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Everything posted by Flying

  1. I will answer that. But why don't you think they don't like it ?
  2. Thats right. Because there is logical reasons to be concerned with some of the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia. I was just wondering if some people in the west are prepared to say that Russians are evil for not seeing it their way.
  3. Pedophilia cannot exist if normal people are all pedophiles. Pedophilia is by definition, a disorder. If it was normal then how could it be defined as a disorder ? Males may find teen girls attractive but more of them find mature women more attractive. In porn searches, milf or mom beats teen searches. Look at the most popular porn stars. Lisa Ann is the most popular porn star in the US and Canada. So no. Male attraction to teen girls is not pedophilia.
  4. I don't care that I am getting downvotes other then I think its petty to disagree with someone yet not say anything about it. Your replies have been rank with condescension. Anyway I keep re-reading replies to try and get a sense of how people are processing this. This one sticks out. How is the highlighted not simply counterfactual ? Which means you lose the argument. Somebody who is attracted or aroused by the pre-pubesent form IS NOT NORMAL. It means they have the disorder, factually known as PEDOPHILIA. Because that is the definition of pedophilia. And that is the basis of my argument once again. Why do people think that I am sticking up for pedophiles ? I am sticking up for NORMAL people. Because NORMAL people are not susceptible to molesting children. Which means child molestation CANNOT be classified as a common crime because only those with a disorder are susceptible to doing it. There is no corresponding disorder to go with any common crimes. Like robbery, murder, ect.
  5. How do definitions not matter ? In law, definitions matter. In contracts, definitions matter. The same has to be applied to arguments. I used to be a neocon. I used to argue with non neocons about stuff. I guess I had "skin in the game" because I argued for neocon ideals ? But now that I am not a neocon, my "skin in the game" has changed ?
  6. I am guessing it was political. You probably would not have tried it if you were in Russia. But since the gay movement it the west promotes homosexuality as normal, some men are trying it. It was not modern psychiatry that classified homosexuality as a disorder. It was traditional psychiatry. Im not saying that I have all the answers. You are kinda implying that most men are into the young ones. But its not like barely legal is the best selling skin mag out there. MILF mags probably outsell barely legal. I actually know that "big tits" is the most widely used porn search phrase. Makes sense since most men are heterosexual. But I am guessing that barely legal satisfies the guys out there who value youth/fertility the most. I personally prefer a mature looking woman with curves. And the barely legals don't do it for me at all. When you mentioned barely legal, you said "18-20 year old MODELS. When we think of models we mean females. At least I do. So that is the cue I used to imply that you meant females. Or when you said MODELS, did you mean male or female models ? So to sum it up, I think the barely legals you mentioned are not pedophilic. If they were barely legals involving boys, that would be different. Because boys have no reproductive features. Not even a hint of reproductive features. BTW you have been pretty brave in what you are saying. I could easily make this about you like other posters are about me. But I wont stoop that low.
  7. Anything other then heterosexuality is a disorder. So yeah. Sexual orientation does not exist. The APA only delisted homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1974. And they did it strictly under political pressure.
  8. Latest studies show that 75% of Russians do not approve of homosexuality. And in neighboring Ukraine, the parliament scuppered its chances of visa-free travel to most EU nations by blocking legislation that would have banned discrimination against gays in the workplace. What is your opinion as to why Russians and Ukrainians disapprove of homosexuality ?
  9. More reds, still no replies. Deer in headlights moment for some people.. It is a logical contradiction to disapprove or slander Russians (75% do not approve of homosexuality) for not having empathy for gays and at the same time, have no empathy for born pedophiles yourself. Because Russians and the anti gay community believe that there is a biological connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. And I have provided some of the evidence for that and can provide more. If you claim to have empathy for people with disorders, then you would have to have empathy for all disorders. Homosexuality, pedophilia, autism ect. If you do not have empathy for one then you cannot claim to have empathy for disorders. If you claim to have no empathy for pedophiles then you cant claim empathy for homosexuals because there is evidence that there is a connection between the 2. So. You either have to make an argument that homosexuality is normal and is not a disorder. Or you have to make an argument that there is no connection between homosexuality and pedophilia.
