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Everything posted by M.2

  1. Ok, good, you made 3 descriptors. 1. If this is the West, then I agree with you. The ruins of decadent empires are not worth saving, much like the Roman Empire wasn't. However, the only reason we ever had the great colonial empires you talk about is because some heroic bishop in the 6th century managed to save very important texts during the destruction of Hippo. So, think on that. Maybe there are some things worth saving here as well. 2. Here I agree as well, because there is nothing special to the regions where the white race lives currently. 3. I am interested where you got the numbers 800 million and 210 million.
  2. Hi, Victor! What you propose sounds alright, but it is too theoretical for me. There have been a few attempts throughout history to build a free society out of nowhere from whom we could learn from. Modern Israel, which you brought up, is an excellent example I think. Other worthy examples are The Kingdom of Jerusalem, San Marino, The United States of America, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Old Paraguay, Taiwan, Hospitaller Island of Malta. (All these countries were even capable of defending themselves against foreign threats at one point, or still are able to) I think the one closest to your description is San Marino. Very Rich, very high IQ, tiny government, very business friendly, has very good alliances, and has been Independent since 300AD. It was founded as a safe-haven for persecuted Christians. I am not quite sure what "stateless Society" means, since I cannot imagine people not being ruled by some form of government. Here I agree with Will Torbald.
  3. Hi, John! I don't know if you are Christian, but a community you surely will find in that region is the Catholic Church. You will surely find people there who at least try to be virtuous. This is what the people I know did, even those who are not so religious.
  4. I can appreciate that you posted this topic here, Siegfried. Because I agree that it is us, westerners, who are the only ones responsible for ourselves. And it all starts with the individual. Whether you are right or wrong in withdrawing from the fight depends on what you are fighting for in the first place, doesn't it? So, what is the West to you? Also, what do you think the West is to anyone who is not of the West?
  5. I wish things were so simple. I used to think they were, but after working with the Jesuit Refugee Service for a year, I am not so sure. Here is why it is not so simple. 1. Left and Right in Europe are not the same as in the Anglo-Saxon World. For instance, the leading party in Germany is the Christian Democrat Center Right Party, same with France, as they are also led by the nominal Right. As for Belgium, thy don't even have a single Government. 2. Please stop saying "Europe" whenever you are thinking about the decadent West. Even in the video, he mentions Portugal, which is plainly uninformed, because the Migrant Crisis does not affect Portugal. 3. It is quite clear, after having spoken to many Germans, and having listened to German media, that nobody knows WHY exactly they are letting in so many people. Anyone claiming to know the reason is intellectually dishonest or has not done enough research. Of course, there are agruments floating around in the air, but there is no unified position at all. 4. In order to asess the situation, first we have to take every state individually. Germany, France, Belgium, UK and Sweden all have different Governments. Germany is a Confederation, France is the dictatorship of Paris, Belgium isnt even a real country, UK is... a mess, Sweden is a Constitutional Monarchy. Also, we have to compare them to neighbouring countries that do not have the Migrant Problem, such as Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Finland, Czechia, Italy... 5. My diagnosis: BAD INFORMATION. Hardly anyone is willing to get down into the mud like I did. Everyone has their big, well-put opinions, they visit a camp in Serbia, snap a few photos, talk to two or three Algerians, then claim they have the full picture. Hence, everybody is very uninformed. Some, like Poland, think that every Migrant is basically a soldier of Suleiman the Great, while Belgians are told that every one of these cute brown people is a Syrian Refugee. Again: Bad Information. 6. Even the Governments can't get quality information. There is no communication between European intelligence agencies, refugee camps, nor people. I myself can only get real information by piecing together intel gathered from here and there. My luck is that the Jesuit Order is quite simply the most sophisticated spy Network ever developed. They are in every country, every community, they speak multiple languages, and they are unbiased in their Research. The only problem is that the Order is not allowed to leak any information. Even I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is basically why I joined FDR, as at least some of us are being intellectually honest.
  6. So glad you brought up this topic, ChinKing! Compulsory education is a Prussian invention, just like the wellfare state and many other terrible state programs. Before that it was the parents who decided whether or not they wanted to have their children educated. There was, of course, much demand, and there were many schools, almost all run by the Roman Catholic church, or the Protestant Communities later on. The main broblem here is the word "compulsory". Parents have been tricked into thinking that the state knows better how to educate their children than they do. The end result is an army of neglected, bitter, mentally compliant idiots, who are not even suitable able to stand their ground in the work-force they were bred for. I was educated in 3 elite private schools in 2 different countries, but me and my Brothers were all miserable. Thankfully, my parents were brave enough to make the outlandish decision to homeschool us for 2 years. It was the best decision they made in my life. At first I did not understand why they chose to do it, but within a year my eyes were opened to what I was missing out on, and what I was forces into instead. I learned to learn during homeschool, and I learned to love to learn during homeschool. I would never enroll my future children in school. I don't want them to suffer the trauma that I have: bullying by teachers and students, corporal punishment, intellectual dryness, stress, the young army of the state called students, the hate for learning, and worst of all, parental neglect.
