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Everything posted by JaydenS

  1. Hello from Sydney, Australia! I'm joined ages ago but I've been restricted on my computer use for some time now because of Internet problems but now i'm back!
  2. Yes this is the Jayden you know. I heard about this forum from Jordan. I'm not, I'm centre on most political issues but keen to learn about this type of thinking and interested to discover more about it. Of course, i'm here to learn.
  3. Money should be anything you can trade, barter is the best form of Capitalism.
  4. CinnamonBunny makes some good points. I've had some good friends who just lie to me, of course i don't consider them my friends. All those type of people are looking for is Attention. Those "True Friends" are always their to listen, they will take the shirt of their back for you. They're had to find and i've only ever had one of those friends but he died from heart cancer in 2010. These people rank you above everyone else and will drop anything they have to do, just so they can make sure things are alright. We search for these type of people but as he says "No matter how fake it may be", most of the time they only fake this persona.
  5. Dear Freedomain Radio User, My name is Jayden, my brother has informed me about this website. I'm interested mostly in the study of Libertarian, I was first shown this political ideal by One of my friends who has showed me the light of this idea. I've just wanted to learn more about it, i used to be left wing but now I'm mostly am quite center on most issues. I want to learn and understand more of what this community has to offer. This website really has some quite interesting topics and i'm willing to learn and participate in a active and scientific discussion. Thank You, Jayden.
  6. I thinks it's 100% wrong. They have to follow a belief that isn't theirs. I've had to happen to me and I'm trapped inside a world that i can't escape from. If your whole family is religous than they don't see the problem and don't try and help you. Simple as that.
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