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Blake Carrington

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Everything posted by Blake Carrington

  1. I turned out to be a leftist for a while, as I grew up listening to stories of how careless and free life was under socialism. I was, and still am irritated by all the war rhetoric you hear in Croatia, and how indoctrinated people are with it. I guess anti-American rhetoric also has something to do with it. Most people had (I suppose they still have) a very prejudiced view of Americans as dumb, fat bandits who liked to bomb everyone and attack countries to steal their oil. So I chose communism. Libertarianism was never even an option, as it still doesn't exist here. I was never involved in any politics, I was just a kid at the time, but the indoctrination of it all was staggering. I had my first discussion with a libertarian eight years ago, when I was twelve (you could say I got interested in politics at a younger age than usual), and even though all his arguments made perfect sense to me, I ignored it and kept on going (my rhetoric back then was akin to Peter Joseph's in his debate with Stef), successfully surviving that ideological crisis with my opinions remaining unchanged. The second one came a couple of years later after having read 1984 (it really hit home with me as I was severely paranoid). But I got through that one as well. Throughout my time as a commie, I was a complete misanthrope. When they tell you that leftists want state power to grow because they want to use the state apparatus against people they hate and fear, they are telling the truth. It was the marxist response to the immigrant crisis that made me open to criticism of it, and I finally denounced marxism last year. I'm glad to have discovered FDR, the first time I stumbled upon it was as a video liked by a video game and movie reviewer on youtube whose videos I like watching, and the topic of that one was the media race-baiting regarding the Ferguson riots. I agreed with Stef even though I was still a commie at the time. Last year, through the comments section on a video by that same guy I heard of a place called /pol/ which I visited only to find Stef mentioned there and remembering the video I saw years ago. I proceeded to watch all the videos I could find, and here I am now. Overall, I think my leftist history was the ultimate red pill on just how stupid and irrational leftists are, which makes me immune to their manipulations.
  2. Leftists get enough attention from their own media. One guest I would like to see is Janusz Korwin Mikke. An eccentric libertarian Pole in the Europarliament who doesn't get much coverage outside Poland. Also, now that he's out of politics, would it be possible for Ron Paul to come on the show?
  3. Hello everyone, it's good to be here. I have been a listener for about half a year now, and in this period my life has changed for the better in no small part thanks to Stef's videos. I live in Croatia, almost nobody here shares my libertarian beliefs, and a great many people think that children should be beaten more often than they are already, that it's a lack of violence that makes them bad people. It's great to know that there are people out there who value reason, virtue and freedom, and also recognize the importance of peaceful parenting.
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