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Bleak Morn

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Everything posted by Bleak Morn

  1. I made a test AltspaceVR (http://AltVr.com) event if anyone wants to join. It's Saturday at 12:00 AM EDT for an hour. https://account.altvr.com/events/993408138260513377 The idea is to help FDR folks to become familiar with the AltspaceVR tools and get the kinks out before scheduling more regular events. It will probably be mostly people from the unofficial FDR Members chat on Discord, but folks here are welcome of course. There is a 2D mode so people with traditional non-VR setups can join and most VR headset technologies are compatible; as are phone based VR solutions. I'll be notified of replies here, but I should be available to answer any questions in the #tech-talk section of the FDR Members Discord chat (https://discord.gg/2CQ2AK8) if one is interested in a more timely reply. Hope to meet you there! Bleak Morn
  2. Hey, looking for other Ohio FDR peeps. Can't seem to PM you... but would like to get in touch.
  3. Ok, here goes. Anyone wanting to join can introduce themselves here. "Free Domain Chat" https://join.skype.com/yBa1OUkuuURB
  4. Free rider here... What is "the problem with free riders"? I'd like to think that my thoughts contribute value to some of you. What gives you the authority to decide who may and may not ostracize others? ​If you admit that the basis for your ostracism is arbitrary then is your ostracism baseless? ​Why not let the owner of the forum decide what conduct is permitted? Surely they can eliminate "free riders" by disallowing unpaid use of the forum. Why do you believe that the owners need help from bullies when they could easily address the "problem" without the help of bullies?
  5. So I was reading this "Mental Lever" (https://www.zeroaggressionproject.org/mental-lever/social-science-part-1/) at the Zero Aggression Project. ​Near the end it says: The article links to a Wikipedia article on scientism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientism). The way the article was written makes it seem like a concept dreamed up by superstitious people to misrepresent and explain away science. For example, in the first sentence they put "authoritative" in quotes. Then they conclude that science "excludes other viewpoints". Anyway, I was just curious if anyone here had heard of "the intellectual error of Scientism" and had more to add than the seemingly biased Wikipedia article. ​If Scientism were valid, it might pose problems to the arguments supporting Universally Preferable Behavior.
  6. Homeless orgs in my city have "street cards". They're huge and a pain to carry around all the time (http://columbushomeless.org/Street%20Card%202.28.16.pdf). We do have a 2-1-1 (http://211.org) number where people can call and get help. As for the jobs, I'm not really interested in hiring anyone at minimum wage... though I could probably use the help of a software engineering intern. To the guy that suggested a firearm, I've been an NRA Certified handgun defense instructor for over 10 years and carry at all times. While I'd like to avoid situations that could escalate, it's not my primary concern. I just see a lot of weaker folks getting their emotional arms twisted. ​Most of the responses I've seen to this post kind of side-stepped the question of whether or not I should get the cops involved to handle the situations when the law has been violated.
  7. Not sure what it's like in your area, but here in Columbus, OH we have a lot of panhandlers. Downtown they are rove the streets and in other areas they patrol parking lots and stand by the side of the road with signs. It's clear that they continue to panhandle because it pays well enough for them. ​So I was thinking about the most Zero Aggression Principle way to deal with them. To start with, how about just ignoring them? That'd be the least aggressive way to respond. ​The problem is that they generally ignore attempts to avoid or not engage. ​The State has enacted a number of rules that the police enforce to deal with "aggressive panhandling". It prohibits panhandling along side roads, panhandling where it is prohibited, and panhandling near ATM's and parking meters or parking lots... the kind of places people commonly handle money in public. ​I'm decisively assertive, yet polite when confronted and the more experienced ones don't waste their time and move on to the next mark. A good number of the more desperate ones throw a little tantrum, yell, and hurl insults. ​I've also noticed that they tend to prefer hassling the elderly - while it's not obviously violent, it seems kind of like a grade school lunch money shakedown. ​It's also common in the local police reports to read of robberies that start out with panhandling (or the pretense of panhandling) then escalate to a robbery. ​At what point should people hold their nose and involve the state to enforce their laws about such harassment and thus protecting others from encountering it? Or do you think it's best to just ignore it and let the panhandlers move on to pester someone else?
  8. In this case they were supposedly using it to append values to the front of a string... :/
  9. “This action puts the wider interests of the community of npm users at odds with the wishes of one author; we picked the needs of the many.” SOURCE: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/5YpkNm/:1ToVke+U:iL!paN0y/qz.com/646467/how-one-programmer-broke-the-internet-by-deleting-a-tiny-piece-of-code So these guys recognize the fake property rights of a "trademark" but then ignore the property rights of the programmer who took his property and went home. Seems kind of inconsistent, IMHO. Also, an interesting write-up of the philosophy behind the "needs of the many" Spock quote here: https://www.theobjectivestandard.com/2013/09/spocks-illogic-the-needs-of-the-many-outweigh-the-needs-of-the-few/
  10. Did the prisoner find it before the prison operator?
  11. Can a person claim ownership of any part of their prison? ​If they own the toilet they may own the door. People may destroy the things they own. ​If a prisoner may destroy the door, they are no longer confined. ​Therefore either the person is a prisoner and may not own things, or the person is not a prisoner. In either case, your scenario is impossible and thus moot.
