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Everything posted by robc

  1. Hi all, Been listening to Stefan for approximately 6 months now and I hear a lot about IQ. As someone who has never conducted an IQ test as far as im aware. Can anyone suggest some options that I have for conducting a test. - Is there a test that is considered the "Gold Standard"? - If the "Gold Standard" Test exists, where and how does someone conduct the test? - Do you get your score straight away? I apologise in advance if this has already been covered in previous posts and please feel free to just point me in that direction if that's the case.
  2. Thanks for your welcome. I sympathize greatly with all the Germans who didn't vote for their country to be handed over to foreign invaders, which is just basically how I see them. Germany used to be on the top of my must travel to list. I have always been incredibly interested in German culture and especially the history of Germany, not exactly sure why it has just always intrigued me. I think their is something about German culture that reminds me of Australian culture I suppose but unfortunately from what I have seen happen in the last 12 months I have had to put my travel plans on hold, hopefully not indefinitely but I think you would agree at least for the foreseeable future. I don't think Australia is as far down the path that Germany is but we are rapidly catching up. I have to ask what is it like living there now. Do you feel endangered or threatened when you are out in public, i'm not sure if you live in a town or city that has accommodated the refugee's but I'd love to get a grasp on the feel over there from someone actually living it everyday. Also, I ask because my sister who is only 20 is planning a bus tour trip through all of Europe mid year but she will be spending a good amount of time in Germany during the tour and for a short stay after the bus tour is finished, which I am extremely anxious and worried sick about.
  3. Hello everyone, I have been listening, watching and generally consuming as much FDR content as possible for about 5 months now. I live on the central coast of NSW, Australia, which is about one hour north of Sydney CBD. I have finally decided to enter the community now after toying with the idea for a while. I wanted to get across and absorb as much information as possible before commenting as a lot of what I have read and heard from the show and now privately has awoken an unquenchable thirst for more truth, which I wanted to be able to speak on with some knowledge. In my 27 years on this earth I have slowly watched my country become more and more burdened with growing social and economic problems and an ever swelling state. Until it has finally gotten to the point now where I don't consider myself to live in "the lucky country" any longer. I deeply believe that Silence is consent so I figure the only way to fight the state is to discuss everything they don't want us to discuss. I look forward to discussing as many topics as possible with as many people as possible in this forum and hopefully truth and reason will spread more and more.
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