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  1. That'd be amazing man thank you! I was starting to think I'd have to rip off some FDR logos and through something together myself. I want to hand out something pretty and professional looking enough to get ppl to take seriously and actually follow up on.
  2. Thank you for responding here Carl. I sent you a pm too.
  3. Perfect! I'll be taking these thank you!
  4. Ill be attending an anarcho-punk concert in Tampa early November a d would like to hand something out to promote FDR and Adam vs The Man. I've sent emails to operations here, Carl Green, and Adam so far. This will be an excellent opportunity to reach out to young minds whom already identify as anarchists or are at least distrustful of gov. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. The bands are Leftover Crack and Daze n Daze. Thanks!
  5. Hey! I'm living in Clearwater now for school and would be interested in meeting with fellow freedom lovers. I'm studying Neurosomatic Therapy and always looking for people to treat for homework.
  6. Thank you. I did that. Still waiting to hear back from him and in the meantime I've contacted Adam Kokesh.
  7. I live in Clearwater and would be interested in making friends with like minded individuals!
  8. I'm sorry, is Carl Green someone I should know about? I did a quick Google search and just a bunch of random stuff popped up for lots of people by that name. Perhaps he's a member here I can find somehow? Never mind. I figured out how to search for members here and sent him a message. Thank you! I found him and sent him a message. Thank you!
  9. I'll be going to a leftover crack concert in Tampa mid November. This is a popular anarcho-punk band and will likely have a large audience. I had the idea to hand out freedomain Radio stickers or flyers or something of the sort. I'm trying to discern how to go about this and don't know how to contact Stef or Mike or anyone who may have something I could handout. I know crimethink has lots of stuff I could print up but I don't wholly agree with a lot of their message. I'm also wondering if anyone has tried to reach out to the punk crowd before and how it went. I love punk music and I'm sure there'll be at least a few fans at the show that would be really receptive to hearing what Stefan has to say. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not on Facebook and really clueless about how to get some feedback on this but I'll keep digging. Thanks!
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