  12. What's interesting is that the FBI had this guy "red flagged". My guess is that this means that the guy is a powder-keg and if the police interact with him to expect trouble and if at all possible, have the feds to the interaction for them. I can check on this a little more with local sources familiar with law enforcement procedures. ​Seems ineffective to have powder kegs running around without supervision. ​Also, it should be noted that the victims here violated the first rule of a machete fight - bring a gun.
  13. At age 6 my IQ was tested and I was "right off the top of the chart" which, I'm told, corresponded to an IQ of something over 165.
  14. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/machete-attack-nazareth-restaurant-columbus-ohio-stabbing/ Last Updated Feb 12, 2016 2:28 PM EST COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Police shot and killed a man who stormed into a central Ohio restaurant wielding a machete and randomly attacking people as they sat unsuspectingly at their dinner tables, authorities said. Play Video CBS This Morning Did machete-wielding Ohio suspect have radical connections? Sources tell CBS News that federal investigators, including possibly the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force are looking into whether a brutal ram... Four people were injured in the brutal attack Thursday evening at Nazareth Restaurant and Deli, a Mediterranean restaurant in Columbus. The victims were taken to an area hospital and were expected to recover. Police identified the suspected attacker as Mohamed Barry, 30. CBS News homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports that investigators were running down leads to try to determine if the attack was somehow tied to terrorist organizations. "There was no rhyme or reason as to who he was going after," said Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner. Police said the man walked into the restaurant, had a conversation with an employee and then left. He returned about a half hour later. That's when police said he approached a man and a woman who were sitting just inside the door at a booth and started the attack. Pegues reports the suspected attacker has a Somali background, and officials believe he may have traveled to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in 2012. Pegues reports that law enforcement is concerned that this incident has the hallmarks of the type of so-called "lone wolf" terrorist attack that they have been working to stop. Police said employees and patrons tried to get the man to stop. "Some of the patrons there started throwing chairs at him just trying to get him out of there," Weiner said. The man eventually fled the scene in a white car and led police on a short chase. Officers forced the man off the road a few miles away and when he got out of his car police said they tried unsuccessfully to use a stun gun on him. Weiner said, "At that point he had a machete and another knife in his hand and he lunged across the hood at the officers." That's when police said an officer shot and killed the man. It remained unclear what sparked the attacks. "Right now there's nothing that leads us to believe that this is anything but a random attack," said Weiner. Police said four people were treated at Grant Medical Center. William Foley, 54, was in critical but stable condition. Gerald Russell and Debbie Russell, both 43, were in stable condition. Neil McMeekin, 43, was treated and released. Karen Bass, who told CBS affiliate WBNS-10TV that she had only been in the restaurant for about half an hour when the attack occurred, described a scene of chaos. "He came to each table and just started hitting them," she told WBNS. "There were tables and chairs overturned, there was a man on the floor bleeding, there was blood on the floor." "I fell like five times. My legs felt like jelly. I just thought he was going to come behind me and slash me up," she said, describing her frantic escape.
  15. In Ohio, voters select their parties by voting in a partisan primary. Petitioning for Libertarians, I could also get signatures from "Unaffiliated" voters (there's no such thing as an "Independent" voter here). I'd knock on doors and people would tell me they were a die-hard Democrat or Republican (apparently not too die-hard to skip the last few primaries!). I even made a point to go to every registered Libertarian in my Ward (which is kind of silly because most Libertarians I've ever met don't usually like random strangers on their property, I'll admit). What I found there was even more surprising. Nearly all of them had no idea what a Libertarian was and just voted Libertarian because it wasn't D or R. My favorite though was a young woman who told me that she meant to vote for Ron Paul (who was a candidate in the Republican primary last presidential cycle) but, knowing he had libertarian views, asked for a Libertarian ballot and didn't get to vote for him. Of course, though she had a basic grasp of Libertarian viewpoints and apparently wanted to vote for them, she also said she was too busy to volunteer to help bring choices like that to others via the ballot. The LP in Ohio was recently stripped of party status. There's a petition drive underway to regain ballot access but, amazingly, everyone is too busy with other things to petition. Wish I couldn't say I've seen this before... but it reminds me of the party pre 2007. Anyway, I kind of expect this kind of thing from the masses - they only learn about the political system through State schools and media, but I expected a little more depth from people who have risen to leadership positions.
  16. At the urging of local Libertarians, I penned the linked Letter to the Editor (which I've just been informed, my local paper will either print or list on their website). In it, I complained that the paper reported that city residents had voted to raise their own income taxes because, as near as I could calculate, only 7.3% of the voting aged population supported the measure (which was passed during a special election with only 15% turnout of those registered to vote). I shared the text of the letter with area Libertarian leaders and they seemed skeptical of my position, though all I did was provide the official figures and do some simple math to show the percentage of people who supported the measure compared to those who are of voting age in the City. Most of them responded with concerns over how we'd pay for "minimal government" without such taxes and told me that the tax hike was reasonable because of "implied consent". I also posted a proposal to a SECRET State Libertarian party Facebook group (invite only) that a quick poll I conducted of 50 random people over the span of a month suggested we might gain traction by proposing that my state, Ohio, ban the taxation of minors. ​Once again I was shocked to see such aggressive backlash. How can Libertarian office holders sign the pledge that "I will not support the initiation of force to further social or political goals" and then turn around and justify taxing small children and considering tax hikes to be legitimate when they only have 7.3% support?!? I thought these would be slam-dunk issues... but now I'm just confused.
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