  7. There. Everybody happy? Chile is the best place in the World to live. Has Catholicism, Diversity Done Right, Tolerance, Patriotism, Riches, Tiny Government, Business-friendly Regulations, Abortion Illegalised, Diverse Economy, Uniforms to go gay for... Decadent West ​Healthy West ​Lagging West Secular Dictatorship ​Developing ​Shithole Progressive and ​Shithole Islamist ​​​(Correction on Austria) (Correction on Equatorial Guinea) ​(Correction on Jordan and Brunei)
  8. M.2

    What is goodness?

    This question has fascinated me and occupied my thoughts since I was 13. But not even the World is in agreement over what is good and bad. It depends on what your philosophy is. What I have found out is the following: If you are... - Pragmatist: Whatever suits your own end is good, what doesnt, is bad. - Relativist: There is no good or bad. - Nihilist: Man is bad. - Buddhist: Nothingness is good. - Hindu: (Impossible to generalise) - Protestant: Whatever you interpret from the bible. - Muslim: Whatever you interpret from the Quaran. - Catholic: Whatever the Church says. - ​Jewish: Whatever serves the survival of God's People. - Stupid: ​I say what is good or bad. - Einstein: Bad is the lack of good. - Mr. Molyneux: ​Universally preferable behaviour is good. The trouble I find with the position of Mr.Molyneux, is that it is a circular argument. What does "preferable" mean? Preferability already implies something good or better. But who is to judge what that is? I suppose one has to find a value that is common to every culture. I haven't read his book, sorry. maybe someone who has can explain.
  9. Hi, Rventurelli! I'm sure you are aware, it is customary on this website to provide sources for big claims such as the ones you stated above. Once you do so, I would be happy to debate your points. Also,please make up your mind on what exactly you are talking about. Is it all caucasians (Arabs and Indians are caucasian too)? Is it only the ones of Eu descent? Ist it just Estern Eu? Just Hungary and Poland? Why are you comparing these to the Gaza strip, which is literally only a strip of land in the most messed up part of the world? I appreciate your input!
  10. I think it all comes down to the values that the parties on the political spectrum hold. For Left-Wingers, honesty and dignity were never up there. Which is in way understandable once you see their point of view. I will take the People's Republic of China to make my point. The CCP never shied away from lie and deception, but as a matter of fact, they are proud to be Masters at them. I'm sure you have heard the quote: "Truth is the first casualty of War". Well, the Left are proudly and admittedly waging a war for their Socialist Utopia, and they will sacrifice anything and everything in order to achieve their end. "Anything" includes killing 70 million of your own people, naturally. The CCP is, of course, an extreme example, but the reason why you will not convince 1.4 billión Chinese to overthrow their government by exposing their lies, is because they know very well that they are being lied to, and they accept it as an necessary evil for conserving the social order and the unity of China. Right-Wingers on the other hand, have truth and honesty very high up in their value-system. They even die for the truth in regular fashion. I recall the most telling facial expression of a very conservative British lady, who was petrified the first time she found out someone had lied to her, uttering: "My goodness... he lied..." It was funny and sad at the same time to see how much Britain has changed. It was the first occasion in the life of this 55 year old English lady that she was lied to. It used to be different back when the Anglo-Saxon World was still on the right. They even had the so-called "Gentlemen's Agreement". Not many people have heard of it nowadays.
  11. By "Europe", I suppose you mean "Western Europe". About 360 million people live in Western Europe, which is just about half of the population of the whole of Europe. Now, of course you know this, but not every West-European country is going downhill. The ones that you worry about so much are the following countries (with polulations): Austria (8mil), Belgium (11mil), Denmark (6mil), France (66mil), Germany (81mil), Netherlands (17 mil), Sweden (8mil), UK (64mil), which in total makes 261mil, not even half of the European Union. So cheer up! We aren't all such big cucks. And please, we are grateful for the effort, but don't think we need YOU to explain the dangers of Radical Islam. Greece, Poland and Hungary have been doing that for the past 600 years.
