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  1. I see it both ways. Starting new, on something I wanted to do but needed a jumping off point like starting a new work out schedule. The mind set that this is a new year and a time to do what you always wanted to do but never had a chance, now saying that this is how I used to think. Now if I see value in something I do not wait or try not to put it off. I give myself a time limit, boundaries and desired outcomes. To me new years is a good time to reflect on how I have done this past year and what I can do better for the coming year. I like to offer resolutions to people I care about who may find value in my opinion. I would suggest one for my wife and she would do the same for me, so we can take constructive information and use it for the better. Nothing to grand just a small thing to work on going forward.
  2. Hi everyone, I am new to the message boards and posting is over all new to me. Getting my opinion out there is a new step for me and I would like to have it done here were I would feel among friends, then ramp it up to others. I would like to thank Mr. Molyneux and his staff for all their hard work. I have so many goals but I would like to start small. First I would like to become more active in the message boards and then work my way to a Youtube channel (long term). I have plans but implementing them is the challenging part. I don't want to ramble on about it here. So hello to all and I hope I can contribute something of value! Billy
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