32 -
Profile Information
U.K Yorkshire
History, archaeology and paleontology.
Unemployed caring for disabled family.
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Newbie (1/14)
LOL yes i have seen them wear a few teeth on the d10's ripping up the perma. With the dredging i was on about sea, e.g Nome. You every had any experience with that?
Yeah i looked it up, it's worth watching for me because of the family bonds in the show, especially the Schnabel family. I'm not sure about the Dawson area... is that part of the Klondike? In the last episode they mentioned how they needed permits to pump water from the creek to the settling ponds, because of the dry summer this past year Hoffman lake was evaporating. Do you have any experience with sea dredging? BTW with regards to permafrost, i saw in a series years ago that the pay was frozen solid, they took the trees which had been taken down from the overburden, and made a massive fire on top of the pay, the next day it was good to mine. Did they break any rules here because since then i have seen people with the same problem, yet they never repeated that solution?
Did he use machinery?.... would using a water jet on the overburden been a cheaper way to get to the pay? I saw on the show, a little valley owned by the Schnabel's, it had 125ft of overburden. Parker Schnabel, Johns Schnabel's grandson used water jets, i don't think he made much profit but he didn't lose. He did it because John Schnabel hasn't got long left in life, and he always wondered what was in the pay below. The grandfather grandson relationship between them is amazing to watch, and surely warms the heart. They have been a family run operation for over 70 years, and to be honest after Parker took over from his grandfather he would have gone bankrupt if not for Tony Beets and the discovery channel. It's the same with the Hoffmans, another family mining business being propped up by the show. I can see why family run operations are suffering out there without the capital and good ground. Sorry to hear about you being shot, what war was this?.... if you don't mind me asking, i don't want to be intrusive too much.
Again, i know how tv works, that's why i keep reiterating how jealous i am that you live the real deal. I'm not fooling myself i'm just watching a program about something i like, it's the closest i can get. As for the 300 yards per hr, the overburden is only 10ft and they have opened a "supercut" approximately 18 football fields in size, the settling ponds are still in place from the season before and they are aiming for 2700oz and well on track. They have had to rent 3 extra conveyors to move the tailings far enough away from the plant. I get it, these guys come in with all their funding and take claim rights from real miners, i can see why you would dislike the program. However it is entertaining to watch, and they don't mine anyway near the amount these guys do http://alaskaminers.org/major-mines/, neither do they have anyway near the funding. Just in Red Dog, Greens Creek, Fort Knox, Pogo, Kensington, Nixon Fork and Usibelli placer mines alone, they grossed 3 billion in 2011, a mere triple of what the Discovery channel makes off all it's programs per year, which is 1 billion gross. The real housewives of Atlanta make 2 million per season each, whereas the cast of gold rush make 500k per season, a drop in the pond compared to the profits of 2700oz. Jeez all i said was i was jealous of your lifestyle, and i enjoy the entertaining program called gold rush, what's your problem man? If it hadn't been for the capital letters in your last post coming across as condescending, i wouldn't have thought you had a PROBLEM.
I know how tv works.... that's why i'm jealous, because you get to live it.. But it's the closest i can get here in the U.K, they are pulling 300 yards an hr 24/7 atm on gold rush. BTW when you spend a winter crab fishing in the North sea you know what hard work is, i find plant machinery quite easy in comparison. People call me a Shire horse here, because of the graft i put in, i love hard graft. P.S if you think regulations are bad where you are you should come to the U.K, we aren't even allowed to fart without safety masks.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. I'm no expert but maybe filming one of these outbursts from start to finish, could help show her the way she is behaving. Place a camera somewhere, show her it and try and talk it through calmly if possible.
Hi and welcome. avid gold rush fan, you lived it, i'm so jealous.
Hello from the West Country, England, UK
Stephen Jennings replied to Thomp92's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Welcome thom from another U.K resident. -
Hi Della and I'm also new and from the U.K in West Yorkshire, i have visited Great Yarmouth a few times, it's a nice little place and change of scenery for my family. Tell me, when you live at the seaside does it alter your holiday preferences, do you for example head inland, or feet up in the Med.
Welcome Jacob. You should get plenty of good conversations here.
hey just joined, looking forward to this
Stephen Jennings replied to Baxter's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Hi Baxter, i only donate $5 a month and i get all the bronze material free, it's really worth it, you can also do single donations which accumulate over the year, some become gold, silver etc like that. This breaks it down... https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/36511-donator-statuspremium-content-information/ -
Looking to become part of the community!
Stephen Jennings replied to coffeebean81387's topic in Introduce Yourself!
You're mate. -
Hello Stefan and People of FDR
Stephen Jennings replied to feruhlphox's topic in Introduce Yourself!
To be honest i was really sick of SJW brainwashing. Being from a Labour voting background, and brought up through the strikes, i was indoctrinated to think i was born into persecution, the Tory government couldn't be mentioned where i lived, and if you voted Tory you would be shunned by the small community. Then we had Blair and his Labour government and i lost hope in all political parties/governments altogether. So like you, i looked for anything anti-government, nothing as bad as Alex Jones, but yh i took in some information without evidence, i let my gut rule my mind which i regret. However.... i doubt i will ever calm down or stop being angry because of several diseases that we still suffer from today, they are Feminism, Gamergate, BlackLivesMatter, Mizzou uni, TYT race baiting which helped fuel the Ferguson riots where two cops were killed. The new age culture, the internet generation, and university brainwashed students across the western globe, are the majority of online media users. I fear these diseases will spread and only get worse, all i can say is hats off to the people who throw their selves on swords to fight it for us. Harris, Dawkins, Hitchens (R.I.P), and last but not least Molyneux, true modern day crusaders and our last line of defense against the disease that is SJW. -
Hello Stefan and People of FDR
Stephen Jennings replied to feruhlphox's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Hello Andrew. Your story, like so many others here, is a regular occurrence. It's amazing what happens when people actually listen to Stefan, to be honest i thought he was horrible on my first encounter. It took me to learn a different mindset, like some people (not enough in my eyes) i like to take on board both sides to an argument, take The Young Turks for example, i cannot stand that show but i still watch it. After watching Stefan and opposite kinds of media i changed, it was like a switch had been turned on, unlike most people on social media.... i listened. I had got caught up in the Zeitgeist Movement, well interested, but then i heard his proposal for a resource based economy, i asked one credible question (like how would you implement it) and i was bombarded with "Stefan Molyneux troll", i was like... who's Stefan Molyneux? People are great here, get involved, use the chat, everyone is very welcoming ... so far lol. Anyway welcome Andrew. Stephen. -
Looking to become part of the community!
Stephen Jennings replied to coffeebean81387's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Hi John I'm agnostic and too torture myself about not knowing what happens next, the not even knowing their is nothingness, the total absence of consciousness. I started about 28, i'm 34 now and sometimes have panic attacks at the mere idea. The kids growing so fast doesn't help either, it goes so fast. I suppose it is the cross we bare for knowing we have to make this life count. Anyway welcome John.