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Phable Omsri

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Everything posted by Phable Omsri

  1. "Self Ownership" is a pretty intense issue for me. When I was a youth I thought the whole system of working to pay rent to live to eat to work to pay rent was basically slavery... and subconsciously I must have felt the truth of the matter. In Jamaica during the days of slavery a slave had "a bond" which his or her "owner" had, which was basically a piece of paper that said "Warrior Slave, Worker Slave, Woman Slave, Child Slave, or Baby Slave". These bonds were bought and sold at what was known as "The Stock Market", where people sold animals and slaves. So in 1933 The United States Corporation went bankrupt and all the common people were put up as collateral against the debt. Thus the Social Security System and The Birth Certificate System were enacted and Bonds were there by issued for every person born in America. I have read that these bonds are worth a person's weight in gold at the point of their birth. These bonds are bought and sold over and over and over and their value is artificially inflated via the Fractional Reserve Banking System to an unfathomable value and degree. Basically a person is "incorporated" at birth, meaning that a person is made into a corporation via the all caps birth certificate, and this bond is meant to back all a person's "work expenses" they accumulate while endeavoring on behalf of those whose Credit we are collateral to improve. The United States Corporation is the employer and oneself is the employee. So it was assumed that a person would incur all sorts of expenses while being taxed to the gills working for THE MAN... so this fund was set aside for each and every person which can discharge business related expenses, a fund which anyone can learn to draw from at basically any time. Not only that but a person is owed "back compensation" for all the transactions which have occurred during the transacting of one's Bond, compensation a person is well within their legal rights to request. However, if a person dies and does not claim this Bond, and does not discharge their debts via this fund, then the Bond matures and the money is collected by The United States Corporation (a sum of between $300,000.00 and 1 million dollars) and is used to pay The Government's debts instead. This results in a terrible conflict of interest where people are often worth more to the Government dead, instead of alive. And certainly there is no imperative to inform the general public of this arrangement regarding the money set aside for them on the part of The Government, given as how lucrative our ignorance is for them. So as far as "who owns me"... that is actually a complicated legal agreement, which has resulted in other people profiting extensively while anticipating my total subservience to a system which insures their further profit. There is a wicked assumption, a sinister plot, which capitalizes on the ignorance of our parents and society as a whole... its an assumption that the people in general can be used as collateral for an elite societies debts, an assumption that the people can be reduced to a commodity, an assumption that the common people can be made slaves so that a handful can rule us all. Its an assumption that was followed up with a series of legal agreements that our parents made and make with The Government regarding our Birth Certificates and Social Security Numbers and the formation of this Bond in a new born baby's name. So the powers behind The Government actually do not own your Birth Certificate, and a person can claim ownership of the account that certificate represents. A person can then begin to conduct business in full legal knowledge. So, technically a person is the owner of themself (upon becoming an adult) as well as being the owner of the Corporation that their all-caps Birth Certificate denotes, but one must know their legal position and all their rights in order to act fully on one's own interest and behalf. Until a person reaches cognizance of this "co-ownership" of one's life and affairs by The State, one's activity can hardly be seen to be that of a "self-owned" human being and one's Sovereignty is definitely in question. Thus, for me, I will never really be comfortable with the arrangement regarding my life, my finances, the issues "self ownership" and I cannot thwart these general assumptions and endeavors to make me a slave until I can figure out how to access that Bond, The Expense Discharging Account and all the money owed to me for back transactions conducted by the investors in The Government in my name. They assume I will die before I learn how to access those financial assets, and if I make no endeavor to discover the implications of this information they will be right. Learning about Sovereignty, our Rights, and how they circumvent our rights (to legally steal people's money and property) via The Uniform Commercial Code (The U.C.C.), and discovering The Fund set aside in your name all constitutes a tremendous amount of study and work... essentially a person must become their own lawyer and one can gain a huge wealth of knowledge about how the system works by undertaking the study. I am no expert on this subject at all, however I have friends who are going through the process and I have found many hours of material regarding this subject online. This Bond does appear to be a real thing, and so is the account... it just takes alot of legal knowledge to actually execute the process. I would suggest being 100% certain of your steps before undertaking any actual legal declarations. Those are my thoughts on "Self-Ownership", I hope you have a blessed day!
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