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  1. Well, just got booted off of cbc with 14000 likes for the third time under differing aliases,tweeter,you tube,goggle etc., ask for r-conformation of psw (god help us they are in cahoots.) I am not much of a progressive . Turns out JP supports what I said a few years ago on child rearing., have not been back here since.However my kids are all grown doing well with their own families. I support Jordan Peterson 99.8% all of the time and yes I watch all of them.
  2. Have you read the Asian Investor report? As it pertains to Canada? Might be good for you intellectuals do a few searches in the other direction.
  3. enough of this abuse, Happy NewYear young fellow...may you have a productive, satisfying life.
  4. Why do I feel like I'm talking to a child? Had to get out my calculator and crunch the numbers on how many generations are in a thousand years, roughly 33 generations of collective consciousness, passed down through a long line. I'll stick to what we know for sure. I've raised mine and am done, am a grandfather and it is up to the next batch of parents to do what they they think is correct. In disciplining children, parents should do everything as kindly and gently as they can first. They should try to understand a child, make sure the child understands what is expected of them, use reasoning and find an adequate nonphysical consequence, like a "timeout" or taking away privileges. But if the child won't cooperate, some kids — at least some of the time — need something more forceful to back it up. But it's naive to conclude that parents are causing kids to be more aggressive by using spanking. How is any other form of discipline better, going to their rooms,grounding, removing privileges, etc. better? These other forms of disciplining don't/can't cause aggression? No , then that is faulty logic. Where is the mention of stages of cognitive development in your supposed scientific tunnel vision?
  5. I'm willing to continue here for a few posts. I've given quite a bit of information, surely would like to know how old neeel is, how many grown children s/he had and how many grandchildren there are?
  6. "This sentence implies that you think "normal" parenting is violent." Absolutely not. "So , apart from 3 or 4 times in their life, you used non violent parenting? You didn't threaten them with physical violence?" There was no need to threaten, a simple look, or a no was sufficient. "Can you give an example of where you needed to spank, what you wanted to achieve, and how you achieved it? " We have high snow banks on our roads, this town we lived in was at the 3500 foot level. My son used to love to jump off the hard pack berm of snow into the soft stuff. Trouble was it was over 6 feet deep. After telling him a few times not to, explaining that he may suffocate, be unable to climb out, freeze to death, not be found till the spring,etc. One day he just disappeared. My wife and I went nuts looking and calling, fearing the worst. Whole town was mobilized looking for him, several hours later he was found down at the recreation hall. What was he doing?, "He was hiding from everyone",he said big grin on his face. I achieved what I wanted, showed the world is a dangerous place, children need to be taught what is acceptable or not, they need guidance and they must listen absolutely on some issues. I firmly believe that if parents don't teach their kids, right,wrong and danger they get another chance in school if that don't work, then the RCMP get a third chance ,believe by then it is to late for any correction in most cases. Know several sets of parents, where the children threaten the parents with telling these progressive teachers they have been spanked, and are afraid of losing their children. Absolute high minded idiocy in our society imho.
  7. My children are now adults and have children of their own,all are doing well. I spanked my kids three or 4 times under my care when they were a danger to themselves or to someone else. I've read what has been written here, and totally disagree. A slap on the bottom to regain attention or stop the hysteria of the moment is not a spanking imo. Even an adult in a hysterical life threatening moment would/rather should receive a slap across the face to regain the use of their brain. Someone wrote a hug and a kiss, to regain reality, after being kicked by the child. Never tried that... sincerely doubt that would work. Some of you parents must be severely exhausted with this non-violent method and the normal parenting must suffer. Sorry in advance but that is how I see it.
  8. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We're off to romp with the grandkids and try to hold our own with the celebrating kids. Much safer to head down to where the youngest are, than risking the brood traveling in cold weather
  9. Yes, trial by social media is wrong absolutely, but if you know for sure ,with those above the law, then the law will not help you. period. Then follow my advice
  10. I'll bite, my opinions come from personal experience. Empathy well it depends on the persons sanity, but I do probably know of a few insults you haven't yet heard. Yup I do have a few questions about Stefan once in awhile, but he is Jesus for his followers. (; We're humans naw.
  11. Yes, very sad serendipity I guess, by happy chance ran across the youtubes where the Belgians almost revolted years ago. I know what I will do, if something happens to one of my great grandchildren while I still live. (They will die very slow)
  12. Sorry couldn't get through the first video, but I saw more than enough of the posts given as examples for further investigation..
  13. Don't know how the American security system works, but I imagine that all are similar amongst all countries. Two things which are absolute, which are: a need to know and cleared to that level. You may have a security clearance of "Top Secret" for awhile depending on what you do and for how long you are on that particular base or site and for how long it takes to complete the job. Once the job is done or something similar you lose that clearance. Everyone knows that, and it is hammered into your bones. You don't go snooping or hacking into places your not supposed to be. Speaking of hammering, was shoveling off the snow on the garage roof, slid off the tin roof, automatically this old fart landing just right unconsciously, got up and walked away.
  14. To me, the man took an oath, was a very difficult decision to do. no lack of courage for sure. I beat myself up 15 times but I must say, I would not do it. These red and green markers on posts what is up/down special with that? This old fart will engage a bit of altzheimers or not ? I'll pay a few bucks if I have too. You guys are all nuts.
  15. More than once, Alex Jones stated publicly that Stephan crystallized the ideas in videos where they both appeared. My guess is he's not a yank , therefore it would be politically incorrect to acknowledge that. So Trump can't say so. With Trudeau saying "Oh yeah we're willing to renegotiate nafta oh please,oh please" Crap how many times have we went to the world court, and won with these clowns? Softwood lumber etc.. At a cost of billions. The whole world is in a depression, so the Yanks are going to renegotiate their piece of the pie no matter what. Guess it's time to turn off all three brainwashing media of Fox,Cnn and Alt Right.
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