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Siegfried von Walheim

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Everything posted by Siegfried von Walheim

  1. In your state I imagine you'd screw the first thing in heels! You're begging to be robbed blind and strapped down by a bad woman! Protect yourself immediately or walk around with a dagger in your hands perpetually pointed at your neck until someone marries you (or screws you like a cheap whore if you don't care about the future anymore--and chances are I'll bet you are caring less and less about growing yourself and your future) . There is nothing immoral nor moral about any kind of fap material. In fact I'd argue it's the healthiest thing a man can consume because otherwise he's at risk of being taken advantage of by bad women. In fact I think you're suicidal unless you fap regularly because dangerous women depend on you being too aroused to know she's dangerous while she steals your money like a Clinton.
  2. You kidding right? Being apolitical and blue pilled commonly results in the following: -Unstable marriage liable to end with the man in a shredder or in the Hudson. -Living in a crime-ridden neighborhood that will inevitably riot and destroy the blue pilled's home and/or business. -Continuance of the kick-the-can that will result in a very bloody civil war in the coming decades. -Lack of work (especially if stupid or unskilled) and therefore welfare dependence. -Shallow/false friends. Anyone care to name any more? Saying politics/culture have no effects to the "average Joe" (whoever he is) is like saying politics in the Weimar Republic had minimal effects on the average Franz or, especially, the average Jew who most likely regretted not taking the Leftists seriously. Of course, the non-voting head-in-the-sand types are largely inconsequential in the long as they are no better (and are often worse) than sheep to be herded either to their slaughter or to their grazing and proliferation depending on the shepherd.
  3. For those looking for philosophical video games (or at least a free visual novel I discovered as a parody of another visual novel game I discovered called "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney") this is the one. It's both educational and amusing because it actually teaches the player how to make and disassemble arguments. I just started watching someone play it (can't be bothered to trouble myself with downloading it since others' have played it) and I have to say it's ironically educational because it three very basic tools to debate with: asking for clarification (about a given claim), asking for proof/evidence, and asking whether it's even relevant (as well as an option to use sophistry that never works). I doubt it'll (or has) sparked critical thinking among the general populace but it sure is a kindergartener's introduction to philosophy that's a bit more of a "demonstration" that shows how it actually works when applied similar to Stefpai's introductory videos on philosophy that ended with why the State's an immoral institution based on the creation of an artificial structure that demands obedience because sophistry.
  4. From a man's perspective: we're either screwing or masturbating. Good women don't put out before marriage. Therefore man must masturbate until he is married. Otherwise you are begging for him to cheat on you because men cannot control their sexual arousal and are very dumb and malleable when horny. To control that, he masturbates. if he doesn't it's kind of like having a cocaine addict surrounded by cocaine and expecting him to not snort it. At least virtual cocaine doesn't lead to STDs, divorces, and alimony. I (as someone without experience) don't recommend it post-marriage but pre-marriage it is necessary otherwise you are asking men to live dumb and full of cum (or more precisely without the pun: asking a man to live with only his baser instincts in control. Do you think he'll make sound decisions without the ability to judge women by more than their bodies? I hate to accuse you of bad intentions, but I think you should ask who benefits the most when men aren't controlling their sexual urges and instead living in constant pursuit of sex...)
