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Everything posted by Weasel

  1. If someone makes a false rape allegation, they should be charged. The solution would perhaps be to root out the people who pass on the information about people "Apparently" commiting these crimes and giving anonymity to the alledged perpetrators until the verdict is in. People are innocent until proven guilty, in rape cases there is even more at stake as someones whole life can be destroyed by the mere accusation. The problem becomes that the "victim" will double down if they think they could face jail time over it.
  2. As far as I can tell after watching Amy Goodman who seems to be covering this story in some depth, your right it's about local water supplies and native burial grounds which are supposed to be, by law, protected. The pipelines run very close to them and as Aljernon said, they tend to leak. There have been several of these leaks covered recently on Democracy Now. It's going to get worse, the army corp of engineers is now involved, hundreds have been arrested, including Amy Goodman and actress Shailine Woodley but the mainstream media seems to be ignoring it. Obama recently stated that they may use the army corp of engineers to move the pipeline away from these areas, but he wanted to wait and see what happened. In the mean time, drone flights have been banned over the area to stop protestors filming and the police continue to use Pepper Spray, Dogs and Rubber Bullets on protestors.
  3. There is a point one reaches after consuming a certain amount of alcohol where the delusion of intelligence manifests itself and cannot be silenced. Its at that point one may turn to the internet and voice one's, arrogantly assumed, notions that everyone else is to dumb to realise what you know. As is usually the case, all that happens is one makes an ass of oneself. Which is why I should never drunkenly debate politics with my brother but stay sober enough to type. My apologies for possibly my dumbest post in a while
  4. People tend to pick one point in an argument and focus that down, its quick, its easy and it scores points for them. When you have 5 or 6 people doing that, your entire argument cant get mis- represented in minutes because its all there to be torn down. I find that the best way to talk in a fast moving enviroment, like youtube, is to question once.. let them think about that point before moving on to the next. Wait until people start answering, this gives you time to put your next opinion down. Always read what they write, there will be ammunition for your end game, be curt with responces, be short with questions. Eventually you will have saved your best point till last, if your lucky you have got them already agreeing with you when you make it. Just take your time, never rush
  5. Anyone remember Yegor Gaiders quote to Paul Weyrich about leftist support in the US media.. "Well, the Soviets spent millions of dollars infiltrating your media. Just because the Soviet Union went away doesn't mean these people have gone away. They are still there." Did anyone really think the Bear was beaten, or has it just been asleep lol Just look back at the events leading to this point, look how weak the US is right now, how weak Europe is, the fate of the petro-doller is unknown now Russia is in Syria, Europe is disintegrating from within. Ever occured to you that maybe, just maybe, Maskirovka is real. Ever occur to you that Assange is a better mouth piece in London than in Moscow. Do we really know where the leaks come from. To tin foil hat.. cant be true.. the US is to smart to fall for any of that.. You sure?
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