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Everything posted by Mbdelta

  1. I'm becomingly overwhelmingly disgusted by the lawlessness and absolute disdain for common sense being demonstrated by the regressive American left. I live on the San Francisco peninsula, so most of my neighbors, peers, and many friends are regressive leftists. Today, Donald Trump gave the keynote speech to the California GOP Convention and a sizable protest caused traffic to block up, they burned American flags, toted Mexican flags, ranted and raved about how terrible white males are, and insulted the very essence of common sense and reason. Here's some clips for you folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWzPtF1B7Wo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USORHBUmN4k A very similar pseudo-riot took place in Southern California last night, where a police car was ruined, Trump supporters were assaulted, and property was vandalized. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tNQ9upvMTk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjamIfoVkfY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXpJXKCUiHc Last year, it was documented that latinos now outnumber whites in California (source). I'm absolutely for legal immigration so long as the immigrants assimilate to American culture and follow our laws. But many of the people coming into my state are doing the opposite. Protesters at both of these rallies were waving Mexican flags and burning American flags. A total insult to the country that protects and cares for them. Where is this going to go? The media does not report on much of this. Is American culture doomed to be demolished? Are whites doomed to choke their own culture to death in an effort to promote diversity? Will I, a High School Student, be able to send my children one day to the High School I now attend without fear of them being mocked and brutalized for their "whiteness?" What can be done to fight this scourge that seems to be rampaging through the fruited plains? I am saddened and disgusted by what I am seeing and am all to afraid that the America I believe in and love will not be there for my descendants, and probably even myself.. Is the only option that may be available to us civil war? I'd like to hear what my fellow free-thinkers have to say! Go TRUMP!
  2. Just imagine if we had three Stefans making a video each day. It'd be the holy trinity of philosophy
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