  5. America, 1776: 2 million people with only 10% (give or take 200,000) people really engaged on the revolutionary side. 700,000 is a big number and we're not looking to take over all the planet, just liberate the minds of a small space so that they can build a fortress to protect the "shiny city on the hill" and with that possibly inspire the rest of the world to follow suit. Jesus started with 12 guys. Now there are like a billion Christians. So most people are zombies. So what? Who cares about them? Why not focus on the top 10% of people that go on to do great things like build and sustain businesses, enter the Middle Class (+), start and enrich their families, and perhaps by extension the world? You're not going to find the world-builders on Facebook, Match.com, Tinder, or whatever. They're too busy creating. I got repelled for the first time when I was 16, years ago now. I left Communism for Fascism, then came to FDR and left Fascism for Capitalism, and am now an AnCap. It was a very overwhelming journey to realize how wrong I was and how the world really works and how I was a tool in continuing it's corruptive cycle. I don't just mean the sexual part. I mean the power part, the corruption part, the abuse part, and the general politic. I used to be a Communist and was--like the way that expert talked about Kim Ilsung--very relativistic and hugely apathetic to other people. I wanted power and feared being alone and therefore wanted to force the world to love me and surrender to me. Very Islamic and very disturbed. Who can say what kind of crazy fool I would have been had I not sought therapy and FDR? Heck, I used Bill Clinton because becoming a Democratic President (which I knew was Communistic in both intent and effective ends) was a goal of mine in realizing my North Korea-esque pseudo-utopia. Pre FDR: Women, men, people in general, government, love, religion, philosophy, honesty, truth, God, (inset other thing here). Post FDR: Government (especially Europe and America's future) and the 80%. I'd say I've cleared a lot off the plate and have made internal peace with the world. Especially as far as people and government and the future of the races are concerned. I'm also a lot more optimistic and find myself feeling very happy again like I used to before High School when I entered politics (or more precisely started learning about politics and Communism). For example I feel great knowing great men are being born right now and could very well save the world from itself. Also there's the Bulwark of the West: Russia, and there's the rising conservatism of our generation, and also there's the fact that modern times are the best times to live as far as material comforts go. Compare this to WWII and realize how much easier the present demons are to beat and how little we must suffer. Consider how the internet makes it possible for us to become entrepreneurs and how easy it has become for us to escape the established system and compete as the alternative system. This is a world of opportunity and a lot can still be done to prevent the coming storms as well as, if necessary, set up a fallback plan.
  6. Ignorance is not bliss. It is imprisonment and repetition. If I hadn't started listening to this show I would most likely have followed the life of Bill Clinton or John F. Kennedy (especially in the bad ways). FDR in many ways is a Godsend to me. Sure it makes me distant from most people but I was never a social person to begin with. I have always been fairly cynical and am now less so. I am more happy and optimistic post-nlightenment then before when the matrix was shredding my brain apart. All in all I love and value FDR, Stefan-senpai, Mike the guy who does lots of research and occasionally steps in, and all the red-pilling it has to offer. Also given the fact Stefpai's channel has like 700,000 subscribers, 50-100,000 regular listeners, and who knows how many listeners elsewhere, I think the popularity is pretty damn high given 100 years ago he'd be lucky to get a few hundred people (unless he goes the sophist route and get what Hitler called a big crowd--4,000). Thanks to the Internet and his verbal genius, he's able to spread philosophy and salvation in ways Jesus Christ would have died twice for! Enough about me, where is all this coming from? Sure red-pilling makes people feel queasy at first but at some point you have to harness the information and make it productive and personally gratifying.
  7. Maybe at the start of this thread but not anymore! At least relative to my year on the forum.
  8. Also not a parent, but I do have some ideas that may or may nor work out in practice. 1: Until they're teenagers I think you should mainly focus on teaching ethics, philosophy, and help them build character by finding them some kind of physically exhaustive sport they can compete/team-up in. For example if both of your sons are soccer players they'll get plenty of exercise, a very real example of the benefit of teamwork as well as the greatness of individual initiative and of course the great feeling of both winning at something hard and making a glorious comeback after an epic fail. I strongly recommend not trying to manage their or their peers playing of sports (except for while they are in their single digits of course and in general to make sure no pedophiles, abuse victims, etc. are around to corrupt them) so that they can learn on their own who they want to associate with (of course this'll be influenced by what you taught them in ethics and about people) and who/how they should ostracize/avoid. 2: Once they are teenagers, I strongly recommend doing what you're thinking and having them try a bunch of different things until they find themselves a passion they want to stick to. Especially since true and utter boredom can only be experienced in public schools now days. In my case I started my path of becoming a novelist as a middle schooler bored to tears with his classes (I was the kid who finished work in 10-15 minutes then had a half-hour + of time to do nothing but ponder why the *expletive* I am stuck here doing nothing when I could be doing anything else) and was prompted to read a book by an apathetic teacher. Well I wasn't doing that (didn't have any books and the ones available were cliche and boring) so I decided to write a book instead and fell in love with how much power and creative freedom I had with my writing in empty notebooks. Eventually I started sharing with classmates and became optimistic when I found out that I was apparently really good at it and eventually decided to make it a career. When I first had access to the internet at home (or more precisely a computer without the internet) the first thing I did was open up Office and start re-writing my biggest and most favorite series of spiral-notebook-written stories and over the years refined as I wrote and learned beyond the Communist/Asian/video-game bubble around me (which was the original basis of my books). Your children might discover a talent and a passion through boredom, as well as by actual practice. At the same time I think you should, while offering, let them choose what they want to do so they can make a personal investment in it. After all if you have a daughter and make her take ballet then she's going to hate it and if she doesn't hate it she'll get used to having to be forced to do things she doesn't want to that may or may not be good for her. Instead I suggest letting your boys (and perhaps future daughters) have access to a bunch of things and see what they individually take interest in and then help them pursue it--especially if it becomes a marketable passion. You never know if your child is the next Beethoven, Shakespeare, Napoleon, or what-have-you, therefore you should definitely provide them an environment to explore in without micro-managing it (as micro-managing leads to dependency on outside authority to tell them what to do--this is something I learned the hard way on the receiving end of a helicopter mom-- and poor peer-to-peer social skills.)
