Tennesse in the US and I was thinking of persuing being relocated there for some time, just to see what the opportunities are in the US. One of my team members is based there and he likes it, but also mentioned that the best place to be for a person with our skillset would be Texas, as according to him, it has the best ratio of personal liberties to economic opportunities. Problem with both of those states is that the people there, tend to be more on the religious side. I'm not religious and don't really get along with religious people, hence I've mentioned this to be a problem. I've also contemplated moving back to Pooland, mainly the Kraków region, which has an influx of foreign tech companies setting up their branches and hiring IT professionals. The cost of living in Pooland are a lot, and I mean a lot, lower than in the UK, and with my current savings, I already have pretty much half a property there (or at least well more than needed for a deposit on a mortgage). Pooland has its problems though - it's filled with either neurotic catholics or raving socialists and have terrible bureaucracy - even some left over from the Stalinist era. I know this post is long, so I'll try to end it quickly. Basically, I'm at crossroads so to speak. If I stay in London, I have a perspective of renting for the rest of my life or purchasing a tiny, low quality housing and trying to pay it off for the next 2 decades, all the while dealing with various problems which the UK has, like 3rd word immigrants, crazy socialists and feminazis, race riots and so on. If I leave, I would have to probably face some combination of similar problems, maybe to lesser extent but I'd have to 'start my life from scratch' in terms of social circles for example. To make this more difficult, I'm not very outgoing and change is a very big thing to me. Is there any advice you can bestow on me in this field?
  8. Hi ResidingOnEarth. It's about economic ostracism. If you don't conduct business with some entity, be it a company, a goverement or an individual, you're not contributing economically. If my memory serves me right, Stefan mentioned it in many of his podcasts/videos. For example, if you don't condone some practices a company has in place, for example - a food grower may use some fertilizers that damage the environment (not to mention makes the food 'plastic') - you don't buy their product or service. I don't condone practices of all muslims in terms of animal husbandry - ritual slaughter to be more precice, so about 2 years ago I made the decision to not buy anything labled halal/helal. Another reason for that choice was that it was basically a religious practice and I refuse to fund religion whenever I have a choice.
  9. This has been my experience for a long time. As long as I remember actually. Even long before I discovered FDR. It really hurts me to hear otherwise rational and inteligent people spout nonsense like "we must get along" meaning that we - born and living in the west have to tolare people among us who will never asimilate or even tolerate us. I work in very big corporation and amount of PC nonsense is well beyond what I ever expected it to be. I bet that when I come in to work tomorrow there will be some e-mail sent out about solidarity with France and whatnot but there won't be any attempt at all not to do business with companies based in middle-eastern states.
  10. This news is enough for an Athiest to say "Dear God".
  11. I remember that series. I'm going to watch it again actually. Thank you for mentioning it. It's very fitting this evening, as I'm in a very deep hole.
  12. Witam Sabras! Hi Kevin. Since I've started thinking a bit differently and observing the behaviour of people around me, I could say that the reasons vary from person to person. It's very hard to gauge what is going on in another person's head but I'd go out on a limb and state that in most cases it's about ego. Applying reason and logic to many of our convictions tends to crumble them and so many people just can't admit to themselves that they were wrong about things that were very important to them. You could say that they invested so much time and emotion into certain ideas, that pointing out that they are wrong is seen as an attack on their person. In such cases your argument is dismissed on the spot or you get attacked verbally or sometimes physically. Following incentives is another cause in my opinion. Most of the lifestyles we lead in the western world, especially in highly urbanised areas don't reward critical thinking in all aspects of our lives. Stefan mentioned something along these lines in one of his videos fairly recently - that we're incentivised to use logic and reason to process empirical reality (not walk into fire and such) but not enough to apply the same logic and reason to our position in society. Goverment education is another reason. It makes a person think in certain ways, patterns - I've observed that in myself actually.
  13. Greetings fellow FDR listeners. I'm happy to be on this forum. I've been following FDR's YouTube videos for about 2 years now. I've discovered the channel through 'Girl Wrights What' channel, which in turn I discovered through 'The Amazing Atheist's channel, while I was watching videos containing criticism of Feminazis and Tumbl Feminists. A few months ago I decided it's time I contribute a little, so I've started donating through a subscription and a few weeks ago I finally took the plunge and registered an account here. Yay! Like many other Poles, I've decided to migrate away from the socialist hell-hole called Poland (or as I refer to it as 'Pooland') into a slightly less hellish place - the UK. I'm looking forward to engaging in conversation with people who tend to think critically more often than not and, and not react emotionally all the time. Cheers!
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