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  1. I think the biggest issue for me personally (being white, straight and someone who attended police academy) is the violence and civil unrest surrounding Black Lives Matter and other collectivist movements. I actually live in one of the cities where a riot took place. I don't know if you heard, but there was a Trump rally in San Jose and the supporters were brutalized and intimidated on their way out. The Democrat mayor, meanwhile, ordered San Jose police not to intervene, so the violence got worse. There's video of it all over the Internet. It was very, I don't know, strange seeing it so close to home. Seeing places I'd been before populated by rioters. Several of my co-workers even proudly said they went there "for fun" and I sure hope that doesn't mean they took part.
  2. Hi there! My name's Robby and I'm a conservative Republican living behind enemy lines in Northern California! *shudders* I like to consider myself a simple kinda man, with just a little bit of a coarse-ground streak in me. I love my God, my guns and doing the right thing; I'm a regular boy scout. Which is good because I WAS a boy scout. If you want to talk conservatism, God or shoot the stuff about the purpose of Man in our world, feel free. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
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