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Everything posted by celticwar17

  1. I'm down to play 3.5
  2. https://mustbethistalltoride.com/2016/01/14/she-divorced-me-because-i-left-dishes-by-the-sink/ So my girlfriend saw this article a couple years ago... and she found it to be very helpful and informative and wanted me to read it. I did, and at first... I did not come to the same conclusions as she did on what this article was about... and maybe because at the same time I read this for the first time I listened to a Stefan Caller podcast that explained a very similar situation... My first question is that I am having a hard time finding that podcast I listened to. I want to show my girlfriend it, because I think it represents my thoughts perfectly. It was about this guy or his wife admitting he became increasingly naggy about cleaning or the "proper" way of doing things... and stefan had a really good conversation about putting this perspective, on what things are truly a big deal or not. Anyone know which podcast this was? It's really hard to find them now haha since they are so many... And... Do you guys agree with the article above? To me, it sounds very one sided. When I first read this article a couple years ago I thought that this man wasn't excusing the woman's behavior, but now it seems kind of like he is. It seems very one sided, in which as a man or husband... even beyond reason, should just put your head down and serve... and be happy about it. My girlfriend and I had a small argument about it today, because she referenced this article. maybe we should go on the show lol
  3. Junior year of High School my parents took me to a psychologist for an evaluation. I was diagnosed with a learning disability when I was young, CAPD(Central Auditory processing disorder). So they wanted to get me re-evaluated and tested to possibly get some accommodations for things(which I didn't really need, I was a good student, but my parents just always wanted to have the best things for me possible). The psychologist had me take a 12 hour IQ test and a few others and did confirm that I had the learning disability still. My IQ is 139, and apparently people with that learning disability have higher IQs than normal people on average. Apparently my score results had some outliers, because as Stefan said people taking an IQ test tend to score similarly on all ;parts on an IQ test, no matter if they are a more math oriented or not. I did only average on memory test, and below average on auditory processing, but everything else was through the roof.... which she said were indicators of a learning disability and she said my IQ could actually be higher. I do like talking about IQ tests and results and things... it is genuinely interesting. I don't know if it would be as interesting if I felt like I had a below average intelligence or not. I would never reveal my score to someone I've met in person unless they directly ask me, on an internet forum where these things are freely discussed, I don't find it narcissistic, in my opinion.
  4. The phenomena with water and microwave absorption is slightly different than harmonic frequencies. The H20 molecule does get some special absorption spectrum's because it tends to wiggle and it has relatively high dielectric permitivity. H20 absorbs the microwave because it wiggles, not the H20 wiggles because it absorbs. From what I understand... I have a Bachelors Degree is Physics if that means anything... The hotter the water gets the less energy it absorbs.... which can be seen in this graph https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dielectric_loss_water.png So technically, in combination with loss of water in the material(steam) AND the water in the food getting hotter, it gets heated less over time. The amount of time needed varies greatly depending on the initial temperature of the substance, it's mass and water content, and whether it's frozen or not(because Ice absorbs microwaves at a different rate). So the answer would be 2Y+something...... but you also have to factor in that microwaves heat things unevenly so one area of it might turn into molten lava, which would make you want to reconsider making the net temperature x2...
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