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The Sage of Main Street

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Everything posted by The Sage of Main Street

  1. Femininnies Breed Girlymen Homosexuality is not physical, it is a psychological disorder. It is not even sexual; that's a designation forced on us by those who want to promote it. Are we allowed a word such as "pedosexual"? As for evolution, we have all kinds of anti-social elements such as liars, thieves, weaklings, and cowards. How does their continuing existence imply some evolutionary utility? Homosexuality comes from a socially engineered dysfunctional family. Strong males threaten the regime; the son sees his father as someone he doesn't want to be, so he wants to become a woman.
  2. An Elitist Shouldn't Stick His Neck Out Isn't that what Marie Antoinette said?
  3. Didn't You Mean, "Android Apologist"? I'm Not One of Them. If I were an anthropologist, I'd be a bitter vindictive misfit professor judging all my fieldwork through the distorted vision of academentia. Lonely from the fact that I was treated like a weirdo, just because I was one, before I found sanctuary in the Ivory Tower, I'd be blindly following the crowd there by conforming to all the other fugitives let into those dark, echoing caves.. Those freaks would be the first people in my life to ever accept me, so I'd be desperate to fit in with them in their worship of their father figure, the Department Head, in their revenge on society. I would humiliate the human race by calling all of those outsiders vicious perverted beasts.
  4. What "King's Horses and King's Men" Anyway? The ruling class hates and fears all other White people and wants to humiliate us with this proven unrealistic idea of racial equality. The education money wasted on the dumbbells of the Bell Curve should be spent paying excluded-class evolutionarily superior students for their grades. Until Whites quit selectively blaming the government, Democrats, and liberals, Right on cue, and shames the entire united Establishment, we have only ourselves to blame for allowing ourselves to be insulted by such a tiny Paper Tiger elite. The Whiteys Hating Whitey are also cowardly, incompetent, and degenerate. Only cradle-to-grave intimidation, when these weaklings are nothing to be scared of, could have embedded us with our slavish resignation.
  5. FLAWED FOUNDATIONS Is being off by 15 times an acceptable error? If not, why do we think the dominant biological scientists are any more than primitive and untalented guessers? Isn't their education just narrow-minded android conformity?
  6. A Molested Generation Contracts a Death Wish Prehistoric tribes would have practiced more homosexuality when conditions caused overpopulation. The fact that they didn't and preferred territorial aggression, genocidal wars, infanticide, suicide,and starvation in order to reduce population surpluses indicates that their instincts told them there was something seriously destructive to society about this practice.
  7. Punish the Criminal Nature, Not Just the Specific Crime Whoever attacks first loses equal rights and should be punished more than the damage he did. Many of our accepted but self-destructive received ideas come from the original theism. An eye for a tooth should be the correct attitude. Anyone who knocks your tooth out is a perpetual threat and deserves disproportionate punitive damages. Otherwise, a bank robber should only have to pay back the money he stole and then be released.
  8. John Galt Was Such a Patsy Because He Was Never a Player Who are some of the famous or infamous graduates of Montessori schools? The problem with schools is that they should use the encouragement, development, immediate rewards, and peer-group prestige of athletes as a role model. Our nation is like some island whose economy is dependent on how much money its pro athletes send home from the American sports market.
  9. I suspect that space itself is a substance and can be converted into energy. This would create a gap, but the universe can handle that tiny loss. Besides, space may be continuously created, as it was in what is called the "Big Bang."
  10. Caveat Vendor A pariah at the pity party for the paranoiac picked-on puppets of the plutocratic parasites.
  11. Dogmatic Dialectic of Dabbling Dilettante Debaters Obvious to anyone who has seen a few, your criticisms are evasions. What does your pathetic attempt at setting yourself up as a superior role model for Netiquette have to do with a winning strategy to protect civilization, totally and profitably, from these Nazislamis?
  12. You might as well say that The Gunfight at the OK Corral predicted the OKlahoma City bombing, which was caused by a fight over gun rights. There are probably incidents in the movie you could spin. There could have been an extra named McVeigh and a speaking character named Timothy, etc. I think these clowns look at dozens of movies until they found one that they could spin as relevant to 9/ll.
  13. Only the Telemachus Complex Is Natural and Healthy Feminism has caused this Gayist outbreak, aggravated by the fact that both are fads of a tiny but powerful group. The son sees his father dominated by his mother, so his male drive for power makes him choose to become feminine in that unnatural situation. However, he is not doomed to that addictive and unfulfillable obsession. He can either become dominated by women himself or choose role models different from his absurd and destructive situation at home and save himself from either alternative.
  14. As Bizarre As Spelling Mike "Mich" Because It Is Derived From Michael Spelling mike "mic" doesn't make any sense and is so unphonetic that it is dysfunctional. The media thought this one up. Their reasoning was, "Let's make up something real stupid and see if the suckers still use us as language role models. If they do, that will prove how much power we have over them."