  12. By "women", I assume you are talking about "quality women" (pardon the term, I can't think of a better one), because let's face it, almost every man ends up with a woman sooner or later. My mother is very much a "quality woman", but my father was dirt-poor when they married, and not only poor, but also short, temperamental, a foreigner, and most tragically, quite uneducated. So I asked my mother some years back what she saw in him, and she said - "I saw the fire of ambition in him". Now, after 25 years of marriage, my father is a successful entrepeneur, highly respected in his milieu, can afford to send his children to top universities in western Europe. So, rephrasing the question of DaVinci, do we have an aisle where I can purchase ambition?
  13. I did say they do Research. You might find your answer there. They surely have done one on the characteristics and traits of their members.
  14. I think I see what you are looking for. Are you familiar with Mensa? Here is a link to their site: http://www.mensa.org/ They are a high-IQ international Society of over 100 000 people that organises social events for their members. They even test your IQ and hand you a certificate. If you don't have high enough IQ to join, at least you may find some answers in their Research. Hope this helps.
  15. Here is something to rock your world: I am from Mongolia, an East-Asian (as Mr.Molyneux says, high IQ region) country. Despite being high-IQ, we are a pretty violent folk. I myself have been in quite a few fights myself (I have a confirmed IQ of above 130). In fact, there is something we ourselves call "Mongol Rage", which is when someone starts lashing out very aggressively without notice. On the other hand, we are a very very empathetic people, far more than Europeans are, much like the Japanese and the Koreans. Also, like all East-Asians, we do not like eye-contact. Looking someone in the eye is considered very rude. Democracy... well, not our thing. Even though on paper we are a democracy, the system is much more like a patriarchical oligarchy, which we are completely fine with. Personally, I value intelligence very highly, but intelligent people are no longer necessarily whom I try to associate myself with. My friends are those people who I can call up at 3am, ask them to get a baseball bat, and have them at my back in 5 minutes, all without them asking a single question. Loyalty is the trait that is valued in Mongolia (by Mr.Trump too, clearly), because historically, the Mongol army never was mobilised. That meant that in the time of need, you couldn't care less whether your allies had the smarts, rather all that mattered was that they came. With all due respect to the FDR community, IQ, in my opinion is a luxury to be discussing.
  16. Hi, RichardY! I have added another paragraph outlining how Hungary has dealt and still deals with multiculturalism: "Hungary's history with refugees"
  17. Many people theorise about what the solution is. But they do not realise that the solution has already been enacted in practice by Hungary. I wish Mr.Molyneux would make a show about this, since not many western media outlets report on this.
  18. This may not be your style as Germans, but hey, if you got a T-34 somewhere lying around in your attic. This is what we did in 2006 when they started stripping us of our rights:
  19. I found a visual chart pertaining to Dylan's excellent post: http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200375~3001080:The-Histomap-
  20. Meanwhile in Hungary, some kid dropped their TEK armoured vehicle in the middle of the christmas market in Budapest... https://www.facebook.com/this.is.christian.hungary/photos/a.593488027446882.1073741827.593480377447647/1047359325393081/?type=3&theater
  21. It is indeed funny you say that, since the very term of "free will" was coined by the Jews (yachid), then adopted by the christians, since they simply had to have a Word in order to explain why we are free. You will also find that no other form of religion has the term. (that includes Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism...). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will Yes, the Greeks and the Romans meddled with the stuff, but like in many cases, they never got to the end of it. I also find it relieving that while atheists and materialists discuss this stuff from the ground up, I already have a Church to give me the answer. You will most certainly find this a very good read: http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1083.htm
  22. So the following is your proposed solution? If I may, the solution to radical islamic (or just islamic) terrorism is already being implemented in Eastern Europe. Seeing the apathy of the West, the V4 (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary) have formed a loose geopolitical alliance based on culture and ideology. The Visegrád 4 have built a wall on the Southern border of the Schengen zone, rejected the EU dictated quotas, and began rebuilding their military. It is also worth mentioning that while Belgium sends jihadis to the Levant, the V4 send humanitarian aid and volunteers. Results are that there has not been a single terror attack in Eastern Europe, even though they DO IN FACT give asylum to refugees of war. The reasons for why this alliance is so successful, are that all these countries have a strong Catholic national identity, they all still remember the horrors of the Soviet Block, and they are all sick of globalism. In the past year the V4 have extended their reach to cooperate with Slovenia, Croatia, Bavaria, and to some extent even Austria, in order to be a formidable force against both Germany and Russia. I go into much more detail in my short writing in the General Messages titled The Truth About the Migrant Crisis and Hungary.
