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Everything posted by J.L.W

  1. What is your source on this? The number of small business should not be increasing in America from what I have seen. I think the main query comes down to parenting. I know cool guys who are naturally intelligent but have swallowed the leftist propaganda because, at least I think, bad parenting really does create the need to look up to the State. I think religion may have once stood as a useful balwark against these sorts of traps but is now massively weakened. One thing about the situation we are in at the moment is because the lack of a heirarchy has created a certain levelling where you get some extremely intelligent and previously well employed people working in jobs that are below what they would get in a well functioning society. I used to work with a guy who was very high up in a BBC like organisation in Venezuela. I think as a lot of people are exposed to different viewpoints and... REALITY then their thoughts on things will change. For instance, the type of braindamaged mind that agrees with leftist propaganda is going to have a moment when that neurosis is challenged in the real world.
  2. Wow, this area only died down because of that fucking evil ceremony of cruel animal slaughter the Muslims have. It's back with a vengeance now! And:
  3. In the 70's the globalists were too focused on the cold war to actually engage with the domestic propoganda to the level they are now.
  4. This to me is what it might really be about. This is being framed as something that is a response to Americas behaviour so far but something like this would have been in the works for a while. It was not just stated on impulse Zerohedge: Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – The Final Demise Of The Dollar Hegemony? [Link]
  5. Was going to ask people about this but I decided against it.
  6. I don't know... Does a monopoly form within a free market? There has been a lot of establishment policies to stop small companies. I don't know about the situation in America, but in the EU there are loads of 'EU Compliance laws' etc. Banks have been caught deliberately bankrupting small companies. Google has links to the CIA I think.
  7. Looks like the s-it has hit the fan then! This came up while I was on twitter a few minutes ago. I am getting these sorts of things come up regularly and I haven't caught them but individual right wing groups etc. This is youtube, facebook, twitter etc. Here is a Breitbart article that has some relevance: Breitbart London: Bokhari: Why Tech Giants Aren’t the Same as Christian Bakeries https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/08/14/bokhari-why-tech-giants-arent-like-christian-bakeries/ Stefan escaped a youtube banning by the skin of his teeth but this problem still persists. What do we think shouild be done? Free Market the situation? Gov Intervention?
  8. Yes, during that conversation your points were very interesting and did change my original statements a little. Plus this is a fast developing story and news events have changed some of what was said.
  9. It is a very interesting area. The financial system has been undergoing a shift pushed mostly from China for a long time that now everyone is jumping on. Which is de dollarisation. China plans a gold backed Yuan. If the dollar became a less relevant currency and countries no longer had to hold their foreign reserves in dollars. US banks would not be able to print money and expect real wealth in return. Thus, they would not be able to finance multiple wars for every country they feel like invading... I love that American Eagle meme... Not selling your oil in dollars? I always knew you needed some "democracy". (Russia is also dropping trade in the dollar!) In the sense of what is actually going on with Turkey. 90% of the time these so called financial crises blow over. There is no contagion, there is no change. There is loads of media hyperventilating that everything is going to change. That there is a possiblity something could change. Good example -> Greece. The 10% chance this does change something... Well, it's going to be messy. The DOW and other markets are being held up by buybacks and reliance on FAANGs and a ton of inflation. PE ratios are not good. If it were to reset to true value it would go down to about a third. It's not the only big thing happening in politics. If the Deep State fends off this threat to their empire we have the Swedish vote, a likely challenge to Theresa May, more from Italy and whatever Trump randomly comes out with. He really is the antidote to a stale political life! This whole started with Trump apparently just randomly sanctioning Turkey BUT, he does not have complete control over his administration in relation to Russian sanctions so, it may be they were de dollarising or growing closer to Russia anyway so the Deep state was the one that tried to sanction Turkey.
  10. Nasty stuff, when this happened I thought there would be an unpleasant emotional backlash for Stefan and Lauren. But moreso Stefan, because Lauren has previously been aware of these types on slutwalks etc. I have stopped watching videos a bit, I know the free market stuff now, and financially struggled for a couple of months. So have donated less than I did a while back. But to talk generally on this subject, there was a period of my life where what I felt I had to give the world, my ability to make music and high intellectual ability, completely abandoned me, and in general the things I have to offer the world do tend to shy away from contributing anything to the political fight! But I could work and donate money to this, it IS something worth while, it is something I could have told myself in those darker times, as purpose. While I'm sure there are people that may try and take down that statement it stands as my opinion and there is so much corruption in a lot of charities. I know someone that donates to the Red Cross! Who has actually helped muslim rapists into Europe. If the Red Cross was not corrupt enough to have lost 90% of her money. Just general thoughts.
