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    Trenton, Ontario
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    Music, Mechanics, Reading, Fishing, Woodworking and many more things
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  1. Well I've been doing some historical research for the 24 hour sun and I can't find any documents about this phenomenon, I've found many about the sun not rising for a few day but nothing on it not setting. there should be lots of documents on this from the 1900-1925 cause that would be a huge discovery one would think. I can't even find anything about it from the time Byrd spent down there. All of this information seems to be from the last few years so far I think its misinformation. I'm still looking but its looking grim.
  2. Ok might have found the answer for the Suez. The soil around it is sand and clay the location is high wind area do you think that maybe the curve there was blown off? At one point they weren't going to dig it because they thought the Red sea was 30 feet higher then the Mediterranean and that much of a difference would be catastrophic. They finally figured it out and there is only a few feet difference. Well I've only looked into the south pole stuff for what a day and a half and the information I've seen sofar isn't much. The midnight sun stuff is interesting to me now and there is very little about it for the south pole. The view points of the Arctic are pretty big over 6000kms you can witness it the Antarctia doesn't have many populated areas in that view point range so I can understand the skepticism. I can leave my house and probly find 300+ people that have been to the arctic and I bet I can't find 1 thats been to the antarctic so my local resources are nil and any info I get will be no different then what you can and there are equal amounts of good and bad info on the internet. I've stated it a few times that I'm not religious or a flat earth guy but I just want the truth and this has nothing to do with the Suez canal lol But I;m will to learn more. Thanks Will for challenging me this a great experience
  3. For flights going over the Antarctica I should beable to find a video of someone boarding a flight in Sidney Australia headed to Cape town South Africa and they would have photo evidence of flying over the Antarctic? seems to me if there was one you would have posted it right? I just did a search for one and couldn't find one. I'm not fighting for or against the flat earth theory. I discovered something that didn't makes sense to what I was lead to believe.I want to know how the Suez canal works without locks. If the conclusion is that the earth is flat then I can see that is how it works. I'm seriously leaning that way now as no one has been able to dispute it. Water can't lie. Water seeks out the lowest point and then levels. The Suez canal joins 2 bodies of water 125 miles apart at the equator. In this post the earth has gone from a ball to an obloide, so that would make the curve there the same or greater. I thought maybe the rotation of the earth made the water over come the curve but that was shot down really quickly. So that leads me further to flat. With in 10 mins of my house there is a 5 mile canal that connects Brighton bay to the Bay of Quinte but because those are also connected by Lake Ontario I know they are level and thats why there are no locks needed in this case. So it didn't make sense for the Suez. I don't like to tackle more then acouple tasks at a time as I'm easily distracted and can't stand it when I don't finish. I think that is pretty clear now and it looks like you have done extensive research on the south pole to come to a conclusion on that. What would be a good topic to look into next? to prove either way.
  4. Your right about perspective and kinda like a inkblot test isn't it? In reality though that can't happen. Yes the Antarctic thing is strange from the few things I looked at last night. Why can't they just put a live feed camera on a plane and fly it over the Antarctic and finish the debate once and for all. They could do it when the weather is -30C or warmer since anyone who lives in the north where temps have been that cold know planes and cars can operate just fine in those conditions.
  5. Ok haha I see now the big stink about my question. I live at the entrance to the Trent Severn Waterway so I'm surrounded by locks canals and large bodies of water so when I heard they were going to make the Suez canal wide enough for 2 ships to pass My first thoughts were wow thats alot of work. then when I found out there were no locks at all through a length of 125 miles connecting 2 bodies of water it didn't make sense to me when its hard to travel more then acouple miles from where i live to each lock along the way. I figured all these locks were to help the water get over the curve of the earth. but I guess thats not the case eh... ah well thanks for teaching me better.
