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    My background: I am for free markets; undergrad finance and mba; religion - calvinist chrisitian; have always lived in the rural south of USA; have worked as farm labor all the way to commerical finance. So perhaps i come at problems from a slightly different angle than most here.

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  1. I have been considering some of the illogical reactions that European people have toward migrant behavior. Example women apologizing to their rapists, the near obsession levels of making excuses for the migrants and then doubling down on it! Some of this reminds me very much of how a co-dependent acts with their abuser...making excuses, martyrdom, enabling... Is it possible for a whole culture to be co dependent? If so, what is the method of infection into the societies consciousness? What is the cure? What is the innoculant?
  2. Ethnic white Europeans must stop making excuses for the muslim immigrants. When we delve into all the possible reasons or motivations for the hatred against europeans, we enter analysis paralysis...and they keep coming. If someone breaks in your home to kill your family and enslave your children....do you really need to understand there side of the story? No, you defend those you love...there is no need for debate or psychoanalysis. The law of the jungle trumps philosophical arguments....especially when the other side can't even understand the argument. It's like trying to teach a dog geometry....it's a waste of time. It is enough that you recognize evil and the threat that it poses and stand opposed. Spend your intellectual capital on changing those minds that can be convinced. This means communications on a level that your target audience..the masses.. Can understand. This means communicating based on appeals to emotion. This means communicating with propaganda. This means bending truths and breaking rules! I assure you when you come face to face with ethnic genocide...all that matters is who wins. There will be no bonus points or awards for good sportsmanship. There is no justification for genocide and that is what now faces many ethnic Europeans. Genocide is a specific set of actions that are recognized by the world as evil...the are no mitigating factors...there is no reason for debate as to causality. Name the evil - Genocide.
  3. John Kerry the world renowned authority on Islamic theology.....absurd! This is a bunch of "moral supremacist" warping reality in order to allign with their religion of multiculturalism.
  4. Lol ....carrot stalker! Seriously though it is very hard to find a good old bugs Bunny cartoon.. And a number of the super hero characters are being rewritten to be more diverse.
  5. The motivations are as old as history envy, power and greed. The terrorist leaders whip the masses into a frenzy of hate in order to gain control of the crowd. To me it is quite simple.
  6. Welcome...if you are looking to avoid immigration civil war look into Belarus, Poland Estonia russia etc -- out of EU. I'm afraid moving to USA is not going to help much
  7. I believe in payback...this man al gore should be ridiculed without mercy until he shunned throughout the world as a snake oil salesman. Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
  8. Very good. Would be better if he could show how many more could be helped over there for the same amount of money to bring in the one million here.
  9. Hello...new to all this philosophy but enjoying it. So i am watching a video about Simulacrum (the Matrix) where something is a copy of something that no longer exists. And it occurs to me - this is what has always bothered my about Stock Market Indexes like S and P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average that are held up by the Government as a tracking barometer of the health of the economy. I think many assume that these indices are unchanging...that what makes up the index today is the same as 10 years ago..that it is monolithic in nature....but it is not. Usually on annual basis companies that are failing (or have gone bankrupt) are dropped from the index. In place of these losers, new stronger companies are added to fill the void. The index is then "rebalanced" with the new healthy companies and held up as proof positive that our economy has improved and that investing in the stock market is great. For example in 2013 Alcoa, Bank of America, and Hewlett Packard were dropped and rising stars Nike, Visa and Goldman Sachs were added in their place. So the 2014 copy of the index is not the same as the 2013. However, it is held up as a standard to judge growth of the economy. And it is quoted, without qualification, as THE Dow Jones Industrial Average. If i am corrrect - that this is a form of the matrix...then the matrix is truly everywhere. Even the One Dollar bill is but a shadow copy (in value) of the original. Yet it is still referred to as the number 1 when it should be more accurately refered to as the .08 cents piece. Well, if i'm totally wrong be gentle for i am a newbie
  10. nobility perhaps is not a great word for what i am trying to describe. Marx argued to redistributing according to need...a great equaling of society...or at least that was the way it was sold to the common. A great sharing of resources. Whereas, naked capitalism is basically a survival of the fittest...it looks good to those who are most fit (usually highly talented) but less so for those who can not compete on a level so high. "to the detriment of others" - most transactions in business are zero sum games. Even when there is a win-win situation...it is at the expense of another party who did not get to advance his position. Self interests is a kinder way of describing the animal spirits of greed and fear. My background: I am for free markets; undergrad finance and mba; religion - calvinist chrisitian; have always lived in the rural south of USA; have worked as farm labor all the way to commerical finance. So perhaps i come at problems from a slightly different angle than most here. I am not a philosopher....as you may have guessed. But, i have enjoyed the discussion nonetheless.
  11. economics is a social science...not a hard science...it is the interactions of man in exchanges. If you get the basic understanding of man wrong, as i beleive marx did, then his theory is wrong. Comparing the outcomes of marxism and capitalism is good...however, i beleive that marxism should be confronted on its base premise....that man is intrinsically good. when it comes to scarce resources..i would say the overwhelming number are guided by greed and fear...that is why capitalism works. clarification: marxism relies on man being intrinsically good to work, whereas capitalism relies on self interest (selfishness) to work.
  12. nature of man is like what motivates him. Is he motivated by altruism or by greed.
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