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Everything posted by WontStandForIt
Thoughts on the humanity party.
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in General Messages
I've heard it said before, but I know that the idea of a humanity party seems interesting, plus the old constitution is outdated as hell. -
Thoughts on the humanity party.
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in General Messages
A year or two, I tune in every once and a while. Do you have something against them? Well it is not we can just switch to anarchy. They want to make a constitution that makes more sense to our current U.S. population. Like making states with more people have more representatives and make their votes worth more. -
What are your thoughts on the humanity party? If you live in the U.S. there is a new party made by Anonymous called The Humanity Party. Here is an video about it. They want to make a new constitution, that represents all people equally. Here is a link to the constitution. http://humanityparty.com/proposed-constitution.html
There is a new group from anonymous that claims to be against Donald Trump because he is fascist. Anyone wanna look at their newest videos and try to deduce why their postings/videos make him seem fascist? Links: White Rose FB page. (One of them, because there are many.) https://www.facebook.com/WhiteRoseSociety/?fref=nf Anonymous YT channel Anonymous Official - YouTube Statement about #OpTrump from the official YT channel: "The second operation the mainstream media adore, is Operation Trump. In short, this operation goes against everything that anonymous stands for. Threatening a presidential candidate to keep his mouth shut concerning a subject is censorship. We are for everyone letting their voice be heard, even, if the person at hand...is a monster. These same words can be said towards another infamous operation which the mainstream media hails: Operation Sam Pepper. We condemn his actions, but bigger things are at hand than a cynical, deranged, narcissistic youtuber."
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
Then who am I to say that there is no possibility that he is real? Wow, trying to pull that on me huh? Well I have to say, that when my theory is that god created animals... you are putting an unfair question on me. That is like me asking you the same question, but switching the word deity with evolution. My personal theory is that god created animals and they bred differently, making dog "races" and that some species got isolated from the rest of their species, mutating/adapting, making them different. This happened with several different animals. Also the whole apes thing, they are one of god's creations that he decided to make similar to humans. Simple. I will sort of refine what I said prior to this and say that I believe evolution happened to a degree. -
circumcision is okay cuz... reasons!
WontStandForIt replied to dsayers's topic in Peaceful Parenting
What is so wrong with circumcision? I was circumcised and I am fine, my mother said without being circumcised that some nasty infections could happen. I don't think that they did me wrong with that decision, they were listening to doctor recommendations. -
A question to you guys.
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
My parents aren't the most educated people, they are nice and supportive, but my mother for instance questions god's existence so I can't really talk to her but tomorrow I am going to a church to confront a preacher about the things in the bible that do not make sense. I will be using evilbible.com for that. I have a thirst for truth and that is why I seek out these forums, because I tend to really enjoy talking to well read people that make sense. There are some of those people on this forum, so that is why I prefer that. I also have a real life friend that I talk to, and him and I have agreed that we believe god, but not the bible. Thank you for the compliments and such as they are scarce in my age group and are what motivates me! -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
I can prove that santa is not real, you give me proof that God isn't real. I believe that evolution (That is the argument that we evolved from single cell organisms) is bullshit, there is no proof that we were once single celled. So yeah I can as easily believe evolution as you could god. Diversity is from adaptations and mutations. That makes sense. There is no proof whether deity exists or not. There is no proof whether evolution is true. So it is a choice that an individual has to make. Believe it or not, I need not say that your wrong, I personally think that a deity is more possible. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
Okay, it is your choice to believe in a theory based on chance, and my choice to believe a religion that is based on culture that has existed for thousands of years. -
A question to you guys.
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Do you all really think that if a deity exists, that we could measure one? Don't you think that if a god wanted us to have free will, he would not interfere in something that is human made? -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
Our existence on earth is limited, that is why it has value. Life has value even when it is eternal, because you can do so many things with it, and even doing those things again (Like going to play pool every friday) will likely not have a identical experience, so therefore you will never get bored. New things will be invented and also, you remember the time that you spent on earth. I have no reason to believe that this is the truth. Honestly nobody knows if the afterlife exists or not. I can say that I believe that it does. I can't fathom evolution being a thing. Can anyone here say that there is more of a chance that life started by coincidence than a deity existing? -
A question to you guys.