  6. I know I've had tons of bad teachers. No doubt you have too.
  7. OK sorry I reread the replies and missed a huge point lol I'm really sorry algernon I miss it. if the curve is a mile high and you only take 75 feet off of the curve you still need to get the water 5215 feet above the curve it won't work no matter what you do it will only fill 75 feet of the ends. I believe the Suez canal is almost on the equator where everyone is saying the curve is greater then other places. So I'm going to leave it at that Some theory must be wrong here. Please explain the difference of Inwards and down to me there is no difference dropping something in Canada it falls down to the ground drop something in Australia it falls down to the ground or inwards right? The Video you posted about the guy in the plane if your flying at the same rate on a level corse in an inclosed space ya I can see not knowing if your moving visually but if he was outside the plane with a blindfold on could you say the same thing? I'm sure the constant wind blowing against your body would tell you your in motion. I'm really only trying to get to the truth here and i'm not forcing anyone to do anything but Think. It's been driving me nuts to cause it doesn't make sense to me. I think others would feel the same. I read the same science textbooks as you guys probably have but there is a big difference now I'm not being forced to agree with things that just don't feel right in my guts. I hated that about school don't question the book or i'll fail you and you won't graduate. Now that I've graduated does it really matter now? I can voice my opinions about this kind of stuff. I'm not running to science forums because most if not all make a living off of it wither its right or wrong. algernon I honestly haven't looked into that yet but I will research it for you or with you if you would like.
  8. Hey Will Torbald I did watch your video and when I talked about the jump thing I'm sure I said it didn't work. There for I learned that lesson at an early age. If you can't feel motion then your a corpse. cause blood being pumped through your body is motion is it not? the liquid in your inner ear controls equilibrium right so if how can you eliminate that variable? Good thank you for eliminating the rotation of the earth. Then please explain how to get water over the bridge and make it maintain a depth of even 1 foot say? show me evidence and i'll change my mind. Ok so what happens to the water when it stops spinning then? does it first search out the low point then find level when there are no disturbances? Yes i think it does.. you can test this by pouring your self a drink. Yup that is a good magician trick. anything put on that contraption that is round will make its way to the center regardless of size or weight. and there is to much gravity because it is not in space to really test this theory you need to have no gravity otherwise the test or theory is invalid right off the bat. You have to agree on that atleast.
  9. Thats pretty cool video. only thing I can think of that makes me question it is that. That water is contained inside the aquarium and the water surrounding the earth is not in an aquarium so how can it work? I see that gravity kinda works with water because the rotation of the earth can push water over the curve so why can't it push water up in the air like a tire does on wet roads? all it is, is scale right 1 drop of water should react the same as a million?
  10. Oh crap I figured it out! its the earths rotation that makes the water over come the curvature phew.. Thanks for trying to help guys That short video helped me step back and look at another angle.
  11. Are books and IQ the only thing that means anything here? I put 3 things relating to IQ in my last post... 1 was true and 2 were false.. If you fixate on the 2 that have zero meaning to the natural way on how water works then I'm sorry for anyone who can't comprehend that. No one has provided evidence on how it works. Gravity pulls water down right? No water seeks level. I understand that 2 bodies of water that are on the same height get connected need a route that is either lower then the highest point which the water will just flow between the 2 untill they level out to the same height. If there is any curve of the earth then you need a pump or a siphon to get over that curve it would have to be a constant requirment but it would never fill. Mellomama I did answer your question but maybe we can use a arched bridge as an example of the curvature of the earth . When it rains where does the water go? it flows down both sides right? so if there were lakes on both sides of the bridge how can you get water to remain on that curve? you can't its impossible. You would either have to raise the level of the lakes to the highest point of the curve or take the curve out and dig a canal which is lower then the height of the 2 lakes.
  12. Thanks algeron, Good work. I love autocad But I enjoy manual drawing myself its a lost art form. Still water doesn't flow up hill. it finds level. Does IQ really matter to how water works? nope i don't think so. I've Done IQ testing when I was a kid and sorry I don't have the results. Yes I finished high school and 2 years of college. 1 year of architecture and 1 year of surveying. I've read 3 of steph's books sofar and many many history books aswell as science books. I'm Just getting into philosophy now as I stated earlier about the whole r/K theory. Some people say that we need people to think outside the box but how can you think outside the box when you don't know what box were really in? When people do bring ideas in to question and solutions forward they get well how I'm being treated now. which is fine with me people have acted towards me like this my whole life, but if their car breaks down or they have a plumbing problem computer problem and can't afford a certified repairman they come to me and like the person I am I will fix it for almost nothing. I fix alot of things to many to list and to me alot of things people have me fix are pretty common sense and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how they cannot fix these things themselves.. Now I have found r/K it took that question and answered it for me. I could never understand how people would get promoted over me when they have no clue on how to do the job of which they are now going to be supervisor over. I understand it now because they would use me to get there and then they would try like hell to get rid of me when I would start doing just my job and not my job plus theirs. I'm a musician 4 of us started at the same time and after awhile I was much further ahead then them and I couldn't understand again why... I understand it now. I could probably write a few books on r/k theory with just observations in my family nothing made sense to me how people could act the way they do and forget the destruction they left behind. I understand it now. I loved the story that Stephen recalled about when he was a kid and was standing on a 5ft wall and was anxious about jumping. I had the same experience when I was a kid but I thought that if I jumped straight out I should land to the left or right of where i'm jumping cause the earth is spinning. That theory didn't work out lol. anyways My IQ if you care about the number is 135 so yes I must be stupid....
