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  1. Absit

    How to read?

    My tip is to take your time (don't be afraid to stop and reflect) and read out loud (or at least mouth the words). That works well for me. Audio books, that some suggested, are, for me, terrible. I find that it's a lot easier to zone out if I listen to an audio book. A/b test, pal!
  2. I remember him mentioning 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey, at some point. He likes Aristotle and Socrates, too, if you want to read something like that. Other than that, I'm not sure.
  3. There's something extra funny with black people laughing
  4. Kinda cool, thanks for sharing.
  5. I do have to admit that it's been a bit much Trump-Trump-Trump lately, and I do wish we can get some change up, now that he's won. Don't get me wrong: I think Stef and his team have been doing great work, and I thank them for it. I think they really made a difference during this election. And that's a fairly crazy thing…
  6. To be fair it's a bit more complicated than that. It's about how you use it. It may go against https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hets_mot_folkgrupp depending on how you use the symbol. Just like with the swastika.
  7. INTP-A, Confident Individualism Introverted: 83% Intuitive: 90% Thinking: 78% Prospecting: 89% Assertive: 70% Suck my balls INTJ's, INTP4life!
  8. Welcome! I'm from Sweden, but it's nice to see some fellow nordic person!
  9. Ask questions. Listen to him. Ask more, thought provoking, questions. Let him change his own mind. You trying to change his mind seems a bit misguided. That said: I think there's more than a few similarities between anarchism and fascism. It's just that the principles change between individual and nation.
  10. Alright so just to be the devils advocate I should say that friatider.se isn't a newspaper that many Swedes would say is trustworthy and I guess it's possible that they left something out. I don't think that's the case, however. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it's completely true, either. Tingsrätten, which is the lowest court, is all over the place in their sentencing and I wouldn't be astonished if it continued to Hovrätten and the he would be fine (except for the fact that he broke Knivlagen). Though if that didn't happen I would be surprised either. I guess my point is that nothing surprises me anymore, everything is chaos, I didn't ask to be born in this insanity. Please make it stop...
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