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  1. I was searching information about Bundy standoff and then i met Stefan's video. His material was unusually substantiated with sources so i felt instant respect to him. The issues that you are discussing here are very close to me. I have been thinking about such things like socialism and multiculturalism for a long time. Now finaly i can formulate my views on it. I appreciate your good attitude to russian people but i used this reference because of other reason. I saw a lot of bad words in comments below the youtube clips with russians participation so i grew confidence that you see us as alcoholic violent barbaric people. Very well that i'm wrong in some situations. It is a joke at my origins.
  2. Hello to you from Moscow! It was near a half of the year since i started watching Stefan's program. I find it quite interesting and usefull. I want to meet here people with whom i could chat and speak. I have deep interests in philosophy and politics. I may be a bad writer and speaker. It's all due to a lack of communication with native english language people. But i'm really looking forward to enlarge my abilities. So if you want to know more about so called "barbaric" Russia or you want to help me due to the philantropical feelings, contact me! From the deapths of my hearth with love and respect.
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