  13. I'm going to go another step here. maybe it will be clearer. water always strives to find level right? So lets take a glass of water and fill the glass and set it on a table let it sit for a minute for that it is level not moving any more. OK now you have made a lake. lets then take it and pour it on the table. what is going to happen? the water will then pool on the table until it reaches the edges and it will flow to the floor. why does it flow to the floor well there is nothing to contain it so it has to strive to find level. when it makes it to the floor what happens then? it finds the lowest point to which it can pool and gather and be contained by higher ground. this is a method for finding low spots on your floor but i don't recommend it. so the question which i asked is water anti gravity? if the earth is a ball whether it be a tennis ball or football shape then how is there water still in the Suez canal when it is only 75ft deep and not contained on the ends? the only way that it can happen is if the Mediterranean sea which is connected to the Atlantic ocean which is connected the Pacific ocean which is connected to the Indian ocean which is connected to the Suez canal are all level and there is no further low points to find. so in my mind the ball shaped earth just doesn't add up. The Antarctic must then be the container that keeps the water in right? look at the UN map or the the USGS map there needs to be a container to keep the water in for it find level.
  14. Hey thanks for the replies. I'm not religious never been to church or read the bible. I'm looking at it as a pure mechanical problem. in my eyes there would have to be locks on each end of the canal or big pumps supplying water to the center constantly. If it was a ball then the canal would have to be 5,000ft or so deep I mean a valley dug that deep for there to be no locks. for the math to work. but clearly that is not the case. so I would like an explanation on how it works. Just throwing insults to me is not explaining that, its only proving Stephen's point about hurling insults when provided facts.. Also the roman aqueducts are 200 miles long and some are only a difference of 51 feet from start to finish clearly the math doesn't add up again. there ratios are 1/4000 which clearly only works on a flat surface. Schools are a brainwashing box which has been stated here many times and how many people have been in school... so why couldn't a lie that big be covered.. seems simple to me. Governments are evil we know that so what you choose to believe is what you choose to believe I'm not forcing my observations on anyone so take it for what it is worth. I took Surveying in college and we never had to account for the curvature never. I am not a bad person I'm well liked and respected in my community people come to me with alot of different problems. When it comes to communication Ya I'm no silver tonged devil I always speak the truth I don't spout lies. I was taught at an early age that telling the truth is easier then remembering a lie. Maybe thats why I don't remember much of my schooling cause most of it didn't add up to me. I was hoping that I may have finally found like minded people in joining this forum. Where I could ask questions and give opinions on how I see things and share my experiences. I guess that will be decided later. To those hurling insults to me well at least I'm not Hiding behind a fake name I am me I am JP
  15. Hi every one and thank you for adding me to the community. I'll start off on how I found FDR. About 2 months ago I started questioning everything thing around me more, my family community etc..I understood the who what when where and how but couldn't grasp the Why? Well now that i have found FDR and mainly the r/K theory everything has come together answers are being made at a phenomenal amount. But that is not what led me here. Stephen's Flat earth video brought me here. There is a hypocrisy in his line of thinking about it and that is Math. If math is true then the earth cannot be a ball, it can be round but not a ball. Here is the one undeniable truth about the earth not being a ball and everyone can check the facts themselves on this. The Suez canal is mathematically impossible on a ball earth. its 125 miles long and 75 Feet deep with no locks so either water is anti gravity or it is an illusion. The oceans and seas that are connected thru this system must all be at the same level other wise the curvature would not allow it. Side note the Roman aqueducts would not work on a ball earth either. I would like to see more r/K mentions in future podcasts as that is a Huge key that unlocked my depression and anxiety. This theory to me is the underlying secret to freeing society. I would love the opportunity to discuss many subjects either video or phone, text has always been a problem for me through my whole life. But now I'm improving at an alarming rate. Thanks again JP
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