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Everything posted by non-statist

  1. Do you have links?
  2. I'm surprised Stefan hasn't talked about this, (espec considering history is one of his interests). Was the revolutionary war really about taxes? Wouldn't they have been better off being part of the monarchy? https://mises.org/blog/happy-we-should-restore-monarchy-and-rejoin-britain-day
  3. Can't not comment on this. Was at trump's site making an observation. Trump's tax plan is a progressive tax (socialist scheme). A flat tax would be better. He taxes people for working more/earning more income. This promotes egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is a disgusting philosophy that plagues us today. Especially, with all the political correctness that egalitarians espouse.
  4. tbh I gave up after Ron Paul's 2008 bid.
  5. Been libertarian since high school, turned into a closet anarcho-capitalist at 18 and around 2011ish I became more open with people about what I believe. When I saw a friendly video from the learnliberty youtube channel, "Do We Need Government." It inspired me to be more open about my beliefs and that they aren't extreme at all. I found FDR around 2006 and benefited tremendously. I appreciate Stefan's YouTube videos. I like the fact that not only does he cover serious topics, he also covers some unusual ones as well. The video where Stefan debates a flat earth advocate is one of the most memorable videos of 2015 for me. Which can be found here: I really enjoy the "True News" playlist and the "Truth About" series. Stefan should put the "true news" intro in his newer videos in that playlist. (The logo+intro music) Similar to this video here:
  6. Another point I want to make is that local and state elections are more important because those are issues that directly affect your everyday life. You are more likely to make a change at the local or state level as opposed to the national level. I advocate nullification and secession. Read up on Tom Woods for nullification. Hans-Hermann Hoppe advocates secession. Mises also emphasized secession. https://www.libertyclassroom.com/nullification/ http://en.liberpedia.org/Nationalism_and_Secession
  7. I would not participate. The political process is not the best way to improve our society or increase liberty. Economic policy and foreign policy have not changed at all. I like Ron Paul and a Rand Paul presidency would be a step in the right direction, however, your time is best spent elsewhere.
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