Hi, i am a 40 yr old father of two and am in complete agreement with Stephan in regards to the peaceful parenting principals. More recently with the video concerning US foreign policy. And people wonder why I get slightly dramatic when political dialogue is being hovered around. It's because I have been researching this geopolitical nightmare for almost two decades and most good and intelligent people are not even aware of the facts and information that is so readily available, but dare to speak with such authority about something with regurgitations from the very evil entities that do not care about them or the innocent lives that they so easily snuff out with the policy decisions implemented. Done so with the power that has been bestowed upon them by their own slaves. I'm sorry for my attitude but the minor discomfort my stubborn self inflicts upon you is a drop in the celestial bucket of the pain and suffering from the power elite. Thanks to Stephan and his well articulated philosophy, there is hope for the future, everyone who comes into contact with the information and ideas imparted by the genius that is this man needs to donate to this podcast with whatever is in their power or ability.