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    Isle of Sheppey, Kent
  • Interests
    current affairs,
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    house wife

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  1. Dear Halp, I am new to FDR too and just wanted to reply to show you that you are not alone. Their are many people who feel like you and I am sure lots of other members will be able to give you some thought provoking feedback. I too have 'dived into' Stefans podcasts and videos. In a couple I have seen he has covered how common it is for youngsters, in particular, to feel 'what is the point, what future is there, why get out of bed?' And if I were in Germany I would feel this even more than I do in the UK - for obvious reasons. I found his suggestion of finding something you feel angry about and getting involved in changing it a good idea. If I were 24 again I would certainly do this - I have plenty that makes me angry - particularly our masters inviting an invading culture into europe. Of course there would be accidental bonuses for you. You would unconsciously improve communications and interactions with other people with a common purpose and similar views. I think it would improve depression and reduce feelings or isolation. It would also give you skills and experience to use on curriculum vitaes and to draw on at interviews for jobs you actually want to apply for. Women (speaking as one, and assuming you are heterosexual!) always find thoughtful, passionate and enthusiatic men attractive. Anyway I just wanted to reply to you Halp. I am sure FDR has much more for us both to discover.
  2. I have just ordered my 2ft by 4 ft Free Domain poster to put in my window near a bus stop in Gillingham, Kent, England. I stood at my sink and thought 'what can I do?'. I have never had the illusion of free speech that the 'rabbits' around me have, or should I say 'had'. I have always, even as a small child, known I have to go to school because of the force of the state and I have always been aware of my genetic preference for my own race. I have never been discriminatory to other races and have never ever felt 'white guilt'. I am white and working class - my ancestors were shovelling out the manure from the stables or working the land and dying at age 30 when this supposed guilt accrued. As I go about my daily business here in the South of England we are all aware of impending doom but noone is brave enough to acknowledge it. In quiet corners of pubs, or very very close friends homes many, but not all, people discuss how scared they are then get up for work the next day and get on with their lives. What else can we do? All we have left is to rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic and pray for a miracle. So this thread strengthens my optimism that there are a lot of other isolated 'K's out there. If we can get together on FDR maybe we will be able to work together after the collapse. Meanwhile lets see how quickly the thought police take to order me to remove my poster. Stefan, his honesty and his truth has made me a little braver. Maybe I can help another frightened person find a little piece of sanctuary. If only online. Anyway thanks Yeravos and Matthew M I applaud your braveness and your hearts.
  3. Sorry if this isn't very philosophical but living in Dover, Kent, England 20 miles from the Calais 'jungle' it really cheered me up. Even if it is a fake at least it is some propaganda aimed to help our minds. The question of motivation for our fixation on this subject is, in my case, 'absolute and sheer terror, powerlessness and despair'. I found FDR looking for people 'who could see the emperor had no clothes' too and could confirm my comprehension is valid. So please understand my pre-occupation with this topic at present. The 'fight or flight' mechanism is mute for me. I am a white working class female with a passport so have no chance of asylum in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand and I have no desire to go anywhere but else. I would love to fight but that is impossible. Maybe when I my country has fallen and I am a ghost I can join Ferssitar in more high brow philosophical discussions via ouija board.
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