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  1. Thanks guys. Stephen, oddly enough too - it was a really slow summer for me and I ended up collecting government money and stayed at home. Here I was listening to a guy talking about how bad government was and I was sitting at home getting money for free. But, really - I look back at it now and think that it was a blessing. I wouldn't have had the time to listen and have the time to think about what he said. I was a hardcore socialist but never was really too nationalistic (due to my conspiracy background that I was coming from). Now I look back at people like Alex Jones after watching Stefan for hours, and I can't stand Alex Jones. I was laughing the whole time. Those videos just used to make me scared and wanting to hide. Listening to Stefan is extremely refreshing. The only problem, that is happening for me is that I'm full of anger. Stefan has opened some many cans of worms, and I'm left realizing so much stuff. It's new and I'm trying to cope with it but I remember in 2005 when I started watching alternative 9/11 videos - I was really angry. Just took some time to calm down. Did you feel the same?
  2. Hello all, I started listening/watching Stefan's videos last summer, and just after this amount of time, I turned from a socialist to an anarchist. All this new stuff that I have learnt makes so much sense. It's amazing to know that one video can catch your attention, a second video you are listening closer, and after 10 videos you are obsessed listening to this stuff. I can't stop. I spend hours a day - listening, thinking, learning. I come into this from more a conspiracy background. I will never listen to the conspiracy loud mouths anymore. I want solutions and something that makes me think - makes me evolve into something better. I'm not the smartest cookie but I'm definitely benefiting from these topics. Stefan if you are reading this, please, please can you do a short video, as a hook, to attract people in. People have short attention spans - at times you talk too much and don't get to the point without talking forever. You see I've got a lot of patience, i guess. We need a kind of intro video for those that have never seen one of your videos. I keep referring people to some of your videos and people tell me you talk too much and aren't making fast points. It's driving me nuts. If there already is a video like that, please put me in the right direction. Thanks Andrew
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