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  1. It seems there is a biological or cultural behavioral meme that crosses all world regions and populations. Stephan points out that in Mexico that consensual sex is legal at age twelve. Rape is almost dismissed as a nonevent. He says more punishment for stealing a cow. In Islamic regions under Sharia marrying a one year old is fine and consummation at age nine is acceptable. Even here in the U.S., in the early 1900's it was common for women and men marrying at the age of 13 - 14. My thought is why were these behavioral norms then and not now? What foundations gave rise to these social memes?
  2. I watched the podcast about American Foreign Policy of Destruction. Very informative, yet it left me scratching my head. Stephan missed in this segment the real thrust of Islam. Islam could care less about our Western Values. We are the Infidel and the Quuaran has many instructions on the management of the Infidel. What was the motivation of the Khans, the Pirates of Tripoli, the reasons for the slave trade and so on. These reasons have no foundation or basis for the U. S. Military being in Saudi Arabia. Yes, it is tragic the deaths regardless of country. I would assert that it is not a country that gives rise to this historical push to increase the Islamic Calliphate. Islam has been at this for at least 1500 years. I would assert that oil, occupation and other surface reasons are just that, a straw-man to confuse and confound. The crusades were a response to the fall of Constinople and Jerusalem. Of course, there will always be those who seek to make a buck on the weapons of war, oil, and so on. Yes, we must respond, there are no innocents. Little poisonous spiders grow up! What should the World do to remove the threat of the invasion of Islam and by association the horrors of Sharia?
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