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  1. You've stated that she talks a lot and assume she's being narcissistic. It doesn't just necessarily mean that, it could just be she likes to talk. Also, there seems to be a lot of positives, and you could be the one to rein her in in both the recklessness and cannabis use. I think you should go for it, but definitely be cautious at first. Good luck
  2. hello! i am actually from sweden myself, but of course its awesome to see another new person on! Maybe we can help eachother out I'm eager to see you around and maybe we can discuss some things later!
  3. Greetings, fellow educated individuals, my name is Robert and I am quite eager to particpate in discussion regarding anything, really. I like to think myself very liberal and accepting of all people (having been discrimnated before in my life, and not wanting anyone else to suffer this). I hope to have a long and eventful stay on thsi forum, and i am glad to finally found a place where I can talk with some people who may understand me. Thank you for reading, and of course, have a very good day!
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