  15. Doesn't possession end with death> Then the decedent's former property is in the public domain. Suppose a group of hikers gets lost and is running out of food. If one of them dies, shouldn't the others have the right to split his former property equally rather than be forced by some aristocratic immortality to give all the food to his son? The case would be even more relevant to actual society if by splitting up the formerly owned property, everyone survived. As it is only the son survives.
  16. All Leftist Power Comes From the Putrid Spawn of the Right Wing's Heroes The real reason Bernout is against the Keystone Pipeline is that workers and Teamsters will be making $200,000 a year, which this snob thinks no one deserves who doesn't have a college diploma. He's just a wannabe Preppy, inspired by the spoiled brat Kennedys. Amnesty for the wage-cutting Mexican scabs is another one of his contradictions. But they are only contradictions if you believe these boogeymen are sincere. Anyone with self-respect will realize that the Establishment creates and directs its own fake opposition and lets its HeirHeads run it. If the Preppies have a future, the rest of us don't.
  17. Statist Against Selfist Mr. Government protects your title against people who have insufficient claims against your property rights. If I think I can take a shortcut through your yard to get to my house, who do you call to have me arrested for trespassing?
  18. Upside-Down Power Structure. The King Apes Are on Top of the Building. These well-financed conspiracy sites are all plants. Their purpose is to make us believe that the ruling class is super-intelligent and could pull it off if it becomes immoral enough. Whether suckers believe the government did it or not, as long as they believe that those brainless HeirHeads and their Diploma Dumbo flunkies had the ability to pull off such a complicated operation, then the intimidating goal of the plant is achieved.
  19. Your Performance in a Slave Arena Doesn't Count They had no right to give you that test, so your integrity is not involved in a coercive situation that deprives you of freedom of choice. Think of your true feelings as your personal property and they were trying to rob you of it. Their actions were not only thievery but also counter-productive against their own purposes. Any test that someone can easily lie on will lead to corrupt union. I'd say the same for the silly demand that Bizz Skule require ethics courses.
  20. Nuke Mecca, Medinah, Riyadh, and Jeddah. Nuke Till They Puke! Saudi Arabia must pay for Al Qaida, ISIS, the two wars against Iraq, and all our economic crises since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. For decades, American administrations have been pawns of Satan's Sandcastle. Beyond this treason is Big Oil, which piggybacks off the OPECkers' price-gouging.
  21. Moderation Is a Shield Protecting Terrorists By "reason" you mean parroting the thinking imposed on us by the Establishment even though it has led to failure in all areas in which it is applied. Stuck on stupid because of your blind faith in the misrulers' propaganda. The rational and winning policy of collective guilt demands that it is the responsibility of the mythical "moderate Muslims" to kill the extremists. Otherwise, they should be treated as the enemy, or at least as impersonal objects that must be removed if they get in our way.. The leader of the Taliban would have been killed if Bush hadn't been afraid of bombing the mosque being used as his sanctuary. As far as driving people into terrorism, that is a girlyman attitude. They'll learn the opposite lesson if we make them feel fear. Even ghetto street gangs have turned in killers who brought too much police pressure onto their turf.
  22. #1. Tearing Up the Antarctica Anti-Development Treaty We should terraform the Earth. Nature is not designed to fit what we want and need, so we should re-design it. Draining the oceans would be easier than starting from scratch on Mars. The Stone Agers Need to Break Rocks "Entire lives" refer to seniority rights, which are way below intellectual-potential rights. The unevolved natives selfishly hoard land that the rest of us could get better production out of, which would benefit all, even the backward natives. The law of Nature should be "Use It or Lose It." The Nobility With No Ability You're talking about the most degenerate members of a formerly great Western civilization that has lost its way. When such a society is overthrown by your precious Rainbow primates, it will cause a new Dark Ages anarchy. LIfe will become disgusting, predatory, and short. One sure sign that we are terminal is that we don't ridicule mercilessly a self-hating, zero-standards concept like "noble savage."
  23. Trail of Crybabies They should all be deported. Better levy a little violence now than totally lose peace and freedom later. Although the multicultie historians have given the many mass deportations a bad name, they weren't that difficult to manage. Andrew Jackson's removal of the savages made the South inhabitable. He also set a precedent that was just as valid as Marbury v. Madison and should be followed by President Trump.
  24. Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought by Making It Disconnect Conformists today use collectivist grammar when they insist on using a plural pronoun to refer to a singular antecedent, as you and other pseudo-individualists do, e.g., "a confession that one believes their argument isn't meritorious." See, I can even do Anti-Statist conspiracy theories better than the flunkies. I could have been a great sheep! Your gurus would have petted me and ignored you.
  25. Which Vain Ventriloquist Is Using You for a Dummy? How can you be me when you're not even yourself? You're just an echo chamber bouncing back theories from the eventually discredited authorities. You are really hurt when I question them because they are your substitute for a self-identity.
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