24 -
Everything posted by Ed888
Hello, I'm skeptical of some of the IQ tests that come up on a basic google search in that it seems likely that they'd give you a higher number to make you feel smart about yourself so you buy into the stuff they're offering and just wanted to hear what others on here used to verify their IQ. So far I've had sites tell me ranges from either 100 to 128, and I want to know if my brain is that of a layman NPC or an industrial powered engine of special snowflakes. I thought it was low-average from shitty school experience but I'm skeptical now. The sites I used were, Memorado, IQ-test.dk, and this other one that seemed good but didn't give me the result cause it didn't tell me about the 20 Euro price tag until after I spent all my time finishing it. All insight and sources are appreciated sincerely, or if there's a thread or resource somewhere that I overlooked please let me know. Thank you.
Wait, are we speaking on the game with consideration to spoilers? I'll assume so for now and omit accordingly. Undertale was amazing, I also felt the ease and enjoyment of back when I used to just sit and watch cartoons all day. The "save the world" idea though that was common in several RPG and other video games though is kind of a misleading thing I would say to dream about as direct goal. What I find fascinating is how many people on Steam I see with a key character as their icon or some way of saying they are their favorite character, and I asked several people on why they like them but every time nobody could give me any real reason. I got my hunch, but going into the depth of what I think it was goes to that "You're overthinking the game, mannn" kind of territory. Plus what I think it digs up from the past makes people reticent to wish to keep talking about it. Soundtrack is fantastic and I'm still listening to it along with metal remixes when I go to the gym, my absolute favorite game of 2015. Same feels here, extremely strong emotions and buckets of tears.
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Ed888 replied to shnugwa's topic in General Messages
Q. What is your name (First Name is fine), age, and country of residence? A. Ed, 24, US. Q. What’s got you motivated to join a group such as the Young Philosophers? A. Like minded talk, wish I had a more interesting way to put it but that's really it. Can only get so much out of folk you bump into elsewhere. Q. When and how were you first introduced into FDR? What’ve you learned from your experience with FDR? A. I listened to podcasts when I worked in a warehouse on the relationship call-in shows. Q. Have you ever tried to develop self-knowledge through therapy, journaling, or other practices? A. I jotted a couple of notes down and some here and there entries but it's an on/off practice that comes and goes. Q. Tell me something interesting about yourself that nobody would suspect at first glance! A. I took a glance at myself once for interesting traits but I guess I'm just so damn mysterious I couldn't out sleuth myself to find anything. Nah, I'm just no good at these kinda questions. I'm a novice in like 50 different things, biggest time sinks right now are weights, messing with German, and being a cheap bastard. Also I'm not really all that active on the forums, I usually bum around in the chat room scenes. The threads I glance usually got whatever needs saying already said. I lurk sometimes though.- 28 replies
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I'm not buying more chalk, I already made the big mistake of buying the value pack off amazon to where I will need to have to lift for the rest of my life and have at least 2 of my future children to lift for half of theirs before I will use it all. I'd rather not push my luck. The gym I go to I attend martial arts classes after I get my lifts done and if I'm not quite ready to say I've had my fill of it. (I also don't want to go shopping around again for an instructor who has at least 5 missing teeth of experience)
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I do have chalk, but... I managed to sneak it a few times but I got caught once and don't want to push my luck. The stuff is so obnoxiously messy too it's like a smokescreen gadget out of a James Bond movie. Really sucks because the times I did use it I could deadlift much closer to my strap numbers. None of the gym's I've been to seem to let you use chalk.
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My grip is really narrow on the bar to where I can't get a full grip of where your hands are supposed to be, my hands grasp a lot of the completely smooth portion of the barbell and then once I begin the lift quickly begin to sweat profusely and just slips out of my hands. I can get up to two plate with an over under grip before my over hand starts to slip and the gym I'm at doesn't let you use chalk either. The video was insightful, I've seen a good amount of Alan before, his tutorials are fantastic. I'm incredibly lazy with the kitchen work so I mainly eat the same handful of recipes over and over and somehow not go insane to where I'm not too worried about the consistency of my protein intake so it's mainly just what Rippetoe called in the beginning which is being pulled between wanting to be lean and giving the body what it actually needs to match the increased stress loads. It's tempting since I can notice my chest isn't a rack of bones with a gut below it anymore but I still look like crap. I do also get enough sleep either 8-9 hours on days off or at least 7 1/2 with a 45 minute nap somewhere in the middle on other days. @Graham Yeah, I definitely got some of the misconceptions I had beginning this thread out of my head now. Thanks, so it sounds like go back to linear progression. I thought I burnt all that up with SS or the first 6-7 months of lifting. Oh don't worry, the gym I'm at is filled with He-men, yoga's that can bend so much they'd make Gumby look like a piece of stale laffy taffy, and a good number of amazonian chicks who look like they can curl just as much as the guys. I've come a long way from just looking around and seeing the usual walking dead on the tv treadmills. I sure miss the $10/month thing though
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And the same first name too. pretty spook Also has anyone heard much of the routines from the book "Education of a Bodybuilder" by Arnold Schwarzenegger? Was talking to Pink hat about it, wanted to see what other folk's thoughts on it are. Practical programming looks a lot like SS in movements, is it really just all compound stuff and no assist movements? No rows, or arms or anything? SS was great as a base since the core lifts will follow you for the rest of your life, but I thought more dance moves had to come in with following routines? Also what would be sufficient calories on workout days? An extra scoop of whey and some 350 or so calories? I get answers all over the place when I try blogs and online sources, the only nailed down answer I got is to not to drop below your needed amount of protein and not to skimp on the carbs for when your body needs it to exert the force for the lifts. Thanks everyone for your insight so far btw.
