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Everything posted by Natetoup

  1. Quite a lengthy rambling. "Food is something they need to figure out themselves, if you make people dependent they will never learn" You have greatly misinterpreted what I have said. What I have said promotes independence and self sufficiency. Change your Avatar because I know Nikola would want a grain grinder accessible to all. You mention The First Global Revolution but not Limits To Growth? Frankly I am beginning to think these forums are a waste of time.
  2. It is the course this world is moving towards. Innovation, automation and efficiency, nothing redundant about that. What comes after we can sustain ourselves is the ultimate question.
  3. Climate change does exist. Global ecosystem failure does exist. The two are interconnected and far from fiction. I do not wish to educate you on deforestation, coral bleaching, carbon and methane saturation in the ozone. You speak of indoctrination but yet people are becoming more conscious of their decisions, how they spend their money. I am quite disappointed you mentioned nothing of the core message of my post. The only fraud is believing in unfounded conspiracies.
  4. Hello, My name is Nathan. I am an independent researcher studying geopolitics, sustainability, and nutrition. My Myers Briggs Type Indicator is INTJ. My goal in participating in this community is to be recognized by admins and begin a dialogue with the Free Domain Radio team discussing sustainability in energy, food, water, wealth, housing. From what I understand that would be a niche yet exploited by Free Domain Radio. Severing the reliance upon the state. Thank you, - you know how to contact me Let an INTJ do what they are meant to do.
  5. Hello, My name is Nathan. This is my first post. I am an independent researcher studying geopolitics, sustainability, and nutrition. I have come across how to begin a new economical era, similar to what the refrigerator has done before. First I'd like to mention the United Nations 17 Sustainability Goals you can see here ( https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300 ). In my research of sustainable NGO's none of them share this simple solution. By the end of this post you will recognize that the world can be changed simply with one relatively unknown appliance. However governmental policies will not resolve this, that is why I am reaching out here and contacting influential entrepreneurs to begin this new paradigm. What is old will be new again. So let us begin. We are often told to eat more whole grains and legumes in this ever growing pandemic of disease. However that is half the picture. In our evolutionary history, we decided to not eat grains and legumes in their whole form boiled in water. We have soaked, sprouted, dried, then ground these grains and legumes into flour. Instead of smashing the husks and the entirety of the "seed", we began to roll with pressure with the invention of the wheel and axle. Not many people know one can make flour with grains and legumes and even fewer know about this ancient cooking process. The process of grinding and sour leavening grains and legumes has been around for thousands of years. Only one organization shares information on this process, the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sour leavening is simply mixing flour and water and adding an acidic microbiotic culture or waiting for airborne yeasts in the air to ferment the mixture and leaven it to dough. In this process fiber, starches, and protein are enzymatically broken down into something greater. Calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium are now readily absorbed unlike the popular boiling method of cooking grains and legumes. Most importantly the probiotic lactobacillus forms in the fermentation process. This bacteria is absolutely crucial to our intestinal health and consistently multiplies within the mother culture every time flour and water is added. One can make an abundance of flour from various grains, lentils, beans, corn etc all with the simple and convenient grain grinder. With flour one can make pancakes, muffins, pasta, bread, bagels, biscuits, all the foods we love. This is the most versatile, economical, and nutritional food unknown to modern society. Food security can be cheaply and easily secured with the long shelf life of grains and legumes in their whole form. The economical impacts of having a grain grinder in every home simply; reduces grocery bills by half, topples corporate food conglomerates, globally reshapes economics and the agricultural landscape, provides wonderful nutrition of well handled carbohydrates, protein and probiotics in the most economical way possible. Vote with your dollars and be efficient. I hope to share more. Thank you - Nathan Toupin ( INTJ )
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