  23. Brilliant question! I myself can only make guesses, so I am looking forward to reading the replies.
  24. 1. Hi, Anoujat. 2. Yes, I have watched Mr.Molyneux's videos on atheism and christianity, and will continue to watch them in the future for the arguments. 3. This thread was not intended to be about the negatives of christianity, as I have laid that down in the beginning. We can have a discussion about the negatives about christianity, but overall, yes, I would say christianity is worth having despite all its flaws. 4. Sure, we can talk about catholic communism, like they had in Cuba, Vietnam or Angola, but I do not wish to on this thread. This is strictly about Hungary and Mongolia. 5. I do not believe that my home countries turned to communism willingly, at least Hungary didn't, and Mongolia did mostly out of geopolitical necessity. Sure, we could have a fact fight about the post-communist countries or neo-atheist countries in the west like Estonia, Sweden, Japan, and the correlations and implications that come with losing religion. For starters, these countries have a staggering level of population loss and these countries occupy the top of the list on suicide rates. http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/suicide/by-country/
  25. "Often we are so busy thinking about how much is wrong with the Church, that we forget to consider what the World would be like without it" - G.K Chesterton Full disclosure: I am a Roman Catholic, but this is not an attempt at trying to prove anything. Simply a description of what a world without God is like from a strictly personal perspective. My parents both grew up in the Communist block, my mother in Hungary, my father in Mongolia. Before the communist era, Hungary had been a multicultural country for 900 years with Catholics, Protestants and Atheists , while Mongolia was also a multicultural country with Buddhists, Animists, and Atheists. Both my parents grew up atheists, then they both became protestants seperately, then both gradually converted to Catholicism in my lifetime. The People's Republic of Mongolia had not seen a single Christian Missionary on its territory since the collapse of the Mongol Empire. Mongolia was the second country in history that adopted Marxism-Leninism. When the republic was declared in 1924, countless thousands of religious men and women were executed in the first five years. Even today, if you go on a road-trip to the Gobi desert, you can find hundreds of bullet shells scattered around in the ruins of old monasteries. I myself have picked up a pair. After 70 years of communist rule, in 1992, a year after the fall of the Soviet Union, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Ulaanbaatar to demand freedom from from Communism. Admittedly, unlike the Hungarians, the people of Mongolia knew not what they were asking for instead - all they knew, was that whatever they had currently was not ok. My father was among the protesters, he saw scores of aroured vehicles line up in front of the parliament,ready to open fire. He also spotted a few of his old friends among the soldiers who were tasked with dispersing the crowd, Mongolia was a tiny country with only 700 000 residents in the capital, so it was inevitable that there were friends and families among the soldiers and the protesters. The president of Mongolia heard the demands of the people, and triggered dismantling of the Socialist System without much delay. One of his first acts as the leader of the free country was to write a letter to the Holy See, requesting missionaries asap. He was a smárt man, as he knew, with the collapse of the Communist Value System in people's lives, the vacuum that would be left in its stead would be catastrophic - he was right. The missionaries took a while to arrive, but they were not too late. The people of Mongolia were indeed thirsty for a replacement to the old failed values, thus they were most eager to listen to anything coming from the west. Mongolia, behind Kyrghizistan, is unofficially the last modern country on the planet to host Christianity. The People's Republic of Hungary officially granted freedom of religion in the constitution, but of course, that was far from reality. Every priest, who was ordained before 1985, most certainly had spent at least 3 years in prison, 1 year in solitary confinement, gone through sleep-deprivation interrogation for a month, and many were executed for conspiring against the state. Lay people who were christians were not allowed to hold public office, but were not actively persecuted to excess. My mother became a Christian during communist rule, and became active among believers, smuggled russian bibles into the Soviet Union, where people copied the few bibles the had gotten by hand, and distributed the copies in the vast Siberian territories. With the fall of communism, the people of Hungary needed no encouragement to reclaim their old Christian/Catholic national identity, and start rebuilding what was destroyed in the past 40 years. I grew up in Mongolia in a most atheistic milieu. My brothers and I were the only christians at the schools we attended. At the very beginning of the millenium, christianity was still regarded as the culture of the pathetic, poor, stupid, unintellectual people. I was most confused by those labels as a child, since I was born in Hungary, and knew what thousand years of christianity really looked like. Christianity was the most beautiful thing in my life - the churches, the music, the nicest people in the World, and most important of all, Hope. The sore lack of Hope, is something that westerners do not immediately notice, but it is the only thing consistently present in every part of the World that was not built on Christian foundations. The lack of Hope is something every Mongolian feels, once they return from their vacations to Europe. It is a phenomenon that I cannot explain in words, but it is something that makes me value what Christianity has given to the World.
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