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What would need to be done?
n4hpg replied to Just a Thought's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I consider an idiot to be the person who refuses to admit that he knows everything. The road to wisdom begins with the acknowledgement that you don't know everything. Let's begin our conversation by talking about POWER. All power in our society is a function of the amount of wealth that one has (or lack thereof.) The saying goes, "Follow the money." Let me point you to a book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffith. You need to understand that what you and I have in our wallets is NOT MONEY. We have CURRENCY - worthless paper that is imposed upon us by force of law (guys with guns.) The numbers in our bank accounts are as real as the numbers in a spreadsheet. They are a work of fiction. There are a few good YouTube videos on how the Fed works. I'll leave it to you to learn about fiat currency and fractional-reserve banking. As long as the fiction is believed, we use currency to buy things that are tangible such as a can of soda. When you and I work and folks pay us for our work, we get paid in a currency that has no intrinsic value. We use it to pay for our can of soda and it is accepted for payment because the seller of the soda believes in the value of the currency. The cycle repeats. In this way, labor and wealth are transferred as long as the FAITH in the currency remains. Indeed, the reason for our fiat currency was to convey the wealth of the country to the private owners of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is as much a government agency as Federal Express!!! It's a fucking private bank. It earns at least 6% of the total wealth of the country for its owners. When you look at exchange rates, it is just the relative values of worthless currencies as based upon the controlling interests. The goal of the New World Order is to have 1 planetary currency. What this will do is make the transfer of wealth to the folks who run our planet easier as they don't have to deal with pesky exchange rates and different banks. With 1 global currency, it will be easy to consolidate our slavery to the BOE - Bank of the Earth. We can begin to end our enslavement by forcing our masters to adopt true MONEY. In this way, the numbers on our accounts and the paper in our wallets will be representative of wealth and we will no longer be paying invisible taxes to the planetary rulers. If $1 == 5 grams of physical gold that lives in a vault somewhere, then you can't rip off the people without being seen. -
What would need to be done?
n4hpg replied to Just a Thought's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
In answer to your questions: 1. Things have changed - they've gotten massively worse. 2. Let me give you the short answer first. 2A. Yes, it would be prudent to have 6 months of food, water and bullets in your basement. 2B. The full answer might be forthcoming in a paper I might write as I understand the material very well due to education and training. 2C. The prerequisite for any positive change is that of true and inspired leadership and the renewal of the rule of law. Without this, nothing can be done. And yes, Mr. Trump appears to be our best option. 2D. It is not a case of market freedom at issue. It's a case of the systems by which we had based our legal and economics have been so perverted as to cease to exist. Some have called me a "statist", but examination of the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and other original sources shows how our present predicament was forecast over 200 years ago. The very short list of things necessary to FIX the system: 1. Reinstating the rule of law and adherence to the letter of the Constitution. 2. Undoing at least 20 Supreme Court decisions. 3. Repealing most laws and regulations. 4. Adopting a new currency that is pegged to a commodity. Say, $1 = 5 grams of fine gold. 5. Encouraging manufacturing as producing tangible items for domestic and foreign consumption is the cornerstone of prosperity. 6. Repealing the 17th Amendment 7. Disbanding the Department of Indoctrination (Education) and returning education to the local governments. 8. Disbanding the IRS and abolishing the income tax. There are many more and I've omitted lots of detail for the sake of brevity. -
Stefan did a video on this topic where he discussed the facts concerning the contagion of european diseases wiping out vast quantities of natives and how these diseases depopulated vast areas. This was not a deliberate attack, but just the result of lack of immunity. We europeans have some rather strong diseases in our past. Take Plague... Confining the conversation to North America. The first question presupposes that there was an assertion of property rights by the natives. Keep in mind that european civilization was about 7,000 years more modern than the native american cultures. The traditions and history of the native americans was an oral tradition in songs and stories as they lacked a written language (North America). Many were nomadic following the seasons. They also had a conquest culture where one tribe would conquer another and take its resources. Some scholars have opined that their culture would find the very concept that a given parcel of land as belonging to a person as strange. So, the short answer is NO. There were no surveys of property with recorded instruments until we arrived. It was not like the Germans crossing the Belgian border where the limits were clearly known. <grin> In the very early days of european settlements, they hugged the coastline so as to be close to ships sailing between Europe and North America. This meant that the diseases from contact with europeans decimated the native populations further inland before anyone really noticed.
