Thanks for your welcome.
I sympathize greatly with all the Germans who didn't vote for their country to be handed over to foreign invaders, which is just basically how I see them. Germany used to be on the top of my must travel to list. I have always been incredibly interested in German culture and especially the history of Germany, not exactly sure why it has just always intrigued me. I think their is something about German culture that reminds me of Australian culture I suppose but unfortunately from what I have seen happen in the last 12 months I have had to put my travel plans on hold, hopefully not indefinitely but I think you would agree at least for the foreseeable future. I don't think Australia is as far down the path that Germany is but we are rapidly catching up. I have to ask what is it like living there now. Do you feel endangered or threatened when you are out in public, i'm not sure if you live in a town or city that has accommodated the refugee's but I'd love to get a grasp on the feel over there from someone actually living it everyday. Also, I ask because my sister who is only 20 is planning a bus tour trip through all of Europe mid year but she will be spending a good amount of time in Germany during the tour and for a short stay after the bus tour is finished, which I am extremely anxious and worried sick about.