  11. Refugees have come to Brighton!: Breitbart London: Brighton: Police Hunt ‘Asian’ Man After Park Rape in UK ‘City of Sanctuary https://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/08/02/police-asian-man-woman-raped/
  12. If it's a batshit crazy thought or behaviour a girl will usually do it.
  13. I wondered if people have ever noted that music of some description has a message that is positive and relates to these trends. Although when I think about it Stefan sort of reflects the truth so it is not 'this work' but the ideas loosely associated with it: Here's some of mine: Tracy Chapman: Fast Car [Link] I noticed how this woman in this song is saved by the free market. No skills, bad homelife but found a way to make more money by moving up a supermarket. A part of the free market I am starting to doubt, my circle of acquaintances are... well some are from very middle class families and it seems to be education was a thing there, but perhaps these thoughts are the effect of not actually living in a free market at the moment. If we were saying that the market we have is not free hence needs to be improved. We could also say that the education is not working properly hence needs to be improved and more emphasis on 'STEM' etc. Although perhaps it would if Universities were properly subject to free market concerns. I don't support taxation. (Although do wonder about it's use for health care!) The Fray: How to Save a life (lyrics) [Link] One of Stefans videos I've really enjoyed was the last one on 'My wife married her rapist'. Actually not a big deal in the main arc of the story provided, just like 'and then she married her rapist' in amongst a general story of dysfunction. But I think an important part of life and community is advising people... 'Look that girl is a nutjob' etc. or whatever it is. I recognise I am far too non interventionist in people's lives that are close to me. Very often I allow people to stumble but I am learning. This song is about intervening with someone that is going down a bad road in relation to drugs. It is perhaps one of the only songs with that perspective. It is based on a real thing it is not 3D emotions. Phil Ochs - Bracero [Link] A brilliant example of how the left has no awareness of its own hypocrisy. Phil Ochs, like many good musicians leftist. But the music coming through is often more truthful than the artist. How is it that the leftists treat the immigrants coming in, that they "love" so much? Green Day: Wake me up, when September Ends. [Link] An anti war song, possibly not as good as 'Universal Soldier' by Donovan. But the video also hit's a point and I think probably influenced people in a time when anti war songs are far rarer. The scene is acted well, it has impact, and it makes you think about the guy going off to war 'Mate, what are you doing?' Green Day is an unusually respected band despite appearances IMO. Any ideas?
  14. In this case the policeman probably did the right thing and I would probably have done the same in his place. This is assuming I understand the facts of the matter and it would perhaps be good for me to re- read it. I think if someone is intent on causing others harm then harsh measures are clearly needed. Of course missing from this example is why the justice system failed up until that point. Why was this drug dealer not in jail? By the same token if in the UK for instance, someone had a raped relative and decided to kill the person involved that the police were not handling, I don't have a problem with that. In Russia a group of about thirty people got together ahd killed a paedophile. Or more correctly, thirty ish people watched him being beaten up and two or three men went back the next day and killed him. Don't know what I think on this one. Another example was one my father told me where a guy was a really difficult kid when he was young and a policeman just beat him up and this guy said it did him a world of good and he straightened up after that. This one just seems a bit wrong to me. Probably because I don't take seriously that a kid is that dangerous. I had heard, this is from sources i trust but sources it is likely many of the people reading this wouldn't. That there was a group of FBI personnel looking into some serious level of paedophilia, seriously bad stuff. This was mostly political figures in councils and things like that. Examples of what these people were doing is not necessary. Some of them snapped and tortured and killed the paedophiles but they were taken off the case when they did that because it is not strictly legal to do that. So perhaps these levels do respect the law.
  15. My point was that it was against the rules so defined, and it worked. The guy cleaned up and stopped with the things he was doing.
  16. I think it is hard to THEORETICALLY argue against. But generally, if you can find examples of when a principle did not work, or was not ideal, then you can start to build back up to theory.
  17. I don't agree this was necessarily wielding of unfair state power. Since, we don't know the policeman did this in his capacity as policeman. Or that he would have to.