A completely different approach to application software development
n4hpg replied to n4hpg's topic in Science & Technology
The approach is very different from code templates. The point is to keep the code as small as possible. Objects are defined largely in tables. Tables are defined in tables. Forms are defined in tables. Configurations are defined in tables. The engine uses the tables to dynamically create the user interface as well as process the data. For example, let's say you have a field (column) for LAST_NAME and you now make it required. This is a property in the table definition table. Simply asserting it required causes the engine to change the markup and JS components to enforce entry as well as the checking prior to updating. In the main storage table, it would assert the NOT NULL. So, without any specific programming, the developer can change things like this. That's the power. To update most of the application is simply modifying tables. -
A completely different approach to application software development
n4hpg replied to n4hpg's topic in Science & Technology
The cobbler's feet were unshod! It is best to ensure that the public-facing portion of your website is operational before posting in a forum! If you tried to go to my site, please try again. The main website is running on the software development server. -
I would like to propose something disruptive. There are now thousands of schools and courses devoted to CODING. That is writing computer code. Someone wants an APP for this and an APP for that. The natural solution is to hire a team of coders to write the app, debug it, deploy it, debug it and so on. Programmers rate their own value as how well they write programs. Users rate the value in a given application by how well it helps them do something more efficiently. We have an ever increasing mountain of computer code. Over time, this computer code needs to be refreshed, updated or deprecated. Much of it is never documented as the programmers frenetically write the code to get it into the wild as fast as possible. Also, programming well is an art form. Not everyone who can write a little bit of code does it well. As systems increase in complexity, the interaction of many different variables becomes increasingly difficult to test. Having been a professional programmer/engineer since I was 16, I've written tens of thousands of programs. If I had a penny for every keystroke, I'd be rich. I've added to the mountain of code that someone will need to maintain. Let's examine business forms. Business forms are meant to collect data and shove it into a database. Ideally, there would be validation that the input data is correct and the user would be prompted to correct input errors. Take a very simple demographics form: FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS The person designing the database table needs to set up a column for each of these input fields. The person developing the input form needs to create the UI for each field. Another person needs to glue the front-end to the back-end with various scripting. What we find is that this process is repeated ad-nauseum. The programmers involved believe that their worth is in coding all of this by hand. This is a disconnect from the value of the User who wants a reliable product. 10 years ago, I developed a completely different approach. I call it "Business Objects". A business object is a functional representation of data in an application. The business object has methods and properties to tell it how to behave. Schemas are defined in terms of business objects instead of primitives (string, integer, bool, date, etc.) though the primitives are defined in the business object itself. The UI rendering engine digests the schema against the form layout and creates the UI. When a schema is saved, the environment will construct all of the necessary tables and generate the form. At this point, the application is ready to operate. Because the business objects are tested and the engine is tested, the quality of operation can be assured. Business objects are infinitely reusable and extensible. WHY should we need to code by hand a LAST NAME field every time we want it in a table and application? Can't we simply use a widget? That's the point! We now change the programmer's role from writing a mountain of UI code to that of creating the real value - the functions specific to that business that are not simply a part of the business object. Examples would be the calculation of shipping charges on an order, computing insurance benefits in a patient visit, updating inventory counts, etc. For those of you who are coders, you'll recognize that this represents a philosophical change to the way that you approach your work. For those interested, please check out my website: www.pavuk.com. And to the moderator, if you feel this post is inappropriate, please feel free to delete it. I'm an engineer and not a salesman.
Yesterday, we became a banana republic. For those of you who may not know the term, it is very disparaging and refers to the dictatorships of South America. The Rule of Law and equality under the law are the underpinnings of our Republic. In theory, nobody should be above the law. Director Comey's statements show that the law ( several of them) was clearly broken. The fact that he said that he would not recommend prosecution means that Hillary is above the law. Had Hillary been subject to the law, the republic would have survived. The Democratic party would have survived. I'm sure Joe Biden is available for them. So, the lesson for us, the proletariat, is that the law doesn't matter for the powerful. THEREFORE, I propose the Great Banana Protest. Let us all ship as many bananas as possible to Director Comey at the FBI and to Loretta Lynch at DOJ. Please join with me in making their jobs as FRUITFUL as possible.
