Good morning! Just great to finally be part of the community and finally be part of the conversation. I am very new to the world of Philosophy and it has really changed my life....for the better! It was quite the accident stumbling onto Stefan, basically was just watching Youtube videos and well found one that peaked my interest and the rest was history. Until recently I have always been quite the linear thinker, now thanks to a little enlightenment I feel the world has opened up.
So yeah a little about myself. Work a full time job as a mechanic at a private industry
Father of 4
31 years old
Married 3 years
5 Brothers
Musician Grew up a Christian, became a skeptic in the past few months thanks to some thinking.
Was quite the drinker of the media bias when it came to politics, now a bit more objective.
Anyways hope that is a good starting point.
Glad to meet you all!