  9. He (supposedly--I will assume it's true since it doesn't matter to me) has an IQ of 200. 'Nuff said. I mean, his brain cock is big enough to submerge the world in his *censored insert dirty joke here* I don't know how reliable retroactive IQ guestimates are, but if they are accurate then this guy is basically Jesus Christ's little brother.
  10. My mother's father is half Welsh! So I guess I'm about as Welsh as any White person claiming to be Amerindian but hey I think if Moore counts then I count too!
  11. Do we have anybody who can sing or write lyrics? As much as I love the old songs, it is sad there aren't any good new ones and the proof they don't exist is that they're seldom played. It'd be very interesting if some people from FDR could make an FDR Christmas song. Maybe some artists could draw something. Like maybe Stefpai in place of Santa Clause and Mike in place of (all) the elves? Dressed in their costumes of course. For a song I think the main theme should, as it generally is, with the spirit of giving and recieving from loved ones as well as a reaffirming to objective morality (God or UPB it's all the same). Although I'm great at writing, I am not a songwriter nor a singer. I'd assume however there are some amateurs here somewhere looking for a chance to shine. Artists too. Whether in realistic, classical, anime, or cartoonish style I think it'd be fun and festive. Perhaps some Patreon donations for them to. I have no money to donate myself, so admittedly I'd be a free rider though I'd do what I know I can to spread it.
  12. I have some idea but--keep in mind--I am a 19 year old virgin at the start of his career, so a lot of the advice I might have is still theoretical. I don't date, but it's not like I don't have attraction to attractive strangers. I am pretty sure the guy Stefpai interviewed has a point about fapping/porn/hentai affecting men's ability to become aroused, but I grew up a bit more r than most and have a high testosterone background. I think I have more to lose than most and that helps in mitigating that potential negative. I have essentially rationalized that fapping can be a protective safeguard (for boys and girls) against pursuing pre-marital sex or flings, as well as a potential lessening of the powers bad but attractive women have. I think when the time comes for me to find a wife, I won't want my penis deciding it for me, therefore if I'm not that hard while I'm scanning the women I'd be dating I will probably be much more objective in determining who's good and who's bad. I don't think actively exposing myself to the friendzone of attractive women is a good idea; I'd just be training myself to be a beta puppy. I think the best way to maintain self-composure with attractive members of the opposite sex is to tame the lion so that only the really really hot can spin right round into some endless disco of potential blender shredding. I don't think my taming the lion will have a negative affect on sexual intimacy or long term relationships. In fact I think it'd help because I'd be less focused on Miss Right's assets and more focused on her character as well as less tempted to break the Catholic standard of "no sex before marriage". After the wedding though I doubt I'll be fapping much since I'll probably be in the endless sexathon honey moon phase, and after that probably moderate to something less time consuming and more intimate. Either way I think male horniness is man's weakness in finding good women and is easily exploited by bad women. It's better to have less sexual interest in the long run since it means picking wives/husbands based on character and virtue rather than sexuality. And I think fapping away the harpy is especially helpful for those of us that are especially sensual and attractive, since it prevents us from possibly doing something we'll regret and maintaining our moral dignity. I think young, sensual, and attractive women especially should be fapping since it'll help them maintain their much-coveted virginity (and with virginity being a huge indicator of self-discipline and other good stuff, it ought to be protected). Of course again I'm still largely a kid and I can't say there's no potential negatives either. Your sons might be less sensually inclined than me or other high testosterone types and therefore be more negatively affected by it. I think it's preferable to being ensnared in harpy dens but there may be healthier alternatives I'm not seeing or learning. Either way my most general advice is to knock on your sons' door and waiting for them to open it before entering them (for obvious reasons) and not getting involved in their fap life while being very cautious of their dating life. I don't have to tell you young boys aren't the best judges of character (unless you raise them to be of course) and therefore require moral and character guidance from a Mama and Papa that know better. EDIT: Maybe it helps I generally don't fap to anything hardcore. Maybe that has far more severe effects, I don't know.I generally am not interested in the hardcore stuff (since it's generally pretty ugly and undesirable) and therefore prefer the hollywood-esque softcore and hentai (and other things that aren't at all sexual but sexually attractive like models or whatever) and maybe this preference is safer and healthier than the really hardcore stuff. Maybe there ought to be a distinction between fapping to models and images to softcore/hentai to the really hardcore stuff. I think the mental implications and physiological results might be different. After all I can't say Mr. Pecker's "deadened" since it's about as lively as it's ever been to my living memory. But then again I could either be an exception or more genetically safe for that sort of thing.
  13. Hey man the best cure to the gender imbalance of power (as far as this goes) is the abolition of voting! I'd trust a bunch of guys with skin in the game over a mob any day.
  14. I think I've been on this forum for over a year now, though I don't remember this board openly celebrating Christmas. I think that deserves a change... ...Given Christmas is just a few weeks away, I figured tis was the season to do something special. Any ideas? Perhaps some kind of forum game or competition? At the very least I think it is worthwhile for anyone willing to change their avatars and banners to be more Christmas-y themed. Well, in any event, I wish you all a pre-emptive Christmas, a happy life, and good prospects for your futures! Merry Christmas Eve(times)21!
  15. Great post. I did want to follow up with a lot of things on what you commented. Hopefully, I can see through your process and take something away going forward. Let me begin by asking, are you married? Wife? Children? family? Before I say anything, please hit the "Quote" button to quote me since I have to copy and paste to quote you otherwise and the default is this mess. I think you already figured out from below where I'm at. I'm single, 19, a virgin, and at the start of my career. In fact I made a post here months or a year ago about my disillusionment with women and that's how we first met... Baiscally, what is input through Managing Oneself only, Druker suggests to refrain from turning mediocre abilities into near amateur performance. He goes onto suggest its best to refrain from taking on positions one cannot be a star peformer and to committing to those one can deliver at a high level. That Feedback-Anylsis is something I am starting on ATM. Similar to Talent is Overrated, the sooner one learns of there strengths, they can get to that world class star performer leve but, it takes reps. I listened to Arnold in Total Recall, his memoir and he deemed everything in life comes down to reps. The kind of weaknesses I'm talking about especially are character weaknesses. For example: I'm a really great talker, I have an easy time getting and keeping others' attention, but I am generally shy around people. Isn't that a bit of a contradictory weakness? Well if I want to embark in say business or politics I need to work on breaking that shyness so only my natural charisma comes out. Otherwise it's like carrying a bazooka but having only one arm to wield it with. I can't recall where I got the idea from. I suppose therapy, Stefpai, Jorden Peterson, and some minor input from others' would have to be the basis given they're the people I generally study from. I would recommend mitigating your weaknesses ASAP since chances are if they're bad enough they're crippling your strengths and filtering you out from those who don't have the weakness. In general I think the weaknesses that you ought to look for are: laziness, cynicism, lethargy, short-temper, shyness, and whatever else you might imagine would turn off a high performing superior, peer, or inferior, and might turn off a decent woman. I do not dispute this. Yet you do down below... Educated =/= Intelligent or Wise. In fact it tends to equal "brainwashed" or "gullible". Also this is a partial contradiction to what I said above about decent women... The main reason for wanting the money before the honey is to not get distracted (professionally) and to attract the highest quality women--who for obvious reasons want the guys making the most money at the youngest age. Since if I were a great woman at my age I'd be aiming to seduce, convince, marry, and get impregnated by the likes of *insert single equivalent Donald Trump Jr.