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I've decided to redo my entire message. The fact that your wife has already attempted suicide shows that she has, in fact, already tried to leave you. That she threatens suicide for YOUR leaving is simply emotional extortion. Had her suicide been successful, you wouldn't be here torturing yourself over the decision as SHE made it unilaterally. She already determined that the relationship is not worth saving. I'm assuming that you've been honest with her and did not provoke the suicide attempt through manipulation. What you both owe each-other first and foremost is honesty. If you can't have a free-flow of non-combative discussion about how you feel, there is no point in continuing a charade. Your decision boils down to only one simple question: do you love her enough to attempt to work together to fix the relationship? If not, then that's the way you feel and you should leave the relationship. Conversely, does she love you enough to work on fixing the relationship? It would seem that she's less interested in working on it than she is in taking her own life. I would ask her if she loved me and if she would be willing to work on the relationship with a counselor. You can't even begin to repair the damage until the scabs are torn off in honest discussion. Being depressed and mentally ill is nothing to take lightly. Hence my suggestion of a counselor. But to even get to that point, you both have to agree to it. That you love each-other and that the marriage is worth saving. I divorced my first wife because she was steadfast in her refusal to go to counseling and to work with me. Everything was MY fault. It was my depression. It was my super high IQ, etc. etc. I had to make a choice and the choice was terrible since I have 2 beautiful daughters that I love very much and the divorce tore us apart. My present marriage has its ups and downs like most, but being honest and being real partners, we sought counseling when we needed it and have a deep, mutual respect for each-other that maintains us. Be honest with yourself, be honest with her. She should be honest with you and the answer to your question will become apparent.
Nationalism is NOT a Dirty Word
n4hpg replied to n4hpg's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Your argument would indicate that my own team would invariably be an enemy and therefore I cannot be part of a team. Indeed, carried further it would indicate that all teams are destructive of their members. There is a threat to western civilization and that is Islam. The goals of the religion are to have every person on the planet accept their teachings or be killed. In this way, the goal is to come to the places where Islam is not in power and to kill the infidels and take their stuff. And they do want our stuff. They use our technology, but they despise our culture. So, when I say that I need other team members to join with me in mutual defense, this is not some idle thought, but based upon the facts. History will bear me out. Yes, my comments about language and psyche were whimsical. I realized that it is almost absurd to try to convince someone who hasn't mastered at least 1 other language of its truth. The use of Shadenfreude and Skodaradost were put as illustrations. YES, we can translate them, but the concepts are deeper than one would get from translation and this is my point. Each language has different construction and different methods for conveying deep meaning. I would reply to your assertion that we can simply pop things into Google Translate to find the truth as far more absurd than you have accused me. -
In the Bible, it is written that "a workman is worthy of his hire." In other words, pay people who work on your behalf. The amount of work that Stefan does to prepare his lectures is massive. Even with the amount of resources now available on the Internet, putting together a topic and presenting is a lot of work. As I am directly benefiting from this work, I feel an obligation to pay. This is the essence of the market. Nobody forced me to pay. As my wife and I are presently in challenging financial circumstances after my heart attacks and other illnesses pushing me into disability and us into bankruptcy, my generosity towards Stefan is limited. However, a small and monthly amount is being freely given. I believe that it is important for as many people as possible to make a MONTHLY commitment and here is why. The one-time donation is easily forgotten by the giver and is impossible to forecast by Stefan. By we listeners giving a regular, monthly donation, we enable Stefan to predict his cash flow and to use the funds in a structured way such as hiring associates to help him. For us the givers, the monthly note in our payment is a gentle reminder that we are invested in this great work. Of course, if you cannot give or you can give only 1 time, this is a matter for your own heart. For those who just haven't gotten around to it yet, please join me. It will make you feel good as I now feel good seeing the notice from Paypal. Bill
Dear Friends, I've just watched the excellent video between our friend Stefan and G. Edward Griffin regarding the Federal Reserve. If you haven't seen it, see it and then return to this post. The reason that the US Dollar has not already imploded is reduced to 1 word - oil. Oil is sold worldwide using US dollars. Because other countries want to buy and sell oil, they do it in US currency. If the country of Nuzbekistan wants to buy oil from England from their Brent Sea reserve, they Nusbekis must first purchase US dollars as the Nusbeki Dinar is not traded for oil. By this means, the taxation of the US government by means of the Federal Reserve is carried out on most of the modern world. And, if the Nuzbekis had any other recourse, they would do so. Thus the PetroDollar is supported and so is the US government and our own economy. The reason that Hillary convinced Barak Hussein to go to war in Libya is all over the alternative currency backed by gold. Just one report: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/declassified-emails-reveal-natos-true-motive-topple-gaddafi-stop-creation-gold-backed-african-currency/ The handwriting is on the wall for the US as the Chinese are introducing a gold-backed Yuan. The aforesaid fecal matter intersects the impeller when oil is traded using the new chinese currency. It probably hasn't happened YET because of the symbiotic relationship of US-China trade. This is the breaking point to watch for. I wish I had more happy news. B
