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  1. Hi Brandon, you sound like my brother from another mother. I'm new here too! Welcome
  2. Greetings Friends! I don't even recall how I stumbled upon Freedomain Radio but I've been listening to a few podcasts here and there for a few months now and really enjoyed them. I'm a 41 year old computer technician living with my wife and our cat near the Washington D.C. metro area. I enjoy winding down at night with podcasts, Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux on the list. To be honest I need to whittle down some of my subscriptions and catch up! Other than a technical Linux user support forum, I haven't participated in a forum in years so please bear with me as I get my "sea legs". I find it difficult to express myself at times, hopefully exercising my writing brain muscle here and interacting with others here will alleviate some of that. Anyway I've rambled on enough, just wanted to say hello! Patrick
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