  10. Id argue that they don't. But I do know that smarter men with higher IQ's go for women who are curvy Yes, men love curves - for a very smart reason you might not ...www.chicoverdose.com/yes-men-love-curves/ Jul 1, 2014 - Yes, men love curves – for a very smart reason you might not expect. ... Curvy women maybe a clever bet, and here's why. ... But women are usually more like men's ideals than they realise, so this just another reasons to love ... Curvy Women Can Make Smarter Kids, Study Suggestswww.huffingtonpost.ca/.../curvy-women-kids-study_n_6504456.html Jan 20, 2015 - Curvy Women Can Make Smarter Kids, Study Suggests ... If a [woman] is hungry they prefer more muscular men," University of Westminster ... Curvy Women are Smarter and Have Smarter Children. | T ... https://mightyminnow.wordpress.com/.../curvy-women-are-smarter-and-... Nov 13, 2007 - Women with curvy figures are likely to be brighter than waif-like counterparts ... I can't speak for all men but waist to hip ratio actually features ...
  11. Do you really think that religious people or anti gay people in Russia or Ukraine are just evil bastards for not having empathy toward gays ? I got redded 7 times in one post and I'm seeing reds in various other posts. This is a forum you joined. If you disagree with something I've said then why not engage in discussion ? Anyone.. Why do you have empathy toward gays ? Or do you not have empathy because you believe that they are normal ? I am not trolling. I just have no idea how people are drawing to some of these conclusions. These are complex issues.
  12. There is someone who doesn't know how logic works and its not me. You have not yet given a logical reason why you are sympathetic toward homosexuals. I have a logical reason why I am sympathetic to them. I know that western PC logic just simply states that homosexuality is not even something to be sympathetic to because the logic convinces a person that homosexuality is just normal and equal to heterosexuality. But I know that under that ruse, it is still based on sympathy.
  13. Ever notice how Russia is one of the only places not hit but the joke show of western political correctness and specifically the western PC take on gays and pedophilia ? Look at what Putin said.. Putin to Gays: Leave Kids Alone and You'll Be Safe - The ...www.advocate.com/.../putin-gays-leave-kids-alone-and-youll-be-safe-0 Jan 17, 2014 - The Russian president contends LGBT people will be welcome in Sochi for the Winter Olympics, as long as they don't try to speak to children.
  14. You said: Now you are recanting that ? Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays'Apr 29, 2002 - Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals .... “Most of my evidence comes right from the gay community.
  15. The people who molest children are by definition, pedophiles. It wouldn't necessarily be proper to say that the people most susceptible to penis and vaginal sex are heterosexuals. Because people who continually partake in penis/vaginal sex are by definition, heterosexual. You are saying if someone who is born a pedophile, but has not acted on it, is a criminal. Now do you see where calling pedophilia first and foremost a crime is not proper ? It is first and foremost a disorder. And since people like you have all this empathy for gays, because it is a reality (officially a disorder until 1974) that some people are born with, then where is your empathy for people who have this other disorder called pedophilia ? "Ohhh oh pedophilia is simply a crime so people born with it are born criminals..."-you You were the one showering all this empathy over gays and claiming it doesn't hurt anyone so nobody should be bothered by it. Studies show that most pedophiles are gay. Even the ones who go for prepubescent girls. Because girls that age have no reproductive features. And both gays and pedophiles share this attraction to lack of reproductive features. So since you are so empathetic toward gays, I certainly hope you never have any children, or be around any children for that matter. You went there first..
  16. From the start you have said: : And I'll stop there even though there is more. pref·er·enceFrom the Free dictionary a. The selecting of someone or something over another or others: has a decided preference for travel by train. b. The right or chance to make a choice: The program offers you the preference to use the mouse or function keys.