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Whoops, forgot to respond to Algernon, sorry. I posted the other stuff previous but I forgot to mention my age, I'm 24 and have no health conditions or prior injuries whatsoever. And yeah, I didn't follow Rippetoe's insight to the T, I used the program but I didn't do GOMAD or eat a crap ton of food since I read a crap ton of skepticism generated from SS being so famous/infamous and some authority figures saying it's good but not to the results Rippetoe claims. ie: Scooby saying it's good but projected strength gains were unrealistic. So instead of stepping up to the impossible task of trying to filter what was criticism, what was true, and what was shitposting, I just did the program with a caloric surplus and ate enough protein. Maybe I left gains on the table, maybe I should of said fuck it 100% to the idea of getting fat while doing SS, but keep in mind this was just me having what I could synthesize off of the internet and no people or friends to actually give me any insight, warnings, or input. All my friends were usually skeletons or just fat. Damn Pinkhat, that's a whoole lotta years. I appreciate your say btw. Finding something I "enjoy" is kind of a hard thing to say because the thing I'd want most in a routine is that it's 3 day, gets me strong, and is minimalist and efficient as possible, so I was looking at 5/3/1 but I keep reading that's more of an intermediate and I think I'm still more of a novice/DYEL now just becoming beginner. I can stick to anything once I get over the initial friction of learning new forms correctly and whatever other homework it requires though, just not crossfit. That stuff's dangerous and or goofy as hell looking.
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5ft 6 inches ~170lbs @Graham Is it? I kind of did all of this stuff by myself via hours and hours and hours of forums, videos, books, and the like so direct feedback isn't something I ever had in abundance, I've become skeptical as a result of all this homework since it seems like the opinions and philosophies vary so far that you can pretty much find whatever answer you want and just get lost for days with all the charts and research people argue with. If it's any relief, the programs in my list that are not SS and Candito I did for the longest, the others I've done for maybe around 1 month, main ones I did for about 5-6. I did do snatch grip deadlifts for a little while in the candito program but I have short arms and my back kept rounding whenever I expanded my grip to anything wider than narrow. For squats I haven't tried olympic, I've mainly done low bar squats and recently trying to get my flexibility and form going for front squats, I'll look into it more though I'm training because it's become a decent hobby for me at this point and helps keep my mind grounded and builds up confidence, I'm not with any specific sport or any meetup but I want the pieces of my body to do what they do well if that makes sense. It's not the most ambitious or specific goal but it's what I've went with so far. Yeah I've been doing sets with 5-6 reps for the most part. I've reduced my calories from ~2200/day to ~1900/day 170g of protein 30/35/35 for macros. I never tried fasting but I'll do some homework on it.
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I was wondering how many people in the FDR community lift weights and if they would be able to offer me some insight on my current situation? I've been lifting weights for about a year now and I'm having difficulty finding a new routine that fits my schedule and requirements for the gym, and also some concerns on diet. So far I've done SS, some random splits to get me familiar with other exercises, Jonnie Candito's 6 week program, and a program I'm on right now called Bulldog powerbuilding split. Currently, my requirements for a program is that it's 3 days per week and is on Sunday, Monday, and Wednsday (I have a class I attend on these days hence why they're so specific) and I get my weights and sparring done on these days. My numbers have been stagnating lately and my current routine isn't leaving me feeling confident in feeling like I know what I'm doing. I'm also concerned that doing the core lifts for so long I need something else to stress my muscles since they're probably used to doing squats for the 10,000th time. My main goal is to gain strength and improve my core lifts, so I've been doing powerlifting routines for the most part. I've been successful in putting on mass however I'm looking to cut the excess bodyfat I took on while getting bigger and I've heard left and right stories on cutting/bulking and it being possible to keep making gains while losing fat. This is a frequent issue I've found in doing my homework and wanted to hear if anyone has a take on how to go about preserving/improving muscle mass while taking steps towards shedding fat. Current 1RM estimates (in lbs) Bench: ~130 Squat: ~200 Military Press: ~90 Deadlift: ~260 (With straps) TL;DR Any powerlifters here with good 3 day program recommendations? Any and all help/insight would be greatly appreciated.
