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Everything posted by Jaime

  1. I strongly recommend you take a look a the website "aworkoutroutine". There you have absolutely everything you need to know about lifting focusing on gaining muscle mass, no bullshit (a very common thing when talking/reading about "putting on mass"). Even if hypertrophy is not your priority this site has really good explanations about exercises, splits, diet and whatnot, besides it's impossible to gain muscle without becoming stronger. Personally I used the beginner routine posted there during 9 months with great results.
  2. Español de Sevilla aqui! llevo un par de años viendo sobretodo videos del canal de youtube de Stefan. A ver si hay suerte y pronto puedo conocer a algun interesado en estos temas como yo. Porque con mis amigos he tenido de poco a ningun éxito compartiendo material libertario y demás...
  3. Jaime


    Well the relationship with our parents is what actually fed my curiosity about all this. Right now I'm not entirely sure but i think that's the topic i first listened to in Steph's channel while googling about it about two years ago, since I've never got along with my parents at all. And then about my interests, even before finding this community, I've always felt detached from the mainstream media and didn't like the way it informs people (or rather misinforms), so arriving here has been like finding that friend who shares all your concerns and worries. Last but not least: the economics. hearing ones and other fighting over what economic system is better and should be imposed had me lost in a middle ground which made people reproach me of being a nihilist. This site has also played an important role in that. I hope my english was good enough to express what i wanted to
  4. Greetings form Spain, I'm a 21 year old student who found Stephan Molyneux's youtube channel by complete coincidence and instantly felt attracted with both the topics that he discussed and the way he talked about them. It actually made me see the world from a whole different perspective but most importantly: I finally found a school of thinking that truly resonates with me. This discovery has waken my interest about economics, ethics and philosophy so i actually started reading not only the books offered here, but others i'm finding by myself while researching on the topic. Very happy I found this community and this mere post has got me exited.
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