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Truth Tweets

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Everything posted by Truth Tweets

  1. Sigh ... was just watching a video where they talked about how the elite view us all as livestock... grrr
  2. I must say this is likely my Rubicon. I have looked at all the other candidates. I posted my Linkedin profile for all to see. No one else running has ever put their own money at risk. If the corrupt bought off incumbent gets in again I am likely entering full anarcho mode.
  3. Thank you so much. I like your post... especially point 8. When I was young that was part of how my father explained the difference between the free market and a government job. Unfortunately today the government workers get the best pay packages on average.... that is just wrong for the whole system. Have personally done 6 for years (it has included some of my own money as well)
  4. First I live in Calgary, AB, Canada. In the last 5 years, we have moved from relatively free to as close to communist as we can get. The debt that our province has added in the last 2.5 years is at the fastest rate ever in Canadian history. I might be delusional but I have decided to take the plunge and run for city council - Cities do not have the gangster like issue of political parties. I would appreciate thoughts on what issues would be the GATEWAY concepts to FREEDOM... Please understand that anarco capitalist ideas will not win an election... Please share your 'Gateway Drugs to Freedom'. I want to promote freedom, increase accountablity, and help people wake up to the fact that big government reduces all we are and can be. What were your red pill concepts. Thanks Mark
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