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    New England
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    Crocheting, Drawing, Collecting Action figures.
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    Cashier, Customer Service, Crochetting goods for others.

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  1. As discussed a lot in many of the Freedomain radio podcast In the realm of sexual market value men are desired for the resources they can bring in to the family and women are desired for their beauty and fertility. That's it generally, but how is a woman that has accumulated many resources of her own changed by being able to do what is desired for men to do. what does that do to the dynamic? Do they seek men with even more resources (Women dating up?) Does what they value in men change? Do they the tend to value something different in men other than security of resources, Do they tend to just desire men less because they can bring a sufficient or more than a sufficient amount of resources? WHat do you all think? If you are a woman who has accumulated resources like this what are your experiences.
  2. Model Karlie Kloss who modeled as Geisha in the shoot apologizes on twitter https://www.yahoo.com/style/vogue-dressed-karlie-kloss-as-a-geisha-050850853.html The never ending appetite of victim hood from the PC culture is insatiable. They can't be satisfied so don't even feed them.
  3. I did see it. I couldn't tell what it was trying to do? If it were trying to be provocative, be a parody, inform. I didn't see the trailer for the show so I can't compare the two. I thought the movie made very small attempts to not be one sided and it was ultimately, White people=Bad, Black People=Victims. There was an air of agenda to the movie from what I sensed. I found it to be a very annoying movie.
  4. Is there anyone family or friends that can give you an older computer with older programs or could you get one yourself? I have two laptops that I use. I have one laptop that I bought in 2006 I keep it at home it doesn't have acess to the internet because I don't have wifi in my home but it has the basic microsoft programs from 2007 and I prefer that layout and I use Microsoft office on that one may, I don't have power point. And I have a laptop that I bought in 2016 I use that one when I go to the library and use the wifi to go on the internet. Maybe a slightly older computer like the one I mentioned first is the way to go. EDIT: oh and I forgot to mention the both have a CD drive. the one from 2006 is a Dell and the one I bought last year is a HP.
  5. You're not wrong, you're right.
  6. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and welcome. I will be reading my first Ayn Rand book Atlas shrugged. I'm just waiting for it to arrive to me.
  7. THis is something that I think about in my mind a lot. There are a lot of people in my life who are white who I am close to, have an affinity for and love. and a values that I support that stem from European and western etiquette and ideals. And I'm confronted with the question that I have to ask myself what am I doing to speak out against the constant guilt pressure of white people by the main stream? I'm not doing enough. I have cowardice within myself. I don't guilt whites myself and within the comfort of my friends I talk about the problems. But real strength lies when stepping out on platform where I talking to people who may not be aware of it and could learn from what I say, close their minds to it because they don't want to see the truth, or might actively be against talking about white guilt. and what you say dsayers me a black person talking about it bring up the issues of white guilt and shaming could be more potent as you say.
  8. Stefan acknowledges his shift from being against voting to being for voting for voting for Donald Trump in this election in this video. PLEASE hear him out. https://youtu.be/Vaq76G23BNs?t=35m10s watch from about 35:06-38:33 and I hope that we can all get a better understanding of where he was coming from. When he was now promoting voting for Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton.
  9. I have had one debate with a friend where I defended Trump and they weren't really buying much of anything, It didn't go well, me and this friend have been growing apart for a while now. Me and that person parting ways is a good thing. Other than that when I post things in favor of Donald Trump most of my friends don't respond I really don't know how they feel, no one has lashed out at me.
  10. How have things been of late for you? have you been able find anyone to express yourself with and not get attacked? Have you been able to make improvements. I've isolated my self as well for so many years, Like you its due to abuse I suffered long ago. I believe that I've held a grudge against my abusers and just regressed internally. Often giving the impression to others that I prefer to be alone, but the reality is I needed caring people but I didn't have people to communicate my troubles with. I didn't come from an environment where true empathy was expressed, I didn't even know how to express the dilemma myself. I still struggle with isolation. It seems that you have tried to connect on many occasions and have only met with abusers. Has that changed any for you since you last posted? maybe I can learn from your experiences.
  11. Damn. I had forgotten about that. I apologize for putting "lol". That was very ignorant of me. Something like that...that whole situation is certainly no joke.
  12. So what's the story with the Gorilla in the top right? lol!
  13. You're so eloquent and mean well. I really hope you find what you're searching for. I'm kind of a goofy dude, so I don't know if I could fulfill what you're searching for, but I like your facebook post.
  14. How is this coming along I would like to participate, but I'd need to get Skype, I will fill out those questions soon.
  15. People on this website that get together and communicate through those avenues. When I searched I could find one for women and people in Europe. I was hoping to find one where anyone in the U.S.A were people get together to talk. I would really love to participate with group chats. Thanks for the help.
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