*, it makes sense I'd as a man try to become relatively wealthy ASAP. Sure, but who cares about them? If you aren't aiming for an exception you may as well just stick your wick into a blender. Well, don't bother with them! Also, who cares (as far as you're concerned)?! It's not about them, it's about you! Look for a woman for yourself don't focus your attention on the crap! I know it's terrible, but sheep's gonna bleet and any genius or above average person really ought not waste himself trying to stop sheep from doing what their shepherds tell them to do. Well if you want quality you have to be quality. I hate to say it, but imagine you were a woman right now and said all this about men. It doesn't matter if it's true--it implies heavily you are cynical and jaded about men and therefore highly likely to divorce men and do pretty much everything you're stating (factually in this case) men would/are doing. Which is why I discourage you from talking about the gutter trash and instead put a positive spin to it; you sure as Hell are losing a lot of competition when they stick their wicks into blenders, and the fact you can spot a thot from a thought means you've have a much easier time spotting a decent woman. You sound like you're just approaching random women. I bet you're giving them the benefit of your cock every now and then too... ...You don't think that turns off decent women by default? Of course it's hard to spot a decent woman. But I think you can at least filter by location. Like, are you approaching women off the street? In a bar? Or at a club? Obviously the latter two are terrible places while the first is very unpredictable. I suggest follow Stefpai's advice of approaching women who are essentially doing what you're doing--either career wise, hobby wise, or as relations to your male peers in these areas--and/or aim for places only high quality people go to. However I don't know really what you're doing that's leaving you empty-handed for sure, but I do recall you mentioning you basically doing the typical PUA crap which ought obviously be a turn off to decent women...therefore you never find any...so, what is it you do exactly? Of course I do nothing. I'm just not ready for that kind of responsibility. They aren't good women. Wash that from your head! They're just sheep...do you want to f__k a sheep? Or a wolf? A woman who does what she's told and influenced into doing, or a woman with actual agency, intelligence, and dignity? The quest for self knowledge is what everyone should be working towards but, I find society is in a strange place now a days. Instead of 'know thy self,' the left is looking towards victimhood and a scapegoat especially the far-left. I think I mentioned it before. I read Talent is Overrated some years ago. You got to drive in that lane where you do your best work and where you can turn talents into star performer. Unfortunately, this message usually goes to deaf ears. Banished father figure in households. A cookie-cutter government education system. A real lack of actual value provided for these days. Your charting out and planning on how to make it happen in 5-10 years sounds similar to Peter Druker's advice in Managing Oneself through Feedback Analysis. Goal setting and putting a plan into motion over a span of 9-12months all the while seeing where one's talent are and refraining from areas where you simply cannot perform at a high level. You saying my general plan's similar to someone else's? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. I can't the only smart person in the world. And yeah, the general idea is to focus on talent/passion and make money off of it rather than focus solely on areas of expertise (that don't make me happy or fulfilled) or solely on areas of passion (where I have no actual talent for, and am therefore constantly bewildered as to why no one likes my *insert artistic crap here*...). Rather you ought to have both: this way you can make money and actually feel good doing it. I strongly recommend focusing first on getting the money before the honey since I think it's awfully distracting to be pursuing women when work is precious, while also when money is still a question I think smart women would rather have the guy that's already done it than the guy who is currently doing it. Especially if at a similar age. I know you're not young, but I am primarily interested in those who are since that's where my advice can potentially do the most good. PS: Please hit quote. Only my stuff should appear quoted and not the repeated garbage that came about due to copying and pasting your stuff onto this page (which I did because I got nothing hitting quote since your entire post is quoted). Otherwise this is a mess!
  16. How is value--which is entirely subjective--an illusion? How is money being valuable an illusion? How is money a tool of destruction? How does this destroy the makers of monies?