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+1 on running and exercise I've gone through a lot of depression spells throughout my life and walking and eventually running became one of my main and current means of relief. Some people have thoughts come to them but for me it just lets my mind get off of itself and zone out. I also heard about doing a 1 week media fast and become aware of how constantly we are consuming information and being aware of what we actually are processing. (I still need to do this I kind of just scaled back but haven't done a dedicated fast) For gaps of knowledge I've poked at a lot of different catagories of interest to where I'm familiar with the sense of overwhelming but the best tip I could have is to go at it at a comfortable pace and just keep yourself around it. I learned most of the stuff I'm interested in by osmosis and not so much doing methods I once thought where the best when I was in school. Podcasts, articles, and my favorite; looking up several explanations of the same concept and letting your brain tether connections between them. These are the main things that helped me a lot, just wanted to chime in and offer my two cents. I'll keep an eye on this thread.
Heh, follow the same concept for your take on philosophy. Think you pretty much said what I said on my first introductory post or somewhere. Scuffles arn't the same to be sure. I only remember the friendly stuff I had with my brother but lot of folk got stories here of how messed up things could get in public schools enough to make you want to learn how to box. Anyway good to meet you fella, drop by the chat room sometime or shoot whoever a message. You sound like cool guy.
Ay you sound like a pretty cool fella. Good to meetcha guy. Don't worry about getting too deep into the philisoph, there's plenty to learn here for all levels of enthusiasm. What do you mean by fighter? Like MMA?
Hey good to meet you Henry Did you try looking into getting training/certificates for technical positions? There's jobs like elevator technicians or equipment operators out there that are never promoted in college. They don't pay extravagantly but it's got more of a bar to entry then retail or services alike it to where you can earn a bit more. Also it may sound kinda defeatist but if you get the vibe that someones gone down deep the leftist hole, I wouldn't bother trying to reason with them. Just nod and keep scanning for people you think might be open to thinking on different ideas. Leftists in college don't want to think contrary to their beliefs since doing so goes against the entire foundation they're building their lives on.
I remember when I heard that poem I stopped what I was doing and replayed the bit of the podcast 3 times trying to write a memo spelling the guy's name. I never heard a big lot of poetry but this one was absolutely fantastic. Only other one I remember that I thought was great was that "Don't quit" one.
My take is that some fear is healthy, since fear as described by itself yeah it's an unpleasant thing but serves like an alarm. You wouldn't want it blaring 24/7 but it needs to work when its needed. Fear also is a key ingredient in excitement too in that it's woven with curiosity but usually with fear the smaller portion. People while there is plenty to be worried or fearful about in day to day living have to set a baseline and normalize some things in order to keep that alarm from going off, so fear and anxiety in usual cases would drop down the more we're around it and our alarm having already rang for it, since if we were to do something about it we would have when the alarm went off, and if we do or do not either way, the alarm does its job and it winds down until something else comes up. To answer your question of "what is normal?" I'd say it's familiarity with the feeling that most of the environment we're familiar with will not change drastically in much way and that we can feel control or have confidence in our ability to maintain control via knowledge and information on how things consistently work that keep us at our baseline "calm".
Good to meet you guy, also good choice in AA character. Miles is hella cool (though I think his later installments took away from his original look with Phoenix)
Amigo como estas! There's a lot of eye opening perspective you'll dig up from Steph's rants, hope you enjoy your stay and welcome. What topics specifically in economics/ethics/philosophy struck your interest and brought you here out of curiosity? I always minded the econ and relationship stuff.
Sup Euro dudeguykid, name's Ed. What's got your mind buzzing from your wanderings out of curious? Also what part of East Europe specifically? I'm in America but I like bugging internationals.
Good to meetcha Kris, I'm new here too. What turned you on to philosophy?
Thanks Kurtis, The biggest thing I got from the relationship discussions was that it all revolved around honesty and how weak and undefined my understanding was to that. Prior my main gist of friends was multiple people with common interests pretty much using each other for blather and if the interests remained the same long enough you just became better comfortable in describing someone as an acquaintance, friend, close friend, ect like there was some kind of friendship point ticker that ran in the background. Didn't have too many good friends as a result. The relationship call ins also made me realize how fortunate I was with a lot of factors with my upbringing. I got some issues here and there like everyone sure, but the openness and painful issues people brought forward really gave me some gist that I had a lot of good taken for granted, but these things being one of the "don't ever ask about X" topics growing up, folk always kept quiet about it. Steph's conversations was a big eye-opener in showing I had another enormous chunk of the world I had no idea about. But yeah, cheers and good to meetcha!
An unlikely hero? A nod to one of my greatest personal idols.
Ed888 replied to SirMetalhead's topic in Miscellaneous
I'm curious to your mention of the significance of the witch, can I ask the story on that? I feel for you with the shy/introverted background however I was never really harassed by anyone from school asides a few ego-sensitive or lousey teachers. -
Hey folk, my name's Ed. I've been listening to Steph's podcasts for a while and the content has been very insightful, mainly his relationship discussion podcasts and then becoming more intrigued on the range of other topics covered. I'm still wrapping my head around some of the ideas here pertaining to my ability to restate them in my own words, so I'm probably not going to be abundant in assertions or statements for a while, though hopefully I'll be able to offer some here and there words/perspective. Looking forward to chatting with you folk.
Heya Will, I'm new here as well. Good to meetcha.