Nationalism is NOT a Dirty Word
n4hpg replied to n4hpg's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I've read a number of comments and have some responses: 1. Statism is often conflated with the concept of an effective state that represents the people. We cannot have a "borderless society" AND keep the values of our tribe. We Americans banded together to forge a constitution of limited government for the purposes of protecting people and property. As de Toqueville said, we would decline if we ever let it get out of our control. The raison d'etre for the state according to that constitution is the end. Statism is an end towards itself. The Libertarian inside of me wants no part of any government. The rest of me says that without SOME government, others will come and kill me and take my stuff and that I need our national tribe to help defend me as my own arms are insufficient. (And that is saying a LOT as I'm well armed and well trained in the use of arms.) 2. Psyche. I stand by that word. Get back to me after you've mastered your third language. The night that I wrote the original post, I awoke at 2AM having had a nightmare in German. The English side of my brain cannot even describe what happened in the dream. Step 2, in 1 word or less, translate "Schadenfreude" into English - "Skodaradost" for you Slavic speakers. -
The trend in the popular media is to portray nationalists as the highest form of evil. George Soros has painted an interesting picture of a world without borders and the mainstream have picked it up. I intend to pick multiculturalism apart. I usually enumerate my various points for reference and for clarity. I invite you to make reference to a given point in your response. 1. Nationalism exists for a reason. Different groups of people have developed unique and different cultures, languages, lifestyles, literature, architecture, music, etc. The bordered nation-state is the incubator for the culture. It is necessary for the continued development of that culture. We respect and celebrate that which is unique to each nation by recognizing that they are that - a unique nation. If the nation-state is destroyed, so will be the culture. It is at a dead-end because it will lack the critical mass to continue. 2. The different national cultures are to be celebrated and respected. When I travel to other countries, I don't require them to start speaking English and acting like Americans (Clark Griswald I'm not!). In Germany, I speak German and enjoy my interactions with Germans. When in France, i speak French; in Slovakia, Slovak (badly, but because I make a sincere effort, I am universally loved. American polyglots are a rare breed.) But the point is this. Each nation is unique, special and to be celebrated because of this. When go somewhere different, you learn from others. This broadens the mind and enriches the human experience. The authentic German experience is NOT found at the Oktoberfest in Pearland TEXAS. 3. Different languages are necessary to broaden the scope of our psyche. My case in point is German. As a student of history, I really wanted to understand the entire scope of the Nazis. It is perhaps the greatest calamity in the modern era. Translations of the records are not sufficient to understand Nazism fully. So, I took it upon myself to learn German. With a good grasp of the language, I could then read the contemporaneous accounts in the native language and thus have a deeper understanding. If the German state is diluted and ultimately destroyed, who will speak the language? How much knowledge will we lose? 4. Nationalism is not hate. My wife left Slovakia to join that nation that is America. She didn't see Americans as hating her culture - she saw it as a different culture and one she wished to adopt. Such has been the story of immigrants to this country for most of its existence. People come to America to be Americans. Yes, they bring their own cultures and that adds to ours - it does not supplant it. 5. Multiculturalism creates isolation for individuals and groups. Say I were to move to Slovakia. If I insisted on remaining in the American culture, I would be isolated into a small group of other English-speaking people. This group's main gathering point is an Irish pub. Yes, from time to time, it is good to get back with your own people, but migration to another nation can be isolating without any assimilation. Say that all of my friends in Pearland Texas move to Slovakia, we would likely live in proximity and not fully integrate into their culture and language and thus be an isolated group. Dear friends, if all 4 million people in the Houston area were to move to Slovakia, it would cease being Slovakia. In a generation's time, the language, customs and traditions would be destroyed. Multiculturalism is a race to the bottom for cultures. It is a homogenizing experience in the long run. Borders are the physical expression of in-group preferences. They are a cultural necessity.
Greetings! I discovered Stefan's YouTube channel while searching one evening. I've become a fan. Not that I'm generally given to being a fan of any particular person or ideology, but FINALLY someone who stands up for critical thinking. Listening to Stefan is challenging to the mind as it breaks through the bullshit to get to the heart of the issue. Indeed it is like emerging from a fog of irrational thought that we encounter daily. I have read posts by others in this forum and hope to interact with all in a positive manner. A bit about me. I'm a 52 year old professional white male. I was born in Indiana in 1963 and raised in a hell of an existence. As early as age 3, I was beaten daily with a belt to satisfy the anger of my parents. Being blessed (or cursed) with a 147 IQ, I see the world differently from others and this is generally problematic in personal and work relationships. I consider this forum to be an oasis of rationality in a desert of pseudo-intellectual dogmatism in which Western civilization finds itself. We are living in an extraordinary age - one that is so very dangerous. We are on the knife edge of teetering into oblivion. The social and moral fabric has been rent to shreds. It is truly frightening to watch. If there is a group of people that might save our age, it is likely found here for I have found that I am no longer alone. Bill
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