I am Adam Chester, As a techno conservative, I for one embrace the technologies of the future, from radical healthy life extension, to nanotechnology, to fusion and solar power, cultured meat, and affordable desalination. While I embrace the future of technology, and their potential to revolutionize how we use resources, and how we live, I am concerned with how men are being increasingly more and more marginalized. In a late equality report, white males rank lowest in the starting point in opportunity in schools. THIS is alarming. When the extremist liberal left focuses only on minorities and women, it's no surprise that the group most ignored suffers.
Most oppressed women in this world ARE NOT, I repeat are not western women, but third world women, women who are realistically oppressed, can be stoned to death for adultery, and have less access to family planning. If these 3d wave feminists want to change how women are treated, they ought to focus exclusively in 3d world countries. By donating to charities which have been shown to increase health, benefit the economies, and slow birth rates. Population services institute as an example for every 3-4,000 dollars spent, saves on average one life, every roughly 60- hundred dollars or so donated can prevent one unintended pregnancy. These charities help solve the issues of explosive birth rates which slow the climb out of extreme poverty.
How many SJW and 3d wave feminists have donated to any charity like that? Very very few. They are stuck in their pathetic little bubble, concerned with first world no-issues like "objectification of women" which is a proven myth. Or "fat acceptance movement" glorifying the consumption of 5000 calories a day and being extremely unhealthy. Recently, Anita and Quinn at the UN acting like children even at the age of 30. Complaining about how some tweets "hurt their feelings". Boo fucking hoo. Don't throw shit at the internet and expect to be treated with gloved hands.
As a MGTOW, I've committed to going my own way. I've went as far as getting a vasectomy to protect myself from any possibility of being forced by the tyranny of the state to pay child support. Not long ago, a VICTIM was forced to pay CHILD SUPPORT to a female RAPIST who was CONVICTED of the crime. I cannot take any chances. I've been sterilized to myself from any fraudulent child custody cases. I simply cannot take any chances with being raped by a female rapist.
As a MGTOW, I reject relationships towards women. I will accept them as a friend, but I have no interest in romantic relationships.
I am Conservative in the sense I reject extreme over-reach of the state, and I am not in favor not oppose to gay marriage. I simply do not care.