  17. Conceivably the wisdom a 35 year old ought to have is life experience, what works and what doesn't (relative to people, politics, and work), knowledge (about the things I just mentioned), and character virtues like patience (without being too patient or indecisive) and courage (as a result of life experiencing teaching one that life is short and not to be wasted) and I suppose, again speaking of those that follow the basic life plan that was commonly followed by historical high achievers, a level of earned confidence and built-in endurance that an entry-level person or newbie simply wouldn't have. As a man I can't tell you what to want; I can say in general I want to be as free as possible and as comfortable as possible. Therefore I must be self-disciplined (make things happen) and far-sighted (to see down the road of what will likely happen if I do A B or C) while also humble to new information and respectful of my own limitations, as well as the limitations of those around me. As for women I want someone who has these three virtues: intelligence, wisdom, and compassion. I have no tolerance for the stupid and less for the ignorant. Meanwhile even if these things are overflowing like a Super Saiyan's yellow aura, they can be disastrous without compassion, empathy, and a conscience. Naturally women likes these are in very high demand and are regularly being found/finding similarly high quality men (who are more likely focused on applying these traits to making money rather than babies and supporting someone else's money making dream) but I have no reason to suspect there are a relative shortage or abundance of either high quality men or women because both are very rare and have difficulty finding each other from all the commoners. If you really can make good money by (I think you said you were 19? My age? So 20?) the next year than you've beaten most of your competition as far as that goes. Next would be making yourself durable and wise. Durability being your tolerance for failure and setbacks, wisdom being your ability to overcome them and avoid them in the future while also making yourself a richer person both materially and spiritually. After that I'd recommend doing Stef's basic formula for dating until you find someone who passes the test and then give it a few months to see whether they're the real deal before marrying. Of course marriage should be a declared goal for any relationship with a woman that isn't purely business or friendship--after all you want to scare away the flingers and attract the ringers. And the "no hymen no diamond" rule should also be applied given the stats.
  18. Simple become successful in a career (ranging from things like business and professional specialties to the arts and mind)--especially by a young age--and become a good man personally. As always the Devil is in the details. For the first thing I recommend figuring out what in life you want to do and then afterwards chart out a plan on how you can be making high 5 figures/low 6 figures within the next 5-10 years. Then and meanwhile, research doing that like one Crusader fellow has been researching how to make it as a music teacher... For the latter it's an especially personal journey. Know your strengths, weaknesses, and learn how to suss out the strengths and weaknesses of others. Then go to work on mitigating/turning around your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. Of course a tricky part here is even being able to objectively determine your own strengths, weaknesses, and whether or not you are accurate in figuring out others. I'd recommend listening to Stef a lot for figuring out others' and his Call-in-Shows and therapy for yourself. The next step, before focusing on you career, is to identify your biggest weaknesses and how to solve them as well as identifying your biggest strengths and how to make money (and eventually a honey) with them. Again for that I recommend therapy and the help of whatever wisemen you can find on the Internet. I would avoid anyone who isn't living an approximation of what I want in life since chances are if I follow their advice to the letter my life will become a lot like their's. So, to sum up a list of what to do: 1:Know yourself, figure yourself out. 2: Figure out what you love, what you're good at, and how to make a lot of money from it. 3: Seek outside help all the while. Professional help for your material dreams, psychological help for your character. After all this you should become a pretty decent man able to attract a pretty decent woman, who can be proven decent at the very least by her ability to sense and desire pretty decent men. Note that by my standards a good woman literally cannot fall for a bad man because she must be smart enough and sensitive enough to know the difference and make wise and informed decisions. And if she's got all that and blows it, you know she wanted the trouble. If she isn't, then she would have dragged you down with her... ...Therefore you got to find a wise and smart woman and they will only pay heed to men they can marry (for obvious reasons) and the only marriageable men are men who have both resources and good character. One or the other doesn't do it. You might find such a woman before you're ready for her, and you might be able to convince her that you're en route to becoming ready, but I wouldn't hold my breath and I would assume she'll move on to better prospects because we all run on tight biological clocks (men too if we want a decent woman rather than a far younger than us idiot--because the best women will find a 25 year old with the wisdom and wealth of a 35 year old--, a semen toilet, or a cock blender. Or if we're very lucky and very great, a young genius who can somehow be 25 and have the same or acquire quickly the same wisdoms and knowledge of a 35 year old man). How's that for simple (lol) and achievable?
