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Paul in Sweden

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    Sweden - Native NYer

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  1. Works fine with Firefox
  2. George Soros an unrepentant NAZI collaborator, a man with wealth that he has used in the past to severely damage entire nations' monetary systems is funding the most radical leftist organizations around the world; No, I do not trust Soros's Open Society.
  3. Tommy is provocative, entertaining all the while espousing common sense and family values. I follow his youtube channels but only listen to the segments that I pick and choose. I would find Mr Sotomayor and Stefan an interesting show as long as it is not about BT1000s and their hair-weaves.
  4. This stuff reminds me of an old documentary from the '70s on runaway boys in Texas and prostitution. Seemed like a lot of people knew about it but nobody was going to do anything about it.
  5. Lost $6 billion? Reading wikileaks leads me to suspect that the funds were embezzled and not the improper filing of contracts or being simply mistakenly applied to different line items on the State Department general ledgers.
  6. I'm there.
  7. Ben, welcome, you already know you are among like and diverse minds. Israel... one day during a winter I would love to put my feet in your country for a visit. Right now Ben I am listening to Stephan going on and on about smart genes and dumb genes. I am laughing so hard right now. Stefan hits the mark again but Stefan is as irritating as I know I must also be perceived. Your succinct introduction is impressive and most probably matter of fact as all our peers here at freedomainradio.com, I pretty much keep my mouth shut as I so much enjoy reading what others unabashedly throw into the fray.
  8. How much traction would a German father in the USA with shady political & business connections of a fallen US soldier in 1944 have received compared to today's Khizr Khan? Was this Khizr Khan's son some kind of Messianic figure that was sacrificed and washes away all the death and destruction by all Muslims since Khizr Khan son's death in combat? No Apologies. This sounds like the idiot 'Not All Muslims Rant' to me just dressed a little different. BTW I was unimpressed with 2 dozen 'moderate' Muslims out of the countries more than 15 million Muslims showing up for a memorial & photo op at a Cathedral in France.
  9. This seems to be a local regulation and does seem over the top. There may be ways to get around the current interpretation of the law(alarm on the gate to the pool if it exists) that are not being circulated. Anyways, recourse is through the mayor and city counsel. The regulation seems to require alarms when a wall of the residence is used as a barrier to the pool. Deactivating the alarm may effect home owners insurance and a 22yr-old being the youngest does not preclude that visitors with children may not be at times in the home. Where a wall of a dwelling serves as part of the barrier, one of the following conditions shall be met:The pool must be equipped with a powered safety cover in compliance with ASTM F1346; or All doors with direct access to the pool through that wall must be equipped with an alarm that produces an audible warning when the door or its screen is opened. The alarm must be listed in accordance with UL 2017. The audible alarm must activate within 7 seconds and sound continuously for a minimum of 30 seconds after the door or its screen is opened and be capable of being heard throughout the house during normal household activities. The alarm must automatically reset under all conditions. THE ALARM SYSTEM MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A MANUAL MEANS, SUCH AS TOUCHPAD OR SWITCH, TO TEMPORARILY DEACTIVATE THE ALARM FOR A SINGLE OPENING. Such deactivation must last for not more than 15 seconds. The deactivation switch must be located at least 54 inches (1372 mm) above the threshold of the door; or Other means of protection, such as self-closing doors with self-latching devices, approved by the City of Raleigh are acceptable; providing the above conditions are met. https://www.raleighnc.gov/business/content/PlanDev/Articles/DevServ/Homeowner/HowToSwimmingPoolHotTub.html
  10. There is an active effort to make any and all information that shows the leftist agenda on immigration & crime transparently. This goes all the way to the Riksdag in Stockholm where the Red Green alliance & the Moderates have simply nullified the third of the Swedish population which voted for the Sweden Democrats. It is near hopeless here.
  11. How do the economic models and courses in free trade calculate the artificial stimulus of generous welfare systems? Cui bono? Obviously by importing cheaper TVs and other products from countries that are actively exploiting workers and manipulating their nation's currency former United States workers now on govt. subsidy can purchase smart phones & TVs etc at a cheaper price. Isn't the use of government welfare artificial market influence. Isn't this a direct contribution to the shrinking of the middle class?
  12. Statistics Sweden | SCB http://www.scb.se/en_/ Is the source for Sweden's official stats. I haven't been there in a while as things changed there and at SÄPO(like FBI/MI5). Alternate source is https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/ Demographic statistics on unemployment & crime that were found not to rally to the insane far-leftist agenda have been hidden from the public on once public databases have been long since been made useless eight to ten years ago. Over the course the past year the National Police force have enacted a campaign of concealment. Any and all crime which reflects badly on insane far-leftist immigration is bulk and vapidly listed as "291".
  13. avie65, My focus on immigration had a healthy dose of SIOE Stop Isolationism of Europe but also the practicality of immigration. We neither have housing nor jobs. Certainly not jobs for people that are not even literate in their native languages. We have many foreign Phd grads that want to have citizenship but cannot find work, my position is that if a Phd grad can't find work here why should they be given citizenship and all the social services so that they can not work here and be a cost. Immigration is not a bad thing, if we need doctors we should bring in doctors, if we need street sweepers, if we need engineers, etc, etc The problem is that the immigrants & refugees are not working and are responsible for most of the crime.
  14. Paul in Sweden says HELLO, Having based my work for a few decades out of NYC Park Ave, Midtown, the Financial district as a native New Yorker (going from PDP/11, Vax, IBM big iron, 4.77mhz machines running cpm then dos(have a copy of 1.0 on one side of the pond or the other - 1983 paid $999 dual floppy TRS-80, $1,499 daisy wheel printer & $500 300 baud modem which got me on compuserve, the internet and all the manufacturer Bbs sites I needed + I paid for it all with one side contract over the course of a weekend), all kinds of flavors of Unix, all the wild changes in voice/data systems, and coming to a close as NA Product Manager of Network Management Software for a multinational company - a long, winding road, very interesting & happy road), I find myself after quite a financial battering, remarried(going on 12yrs) living in Sweden, meandering & eking it out while still owning property in Vermont. Never could bring myself to join a political party but I did volunteer my technical services to the New York State Conservative Party in the mid-80s. Holding both US & Swedish citizenship I have the mind numbing responsibility to participate in Federal & state elections & politics in the USA on top of the Swedish elections & politics. My other interest is science & technology but even that is poisoned by politics. Had multiple active blogs years ago on a website across many topics Science and politics with a focus on immigration and Climate 'science' that are still out there that I last posted the night of Nov. 2009 when the first climategate FOIA file was released. Been reading and procrastinating ever since. Stefan et. al. produce a broad selection of well researched presentations which myself and apparently a whole heck of a lot of other people find valuable. The way I figure it, the freedomainradio forum is where active consumers of Stefan et. al. products interact which is precisely why I am here.
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