I grew up in Moscow. Lessons from USSR: in order to push atheism on the rest of the population you have to mass murder priests, require atheism for gainful employment, teach atheism in schools from the youngest age, play constant propaganda against religion on all of state media, and ban religious books. When you do all that, only 50% of your population will secretly get baptized and only 70% will identify as religious when your thieving regime collapses. It really is a bad idea that, without physical coercion, stands little ground. Toss it. If an idea is tried and yielded disaster, toss it. If an idea has little utility, toss it. If you can't see benefit in your life from the idea or can't be sure that it makes a better world for your children, toss it.
I am a former atheist, a convinced Christian. I registered on this forum, Stefan, to talk to you - I think some of my life experiences, a little bit of life wisdom, and reason in conversation can help you decide to become a Christian when you have found yourself at this crossroad. I am willing to call in.