  19. Lol no. I'm not going to bother gathering the data, but I'm sure you've heard Stefpai mention more than once how women are psychologically far more vulnerable and squishy than men for war as well as being physically far weaker in the upper body and generally frailer. Lol no. So much no a migrant managed to single handedly beat up 4 female cops in Sweden. And he was by no means a boxer or martial artist; he just flung them. Worse than that their mere existence in the ranks destroys the team spirit of the men who are no longer brothers in arms but horny cocks seeking the only available female. There is a reason why women, especially beautiful women, were historically forbidden from being near army bases even in peacetime. In fact in ancient China women were used as pawns for the explicit purpose of making vulnerable and discombobulated the enemy army's morale and spirit. Eventually women were killed on sight for being too close to a moving army... Lol no. Female soldiers are insanely suicidal. If there must be a government then the soldiers must come from the citizenry. However there is another caveat: voting. Because women, who ought not be drafted, can vote for men, who will be drafted, to fight for wars there is a very significant imbalance of power that essentially means emotional women can vote to have their countrymen killed off or killing off large numbers of foreigners. Therefore if there must be a government, either women must not be allowed to vote, neither men nor women should vote (i.e. no more democracy nor republic), or only landed men and men/women willing to fight in wars can vote. And as I said above female soldiers suck. They such really hard. Add to the fact The Single Moms' Battalion isn't even a joke; modern women sign up for the military and disappear when actual combat begins all the time just to suck up more tax monies. Therefore either women in general should never ever be allowed to vote (because if they're willing to dictate who we fight than they are morally obligated to be the first to pick up a rifle and bayonet) or only very exceptional women should be allowed to vote (like ones that own large amounts of property). Of course as an AnCap and Monarchist I don't think voting should be a thing in general, and when there must be voting (like how there is in the Church for superior appointments or traditionally in the aristocracy for national policy) only those with skin in the game should vote. Of course again, this means I don't think women should ever be allowed to vote on national/foreign policy because they suck as fighters and even when they are individually good (unicorns) they inevitably screw up the men because biology is a b__ch and even hardened soldier boys become horny high schoolers when even an butch femme is in the ranks.
  20. After reading some and skimming some, I don't know what to say. I feel sorry for you, but what does that mean? I mean, I have no answers for you because you have no questions. I mean, you know you grew up in Hell and surely you know you have to climb yourself out and totally revolutionize what it means to be a man and a father (relative to what you grew up thinking it meant). EDIT: I read it more closely, the whole thing. I have to really emphasize the line below just for the sheer bravery of you putting this to paper and sharing it on a public forum. First of all, I hugely applaud you for having the guts to post this in all its rawness and emotional bitter-sweetness. If I could, I'd +1 that for the bravery alone. If you want to be far from your family of origin, I recommend leaving the county, city, maybe even state and finding somewhere fresher and freer like the American Midwest. If you have prophecies of impending doom about the country's future, then I'd recommend learning Russian and considering immigrating to Russia. I have said to other OPs what I think the best solution to making oneself better are, I'll summarize it again. 1: Self-knowledge ASAP. 2: Find and pursue a profitable passion. Once you're 25 and/or making high 5-figures or low 6-figures... 3: Find a woman and a place of permanent residence. An interesting interview of Mike Cernovich by Stefpai was the 40 Principles one, and Cernovich regularly mentioned paradoxes we have to square in order to be the happiest and most efficient self we can be. I don't agree with everything he says but I am willing to defer to him even in disagreement (unless Stefpai has a similar disagreement), therefore I suggest reading his stuff and start building yourself that way. I was hugely depressed and anxious for nearly a year, some years ago, and the difference in how I feel/think/act now versus then is ginormous. I went for suicidal Leftist to happy, motivated, and productive Rightist. I went from a Commie/Fascist to a wannabe philosopher king. A big difference. And the one paradox you have to square with women is realizing most of them suck but women are also huge players in shaping society. Therefore the best societies have great women, even though they are generally conformists and emotional. How do you square the opposing optimism of the positive power of women versus the reverse-feminist-like attitude that women are generally reactive rather than proactive? Well, I do a few things. #1: Men are largely the same way. Some men actively enable bad women. Others conform to bad women. #2: There are exceptions, and those exceptions are hugely wonderful. See Laurens Rose and Southern, Ann Coulter, and Mariya Katasonova for easy and visible examples. #3: To live exceptionally with an exceptional woman, you must become an exceptional man. I wish this, therefore I strive to be productive, positive, and a good and moral man while also keeping my wits about me and realizing danger when I see it. Remember these 3 things and you'll feel a lot less bitterness towards women (if that's a problem) and starting families (which I'm sure is a problem given your childhood) and in turn become optimistic and productive (which I'm sure you want to be). I can't think of anything right now, but please tell me if anything I've said here has been helpful and whether or not you feel any better and more confident about life and making your life truly yours.