  18. I did think I would have to back up this example. This came from a public figure who worked for a long period in this area. Suicide hotlines and had experience with drug rehabilitation. Unfortunately, of course I can't get more detailed information on the story. I could try and find it and re- read it for clarity.
  19. As a rule I generally like to unquestioningly believe such statements when stated by anonymous internet sources, especially where contrary evidence exists in the form of the Podesta emails and other things. The amount of children that go missing anually in the United States is 800,000. That's 2,000 per day.
  20. So playing the devils advocate here. On what I believe about the actual subject my ideas are still forming, but I have somewhat of a respect for certain people in the military that do work behind the scenes against child traffickers and the deep state etc. So here is one incident I heard of. A drug dealer, a really troublesome guy that had been creating violence in the neighbourhood for a long time, but had started off as a decent guy (the slide into addiction!) Was taken out to the woods by a policeman friend of his and told, that if he didn't shape up, he would be shot, and no one would ever know what happened to him. Apparently the guy got better after this. I have also heard other stories such as this of force where troublemakers have been reformed. So how do examples like this effect NAP?
  21. That is a good point. There is another party that has splintered off from UKIP that seems quite a bit better, it doesn't have such a love/ hate relationship with the more extremist elements and the woman at the top is just talented as a political figure imo... Her name is Anne Marie Waters. She's one of those, a bit like Trump, where when you hear her speaking you feel it. I know not many believe such things in this forum but I saw a woman who stood up in Nazi Germany who this woman reminds me of as though she was back here from a past life. UKIP risks becoming a flashy party with no real substance and I suppose if PJW and others stuck moreso to their message they might have more connection with their followers than if they are carefuil not to diverge from a certain tract, for instance, on fox hunting. Which UKIP and Nigel Farage supported, and is incidentally, sick. To be precise UKIP supported referendums on the practice. This is one area I agree moreso on what might be considered the left, having seen foxhunting first hand and those ridiculous toffs on horses with their guns, I believe there is no precedent for it, even if it is voted by the folks in Surbiton. Anne Marie Waters party is called 'For Britain'.
  22. From the Mirror: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/meet-new-face-ukip-free-12819236?!111 It is inevitable in my view I suppose that people who work in this area will eventually move forward to attempt to influence politics more directly than simply bringing these things up in a social media capacity. Could this be a big change or will it not make that much of an impact? What do we think?
  23. There we go. Leaving it as it is.
  24. You seemed to think the examples I referred to in that post were mine, however, they were from Stefans video that I linked at the beginning of this thread. I have a lot of anxiety which slows me down. Some which is well deserved I think... I.e. a good survival sense, some of which is due to diabetic bloodsugar control which I am handling. I lose time in the morning because of this. I am making my organisation skill better but it is slow... I would not say this person is insincere. He would say that it is the ADHD that causes problems and I have seen and felt things from him that do suggest something is a little off sometimes, with the empathy etc. not that he is hiding but that something is actually "off". I didn't believe ADHD was a thing before he explained it. The subject is complicated by a trauma that I know he went through and the fact my friendship with him has had a few separations of late because of some of these things. Perhaps the stress and inability to deal with some of these things is a "dysfunctional" (?) personality breaking down and when he has put himself back together he will be different. I do think he has always wanted to improve. Yes, but that is not a problem. It might be, we have always both casually agreed I am a better manipulator than he is (because I'm paranoid) and may consider people are being like that, but he will probably be able to handle that and has a support system. But the "blindspot" is always the same, he thinks he can handle all things all the time and will never have any situation come along that will put him down in any way. I suspect money, for all the good things it gives, will be an additional stressor. But I may be wrong. I am not usually wrong though when it comes to peoples psychology. That sounds arrogant but it is basically what I have experienced. Also, I don't know how it will look if I am attempting to advise him on this area. There is a pattern here of me, legitimately or otherwise, wanting to "save" people from themselves. Yes I was being simplistic, and I don't know the real answer to this. There is no one that is good at music who has not practiced a whole lot I believe Malcolm Gladwell proved that but if you read around musical literature, biographies a while you begin to pick up this commonly held belief - or it may be a truth, that some people "have it" and some don't, that one of Dylans atheist biographers termed his "God Given" gift. Seems kind of mean but that is it. Kind of like how some are high IQ and some are not and that's just the way it is and can't change.
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