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  1. I've recently found Rudolph Steiner's idea of duality surrounding reality to be pretty fascinating. Essentially, the real physical world gives us phenomena. That phenomena becomes memory and when thinking is applied, you form the concept. The physical and conceptual worlds are two different domains of the same reality. As it isn't possible to know the essence of an object (Spinoza) all we can work with is the mode, the relation of it to the rest of the reality, which is a conceptual relation that only exists within the thought of the individual. So the phenomenological reality informs the conceptual, and the two go hand in hand, neither are primary. Our conceptual view of the world is an ideal relation to it, where our thoughts more or less contextualize the phenomena we experience by supplying the understanding of relations.
  2. I'm down in Maine, thinking about a trip up to Canada though sometime before November!
  3. Hey all, I've done this intro post before, but I wasn't really active so I thought I'd re-introduce myself here again. My name is Will, and I'm an independent filmmaker and freelance cinematographer. I'm currently living in midcoast Maine until November and working at a film school. I just graduated college with a BFA in Film in May, and have been an avid FDR listener for almost a year now. Prior to finding out about FDR, I was very into libertarianism, and it was actually the same friend who broke me out of my leftist slumber who in turn found and showed me FDR and we both became anarchists. I've got a concentration in philosophy from college, having studied specifically 19th century and modern philosophy (basically Descartes through the foundations of the Hegel-tainted post-modernists) as well as jurisprudence (and lucky enough, my professor was pretty anarcho as well). If anyone is interested I'd love to talk more about my journey and perspective on anarchy, just ask away. I'm hoping to be far more involved here than I was before. Edit: And I'm a genius obviously and put this in the wrong board, so let's make it about meeting up, eh? Anyone up here in Maine?
  4. The words, I feel, accurately describe how it felt to have those shifts in perspective. I feel like the same person, with similar motivations and core values the entire time, it just took a while to learn the correct philosophy that was actually consistent with those motivations and reality. Pretty much sums up how modern politics/postmodern metaphysics has distorted the definitions of equality, freedom, and tolerance to the point where you can actually convince the uneducated and naive that Statism is consistent with those principles. Thanks everyone for the welcome!
  5. Hey all, I'm a 21 year old senior attending film school in Rochester NY. Socialist in high school, turned Libertarian in college, then migrated to Anarchist a couple months ago upon introduction to Stefan's videos and podcasts. I'm currently in a Philosophy of Law course as part of my liberal arts requirements, which coincided nicely with my transition of perspective, and I may have managed to find one of the few non-liberal professors at the school. It's a nice change after learning 19th Century and Modern Philosophy from a Marxist for a year. Anyway, I hope to contribute as positively to this forum as I can, and to test my principles as to achieve a stronger understanding of how they function relative to the world.
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