  17. Are you now saying that sexual orientations are not choices ? or are not "voluntary behaviors" ? (to use your terminology) You had a rudimentary sense of what your sexual orientation was. You did not just wake up one morning at that age and decide to be heterosexual right ?
  18. Lol.. where I have gone astray eh.. Pedophilia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pedophilia or pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.As a medical diagnosis specific criteria for the disorder extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13. A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years of age, but adolescents must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia. I see where you have gone astray. Your compassionate side is conflicted with the fact that there is people out there with a disorder that if acted on, denotes a serious crime and violation. So instead of taking that head on, you convince yourself that all sexual orientations are choices. Heterosexuality, homosexuality ect. You then posit that anyone who makes the choice to be sexually attracted to prepubescents is an evil criminal bastard because molesting children is against the law and or against moral law. But anyone who chooses hetero or homosexuality is cool because it isn't against the law. But your reasoning falls on its face when the facts bare out that sexual orientations are not choices.
  19. Heterosexual men have a preference for young. Because young means that they most likely have not already bared children. And there is a time limit on when women will stay fertile. This is why women have higher voices then men. Because it is a sign of youth and fertility. Now when you were checking these women out in the magazine , I bet you concentrated on the one with the biggest ass and the biggest breasts. You still concentrated on the fertile features. And girls who made the magazine, most likely did so because of their fertile features. There is a point where age and fertile features meet. If young means a lot to you , then you probably like this magazine. That is not pedophilia. Pedophiles are attracted to the absents of fertile features. Homosexuality was considered, until 1974, a metal disorder. Pedophilia is still on the books as a mental disorder (thank goodness). So no. What you are saying is counterfactual. Yes. That has been covered in this thread. Men who think its a choice have tried to be gay and it just doesn't work. They just resort back to the rudimentary clues that they got as they grew up. Your choice to try it was political. Not biological.
  20. There you go again. If you deny that pedophilia is a disease or disorder, and you are not offering any other explanation for it then you are denying that it exists. If you say red is not a color and you leave it at that, you are denying that red exists. I asked you a question about a theory that you tabled. Your theory is that if an act is voluntary then it is acceptable. So I asked if you support the abolition of incest laws because incest at above the age of consent is voluntary. That does not mean I misrepresented what you said. And if you don't recognize civil laws then fine. Then my question simply is, do you have a problem with incest ? You and other posters make it about me when you keep asking why I am talking about this. I never asked you why you are responding to the topic. By positing that it is not a disease or a disorder, you are denying that the factual meaning of the word exists. Because pedophilia is not just a word to name child molestation in the same way murder is a word to name killing someone. People who rob banks do not have a direct disorder that causes them to rob banks. So you truly believe that sexual orientation is a preference....You think that people just decide what to be. That is counterfactual. People get rudimentary clues as to what they are sexually as they grow up. Do you really think that 13 year old boys wake up one morning and decide to be gay ? It does not work that way. And that is why depression is prevalent in the gay community. Because they are getting different rudimentary clues as to what they are sexually then the majority are. This isn't my first forum debate. I can sense that you are just going to make this more about me and then duck out of the convo. whatever..
  21. It is not a disease per se. It is a psychiatric disorder. A psychiatric disorder, also called a mental illness, psychological disorder or mental disorder, is mental or behavioral pattern that causes either suffering or a poor ability to function in ordinary life. Variation in genes can play an important role in the development of mental disorders, although the reliable identification of connections between specific genes and specific categories of disorder has proven more difficult. Environmental events surrounding pregnancy and birth have also been implicated. Homosexuality is also a disorder. And I am not suggesting that it is harmful just because I am saying that it is a disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II. (The DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – is the APA’s standard classification of their so-called mental disorders, and is used by many mental health workers in the USA and other countries.) Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss. This topic interest me so much because by classifying acts of pedophilia (child molestation and rape) as simply crimes, it implies that people who have not been diagnosed with pedophilia or know themselves as pedophiles are susceptible to acts of pedophilia. When clearly they are not. When a pedophile acts on his disorder, it collides with the law. Just because it collides with the law, does not simply classify pedophilia as a crime or vice. It is first and foremost, a disorder. The only reason I brought homosexuality into the discussion is because many in the pro gay movement say that the main reason society should afford gays the same rights as everyone else is because they were born that way and they cant help it.
