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  1. I remember him saying that and thought the same thing at the time. Did you check the notes under the podcast? (not YouTube)
  2. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/true-stories/the-brother-of-actress-mindy-kaling-pretended-to-be-black-to-get-into-medical-school/news-story/ff63518ab5e8f3bca32999cc5423504c His website http://almostblack.com/faq/ The book might be interesting when it comes out. Would be cool if Stefan could chat to him about it.
  3. Rita - Edge of Tomorrow (from what i remember) Michelle - 10 Cloverfield Lane - Because she took something girly and made it useful and didn't do anything to much out of what a female could do e.g. man strength
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-18/melbourne-university-opens-up-jobs-to-women-applicants-only/7426704 Hmmm "Equal opportunity act allows for positive discrimination" ...anyone else see something OFF with that... lol
  5. Something happened. But here is the link to it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-36266753 I thought this was pretty interesting; Something happened. But here is the link to it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-36266753 I thought this was pretty interesting;
  6. Men get called "fuckboys" these days by most of the 23 year old and under crowd.
  7. Id be happy if I never hear the term "right wing" again.
  8. Link to the article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-36266753 What are your thoughts?
  9. Thanks for the post ill use some of these. I have joined a lot of left Facebook groups that I often post links to Stef's videos and argue with people about the things they post, so ill try some of these.
  10. I cant see a ISIS member that is so hard core in their Islamic belief would marry another man.
  11. You are right. Most of my arguments with people about this are done online so I try to think of it as I'm not just convincing the person I'm talking to, I'm trying to convince the people that would be reading our conversation also. I find there are some people that I have come across on this topic have not been shown the real facts about it and some are not as hard core in their beliefs as some open borders advocates are. So I normally talk about how there is only so much money to go around to help these people so if it helps more people (pushing that helping more should be the goal) then keeping them where they are rather than brining them to the EU or the West is better as a whole as it helps so many more people rather than the feel good moments of bring in only some lucky few. I push that it is a selfish idea to do that. I feel like it plants the seed in some of the not so hard core about it.
  12. Maybe you can take this as a way to discuss with people about looking past their emotions and not letting that get in the way of their decisions.
  13. Good post. I use this argument when debating people about immigration but its good to have the data from the companies themselves.
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