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Tomi last won the day on June 22 2016

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  1. I think I've heard from Stef one time or another, or maybe from someone else, but whether he said it or not, I could have heard it elsewhere as well. I can't remember exactly what it was about, inflation, or welfare, or debt, or... god have you I can't remember, but there were 2 solutions (or more), and one of them was war... How does war solve any problem now a days? I mean isn't war something between royal families because of land disputes? I just don't get why war is the answer. I don't mean to come across green, but I just don't get it, can someone forward me to some links explaining why countries go to war for reasons that seem detached from what the actual problem is...? I can understand just wars, like Game of Thrones kind of stuff, but how can someone...ANYONE...say, oh hey, this isn't working out for me, so let me spin this globe and wherever my finger lands, we'll take our anger out on them. We'll kill the shit out of them. Yea. Anyone?
  2. Hello everyone. I just moved so I guess I'd say hello from Thunder Bay, but I just moved from the east end of the GTA (greater Toronto area) for University. I've been watching Stef for I think almost 2 years now. I can't skip a single video! Well, maybe the ones in Spanish. I originally found Stefan's YouTube channel after I saw Emma Watson's He For She UN speech on gender inequality. I'd like to thank Ms. Watson, for if she never spoke at the UN about this, I might have never found Stefan (however controversial you are). I felt something very wrong, but I could not for the life of me point out a SINGLE flaw! Luckily Stefan did. YESSSSSSSSS! I was right, something felt wrong and I've felt it my entire goddamn life. I feel like mooning the entire world each time I watch another good video. I don't really think Stef is actually that controversial, yea sure I've seen strange things here and there, but the points are earth shattering. (I guess anything can be controversial, even truth. "All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." - Friedrich Nietzsche) One thing I didn't like (pretty much the only thing) was how he treated Jan Helfeld during the debate, and after when he called, he was like, "sorry dude, I got a show going on, go away". But I digress. Anyways, I'm glad I registered. I hope to keep watching the videos and learn more so I can keep putting more pieces of the puzzle together and eventually, actually see the matrix. I think I do see it, but I don't think I really do understand the real web of connections that underlie it all. Sure, I do get this, and that, and all these points, but I can't debate them with anyone who's composed with the mainstream ideology. I keep having epiphanies, over and over and over. As if each time were the last, it's getting clear to me that I don't know as much as I thought. I'm not sure if I'll be posting much, but when I do, I hope to bring an interesting perspective to the table. Cheers, Tomi
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  3. To the OP. I'm really sorry man.. to believe that which doesn't hold a drop of water must have taken some serious hurt from society. Who would date the "9's" or "10's"? I think a lot of people have the same idea, and there's a reason for it, and a very valid reason it's true in many circumstances. I used to believe this myself, for a long time, and I had worse success than dating "two points" lower. Over time I've found myself surprised by how much things change. It's funny and sad. Don't give up man. All the best, Tomi
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