  22. My retort did not post The short answer is this: If you think that a person sexual orientation is a choice then you are wrong. facts do not bare this out. If you think that all things voluntary should be acceptable then do you support the abolition of incest laws ? Should adult brothers and sisters be permitted to marry because the action is voluntary ? And if you believe that child molestation is not an act exclusively of pedophilia then you are implying that the disorder does not exist. Fashionable or not is not at play here. And the facts prove that the psychiatric disorder does exist.
  23. I am unsure how your first comment is a retort to my point. I never said children dreamed of being molested. Obviously that is ridiculous. This is a discussion about how society views pedophilia. If you want to start a thread about something else, go ahead. The victim indeed did not ask to be harmed. And I never said they did. And that statement has nothing to do with the discussion. You seem to be implying that pedophilia is a vice that all people are susceptible to, like drugs.(and as a normal human being without this disorder, I take offense to this) You seem to be implying that acts of child molestation is simply a law that should not be broken and that the born disorder called pedophilia does not even exist.
  24. If a pedophile, acted on his disorder and committed an act of aggression then he has to face the consequences. And it does not relieve any responsibility of the offender. So you can refrain from trying your hardest within the rules of this forum to make this about me. But anyway.. there you go again... You are saying that a person simply broke the law (in this case child molestation) and he is simply a criminal in the same way that bank robbers are criminals. And by processing it this way, you are implying that everyone is susceptible to breaking this law in the same way that we are all susceptible to breaking other laws. And you are basically pretending that pedophilia does not exist. You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Pedophilia does exist and it is a disorder. Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent ... Your second paragraph is a cop out. I have personally heard accounts from people who had to kill with their bare hands or be killed in war. And war is always full of looting, theft and hostage taking. Give me some examples of random people performing child sexual assaults because of war. That just doesn't work. Sexuality is not a preference. If you think sexuality is a preference, are you saying that pedophilia is also a preference ? Do you support the abolition of incest laws ? A brother and sister getting married and having kids could be a voluntary choice. In this climate yes. Child molestation is the act of pedophilia. Child molesters are pedophiles. And a man can be born with this disorder without acting on it. But that does not mean he doesn't have the disorder. And I think PC has something to do with the misguided conclusions you have convinced yourself of because you are not comfortable with anything that diverts the mainstream narrative of homosexuality.
  25. Homosexuality is not a preference in the same way that Italian vs Chinese food is a preference. Heterosexuality is normal. Biology has proven that. Sorry if its not PC enough for you. Men have not evolved to be attracted to other men. You can say that homosexuality has not evolved out of the gene pool. But that proves that it is a disorder. In the same way that downs syndrome is a disorder. But is still prevalent. To your second point.. Some men are born gay. This is proven. They prefer sex with men and are attracted to men and will pick a man over a woman every time. They simply are not sexually attracted to women. I am saying that these men are gay. And men who are sexually attracted to women are not gay. Even if they have performed a gay act. There is even men that try to be gay but cant. And then there is men who accidentally partake in gay acts with transvestites. That does not make them gay either. And I am not likening a homosexual act to child molestation. I am saying that both are disorders that some people are born with. You are saying that homosexuality and heterosexuality is a choice that people just make and that pedophilia is just another vice that belongs on the same menu as gambling, drugs and prostitution. Down syndrome does not harm other people either. Does that mean its normal ? And I never said homosexuality harmed people. And I agree that it doesn't.
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