  21. My simple advice @Spladam at this point is to take the advice of those who are where you want to be in life, or at least value their advice first and foremost. Stef's advice is pretty simple: work on yourself, make every date count (by cutting off most women after the first or second date, by telling them what you want, what you have to offer, then ask them what they want and they have to offer, and then eventually childhood and past stuff) and eventually you'll find someone. I'd ditch the PUA nonsense because I have yet to see a PUA in a stable successful marriage. If you want to get laid I'm sure they're right; but in this age of hentai and internet, what is getting laid worth? I just don't want you wasting your youth making yourself into someone un-marriageable in a way awfully similar to most women post-feminism. Keep knowledgeable about female nature but also note that they are trends and it's the exceptions you're looking to marry. Therefore you have to be exceptional yourself, especially relative to the MGTOWs, PUAs, wannabe PUAs, and Betas/Cucks. Which really isn't that hard, given the sorry state of masculinity today is about as bad today's femininity.
  22. A better analogy might be the illegal immigrants and non-White in the American military, however I can't say for sure the negative effects will be as bad. Probably the best example is the modern welfare-warfare state. Rome tried it; look what happened to them. I hate to say it but at this point it's time for most people to find stable communities and prepare for civil war. If the governments could be reclaimed then the best solution for the likes of the Germans would be to forcibly kick out the millions of Muslims currently invading their fatherland. However I doubt this will happen soon enough to prevent a civil war, therefore I recommend either moving to a big red-pilled city/town that's ready to defend itself militarily or gtfo and migrate to Eastern Europe, especially Russia. Of course ideally the end result would be the abolition of the Federal Republic and the return of the Empire with a modern libertarian twist. Given I'm a German who is almost certain that he will migrate because he sees only darkness in the next 50-100 years for America, I can only assume thousands of other Germans and German-Americans are thinking/feeling the same and are preparing to migrate. Russia seems like the best place to head to since they have a strong culture, nation, and sense of self as well as solid (though not perfect by any stretch) ethics. I encourage young whites (under 20-25, without debts and constraints) like myself to learn Russian and emigrate within the next decade before they decide they've had enough Westies and bar us from legally immigrating.
  23. I assume the board just isn't interested in hypotheticals when either there are posts dedicated to lived experiences and abuse or the results can presumably be figured out by the OP. Thanks though, however I can't say there's much that could have been added since I pretty much figured out for myself what A + B + C equals.
  24. Money is a medium for value and it is a huge labor saving device compared to lugging around crap tons of stuff around for say a computer, and also is more efficient than bartering because the payer doesn't need to predict what the seller wants, the payer can simply give the seller cash with which to buy what the seller wants. It essentially makes cities possible and makes it goods far more accessible than otherwise. I mean hypothetically speaking if I wanted a computer and the computer guy wanted a ton of apples but all I had was words on paper then I'd have to find someone willing to exchange a ton of apples for words on paper (and chances are he'd be willing to give like 1/10th of a ton but not all of a ton nor 10 books of the same thing), and then I'd have to lug all those apples to the computer store only to discover the computer guy now wants oranges. And the oranges guy wants f__king grapes. And the grapes guy wants tomatoes. And the tomato guy wants... ...You see how this BS goes? Money makes it so much easier.
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