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  1. In their world view, trans men are considered men. Their exposure would show that men must also comply to social norms which suck. At least that's what I would guess, but ai might perfectly be wrong.
  2. Samus Aran; she didn't even need to show her boobs to sell games until well into the XXI century, when casuals started to ruin the genre :c
  3. Hey there everyone! I just found this guys: AnCap music with ancap hoodies. If philosophy makes it into the mainstream arts we might have a chance in the "short" run. Any other cool libertarian musicians you know of?
  4. I'd rather live in a monarchy with a good king than in the USA today. I would still be a slave, but they would take far less from me... God are Social Justice Warriors stupid, applause to Fry.
  5. Noam Chomsky is pretty talented, and that's been done. I would suggest an anarchist from some other school of thought.
  6. Hey there everyone. I know it's sometimes hard to believe because the media focuses too much on the batshit crazy ones, but in my experience I've interacted with a whole lot of rational, actually-looking-for-equality feminists. That is to say, they are against all forms of abuse based on gender including the draft, unequal access to be with your children after divorce, etc. They also recognise child abuse as the way by which gender (and other) abuse is perpetuated in society. So, in short, they are allies in my eyes. What do you feel would be a good way of separating these nice, egalitarian feminists from people like Anita Sarkeesian? Thanks for your time. ♥
  7. Nice attitude you have there.
  8. The wikipedia page has a pretty nice introduction and a whole lot of references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_intelligence It's not the best source for stuff but a nice starting point in my opinion.
  9. The oligarchs benefit from the whole socialistomania that is tied to feminism. Showing trans men would make the fact that men also feel discrimination WAY too evident to maintain a calm population.
  10. Everyone should be able to be him/herself without others being bothered. Naked women (and men!) are beautiful. The human body is a miracle possibility of everything from quantum mechanics to evolution. Why the fuck do slave people want to ban everything?
  11. Meh, this might catch up (and I don't see anything immoral with it) but men won't disappear in the close future. The Rothschilds are a male primogeniture family, and they are in charge of enough of the world as to not let it happen haha.
  12. I just talked to my parents a couple of days ago, told them something similar and they just recoiled and started trying to blame me for things. I just don't understand how a person can live for 50 years without any sense of self-criticism. No wonder people never become what they want to become... Best wishes with your situation. I'll probably be living something similar in a couple of months. PS: I also just found out about this podcast and it has changed my life.
  13. Chile here, it would be nice to meet people from this part of the world. Maybe even make a yearly reunion if economically feasible. Cheers!
  14. Greetings from the strange land of Chile. I studied physics for a couple of years (paid via the state with stolen money), got fed up with the attitude of most people in the business and now I'm looking forward to building a self-sustainable eco-village with some friends to encourage alternative ways of living and to diminish the taxes we pay as much as possible. I took the religion red pill at about 12, and then I've tried as many as I've found. The last one was statism, thanks to this channel, a few months ago. It's incredible how I let it slip haha. Can we please have a free society soon? I don't want to live through fascism :/ Love to you all. <3
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