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The Sage of Main Street

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Everything posted by The Sage of Main Street

  1. The investor pays the workers with the money produced by the workers; he is not paying them with his capital. True, the system doesn't get started without that capital, but the fallacy is that the supremacy of capital theory ignores the fact that it isn't worth anything until the workers give value to it. So you're saying that 1 + 10 = 11, but the 11 wouldn't exist without the 1 and the 10 is secondary. Saying That the Rich Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood The people with economic power have the power to make their self-serving dogma seem like the truth that has to be refuted, rather than the brainwashing illusion it is. They also have the power to restrict the debate to their own methods of proof. So their pre-owned status quo is not some kind of objective fact that has the benefit of the doubt; it is manufactured. For example, the propaganda that the primacy of the status quo is not coercive and that coercive only means revolutionary violence but not the coercion of the law that the ruling class establishes for itself only.
  2. That's so irrelevant to the judgment that it is evasive. Except for the fact that their proven Low-IQs are the chief reason they live like predatory animals in the jungle and would never have invented such ships. Trying to pretend your objection matters, let's say Whites had the ships but didn't want to go to the America and the Blacks stole all those ships.
  3. Borrowing a Self-Identity From Outside Yourself You want to believe what you're told to believe about glorified personalities. Having automatic pre-formed heroes saves the time and effort it takes to think of them as if their opinions and character were analyzed without any conformist confirmation bias. Just Like the Church Is Not Falsified by What the Clergy Does? Science professors tell you it is immune. Baseball has certain rules and proven tactics, but it is as dependent on the talent and character of the players as science is. Nerds Never Take Revenge on Those Who Profited by Making Them Nerds Let the scientists be humble; that's how they got to their positions and they have no reason to be proud after getting there. They sacrificed their personal lives and personalities in a childish escapist pursuit. I have a right to feel that they betrayed intelligent people by becoming such pushovers. Worse, they over-reacted to that masochism by becoming intellectual sadists.
  4. I wouldn't trust modern educational fads. A good introductory book is Will Durant's 1926 The Story of Philosophy.
  5. Science Has a Closed Self-Justifying Design That is the "Ad Angelum" argument. Science is ruled by autocratic scientists, who try to hide the damage done by their neurotic, vindictive, self-righteous, and power-hungry personalities by intimidating critics with cries of Ad Hominem, which is certainly admissible evidence against them and not at all the irrelevant attack they claim it is. They want us to believe they are dispassionate, unbiased, disembodied, and idealistic spirits, far superior to the humans who reject them for being nerds.
  6. When the Fat Cats Go "Me! Me! Me!", the Rest of Us Go, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" And the spoiled conceited enemies of our democracy want to impose Snob Rule instead. Sex-on-demand with their employees is an example of their economic elitism. Investment Is Static, Work Is Dynamic Now you're confusing the owner with the producer. The investment has no value without the worker; all the investor really owns is an empty factory. So the investor cannot claim control over the distribution of the revenue unless he is the only employee. All a baseball clubowner owns is a park and the profit he would make from people who wanted to watch the grass grow. Capitalists take advantage of the fact that they are necessary. Slavish minds are not allowed to develop the concept of "necessary but not valuable." For example, an ignition key is absolutely necessary but only worth about $5 for a car worth over $25,000. . "Under capitalism, those who produce things are using the tools owned by other people" Again, you're just repeating Marx's ideas with no reference to the arguments against them. Karl Marx Was the Trophy Husband of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess Marxism is nothing but monopoly Capitalism, run by an absentee political elite whose character is no different from the Born to Rule attitude of the Capitalist elite. The "Rule of Law" Is Only the Law of the Rulers What if I paid for it with the profits I produced for the owner? You're assuming that because he claims that the profit was all his and his class has bought the laws that enforce that contract, I can't claim part ownership. The only reason I have to submit to his will and his definition of what belongs to him is that we live under a Man Against Millionaire situation. In other words, coercion under duress.
  7. Owners Aren't Earners Under capitalism, those who produce things are using the tools owned by other people. In order for the OP argument to be a contradiction, the working author would have to be sneaking it on his company-owned PC at work during the time owned by his boss. Even if you could find a case like you want us to think this is, a democrat economy has to evolve from whatever is left of a plutocratic parasite economy.
  8. Unevolved Primates Used by the Ruling Class to Humiliate All Other White People What would have happened if Africans came to America after 1492 instead of Whites? Experience proves they would have built nothing and engaged in perpetual predatory bloodbaths among themselves and with the Indians.
  9. Under Decadent Thought Control, Originality Is a Crime That Must Be Stamped Out by All Loyal Peasants No, it is an assertion, a cry in the wilderness. Unlike the dogmatism of self-appointed experts granted prestige by permanently immature students seeking an intellectual father-figure, it is not a consensus-clique statement expressed in the same way that Fundamentalists quote the Bible.
  10. Postclassical Physics Is Authoritarian Irrationalism How can space curve when it is empty? Is space itself a substance? Whether it is or not, a solution that wouldn't contradict itself about nothingness being able to bend is to assume an outside dimension where gravity takes place but is connected to 3D at the endpoints. So imagine gravitons submerged in 4D transmitted and knocking the submerged part of other 3D bodies closer in a boomerang effect.
  11. Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation Integration is disintegration. Every unpopular minority right takes away a right from the majority. It is even worse than a Zero Sum. Continuing this policy, which was imposed by the Establishment against our will, puts us in danger of a collapse. Absolute rule of the majority is the only way ahead.
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