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I do not know, just as you do not know if God does exist. If there was though, we cannot just rule out the possibility can we? I mean in that way, we can respect that christianity is not an illogical religion, as well as maybe open some eyes to the perspective that just because a book that could've easily been edited by humans is immoral, it doesn't mean that the christian deity is immoral. -
How could anarchy work?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I got in a skype call with csekavec and he explained everything, I understand it now. Please also do not think down on me because of my age. I just needed a direct conversation, -
How could anarchy work?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
You added me on skype, why don't you get in a skype call with me and explain this in detail. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
I am sorry, but you didn't quite get what I was saying, I meant that to me, there really doesn't really seem to be a point of caring in life it at one point, it is going to all go away and I will not exist, and I will never even remember it or be able to look back on it with my friends after that point. Why live only for everything to go away forever, and end up unconscious and it all be gone. -
How could anarchy work?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
There is a couple of things that I want to state: I did not "parrot the same narrative" I gave a logical answer to his question. The government provides a PUNISHMENT for those who do things that are evil, and also the people in the U.S. government have to follow their own laws. Everything that you guys have mentioned has been things that the left side of government has done. I do not understand how you expect me to want to turn to complete anarchy when such anarchy would be chaotic. I came here with an open mind and I wanted to try to understand this new and radical idea. I asked what would keep a "PSYCHOPATH" from killing a man that prefers not to own a gun. You guys tried to answer by saying that government does not solve the problem, but I gotta say that the people convicted of murder or another crime today have to definitely say that it is the reason that they are put in jail. Those people are punished for their crimes, and did not just get to do it and get away from it like they would in an anarchy. You guys cannot deny that. -
Do any of you guys think that it is possible that, over thousand of years, through translations, not being printed, and such, that the Holy Bible could have been edited by people (Rulers specifically) so that they could control people? And that God actually exists, and that we have just been shown a diluted version of what monarchs of old wanted people to believe about his teachings? I mean, I am not just trying to come up with excuses but you can't just think that all of the translations have been spot on, especially since it existed in writing long before the printing press.
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
In the Bible, it says that Heaven is so vast that there is plenty of room there for everyone, therefore, I am sure that there will be plenty of things to explore. Also to spend forever with my friends in paradise would be a great existance. While seeing that everything that I ever work for will just go away, is like building a castle so that one day, it will just crumble, and you will never remember anything about it, makes it seem like the castle should not be built in the first place. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
I think that the next step for me is to go my local baptist preacher and confront him with all of this, now that I have gotten advice from atheists. I will try to see both sides before I make a decision. Thank you guys so much for all of your inputs and advice. It as been enlightening. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
Honestly, I fear that my faith in god is wavering because of the things that have been pointed out in Stefan's videos and evilbible.com, and I am not sure if I can hold onto my faith. And if I can't then how I will deal with it. I have so many times have my prayers answered by god but I see the things in the bible that do not make sense and I do not know what to think. You have to understand how big of a deal that this whole thing is. I am 14, god has always been a good shoulder to lean on when no one else was there. And if he was never there, then it all seems meaningless. If I find a for sure truth, then I will accept it, but I am on a borderline at the moment. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
Depressing compared to having hope that there is more to life than just a physical presence. Everything that you ever have done just disappearing one day doesn't just bother you a little bit? -
How could anarchy work?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Government provides a police force, which can catch murderers, and detain them. They can put them through court. With evidence they will be convicted and given a sentence, that the public sets and agrees on. This used to be the electric chair, and now is lethal injection. The knowledge that people will be punished for doing something horrible keeps people from doing it. The left has definitely not done a good job on dealing with crime, so like I said before reform is needed. We keep the government from unjustly killing by due process of law, each person is innocent before proven guilty. There is a judge and jury. The jury of peers decide if the suspect is guilty or not. Also, the great thing about the U.S. is that no official is above the law. -
What drives you to live as an atheist?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Atheism and Religion
While you might not be bothered by the time that you do not exist, I have to say that the idea that all of the things that you ever do will just disappear and that your mind and body will cease to exist at any random instance. It just seems that that is a very depressing mindset to have. -
If you believe that all of you memories, and everything that you ever worked for will just be destroyed for you, and everything will just go blank forever, what drives you to live? Without god what makes you strive even when your existence will just eventually just die out?
How could anarchy work?
WontStandForIt replied to WontStandForIt's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
That is an easy one, there is a police force and courts that you can use to get justice. There is a known punishment for those who are murderers, and it is essential for governments to go to war sometimes, I do not agree that the establishment is right for training the heads of ISIS, but for example during WWII we needed to go to war after pearl harbor. The cold war was a success in some ways because the USSR went bankrupt. We for the first time had beaten communism. That was a good thing. During WW2 if we (The U.S.) did not fight, would that have been better? No. We needed to fight to keep fascism from growing. It worked pretty well.