Hello one and all, My name is Greg I was born on this planet in a geographical area known as Australia where I matured for twenty odd years. Thanks to my Mum being British I was able to work and live in Europe and did so for the next 20 years. Mainly in the UK but traveled a lot to France and Germany, visited Austria Holland Italy and Greece. Talk about opening up your mind.
I'm a people person and getting to know people from other cultures to me is part of the magic of life. More the meaning for want of the right expression. Maybe it's expanding the mind that I like and travel really done that for me.
I'm not sure about listing my interests I have so many and would then feel the need to put them in the right order of which there is no right or wrong order so I will save an hour of my life and leave that for now.
I'm eager to get back to Stefan's books. Making a list of my interests might be a good exercise of myself, I just wanted to say "hello"
Now where is that send button?