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David Miller

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  1. Hahahahahahahaha! You insulted a guy online because you are mad that the story has changed and you went after his age? Are you a virgin? The video in the OP is part of the reason why I give money, why I tell people about Steph and peaceful parenting. I pay tax in one country already I don't need to support political ambitions in a different one. Literally everything in this video is the 180 degree opposite of what Steph is putting out now bahahahahaha!!!!! Mad cog/dis going on which is sad but "muh end of western civilization" right? Seriously did you watch the video? It's very funny. "And really the presidency? I mean come on people you don't have to be brain surgeons to understand that changing the president changes nothing about the system." ^^^Except a Clinton supporting democrat running as a republican^^^ "Have some pride for god sakes!" ^^^This is my favorite^^^ "I will not subjugate myself to this fetid ritual, this ridiculous magical bullshit called voting. They will not get my sanction for what they are doing I will not vote in protest I will not vote with the illusion that I will become free by begging for freedom." ^^^Lives in Canada so plausibly still kind of accurate^^^ -Moly I have no desire to start an argument just an increasing desire to spend my money elsewhere.
  2. Quick google search tells me Israel receives 10.2 million usd per day in military aid. That is one hell of a welfare cheque. Israel seems to be the only country that did not loose title to it's land after military defeat. It was given to them by god right? Then handed to them in the Balfour Declaration? But essentially the jews are gods chosen and the rest of you are goy. Not hard to see how that sentiment could create resentment. If you think about it jewery is closely tied to multiculturalism. The belief that separate and distinct groups of individuals with different moral and ethical standards can live within the same geographical region and any dissent to this notion eschewed as racist or even worse anti-semitic. Multiculturalism is bad right? I say all of this with the historical knowledge that I would have been loaded on the train simply because of my genetics. I've watched some stuff on the holocaust recently and it left me with the impression that given a sufficiently boisterous allegation my neighbors would likely drag me bodily from my home and execute me and my family over a hastily dug hole in a field. Not for anything I have done and certainly not because I am rich, rather because a man on the radio or television convinced them a particular course of action was necessary.
  3. Does anyone seriously think Trump is going to win and not be immediately assassinated? Is he running against Hillary Clinton or is he running against the military industrial complex? If in fact he is running and not just working that reality TV angle towards the Trump News Network? Are we sure of the Pentagons intentions or capabilities? Those are the same people who planned Operation Northwoods (vetoed by Kennedy who was then killed). From just the right angle it appears as though the nefarious they may have been planning 9/11 since 1962. Plenty of time to set the charges. What happens when he contests the results and looses? Trump TV looks suddenly not so bad to Zoidberg maybe? Do people actually believe this will be some kind of bloodless coup? That the forces which have been at work since the end of WW2 are going to be swayed by hotelier and reality TV star? Does this entire sham appear engineered to anyone other than me? Or am I wearing a tinfoil hat? Did Vietnam not begin under false pretense? Operation Paperclip anybody? Were there in fact WMD's in Iraq? Is there a patent clerk or perhaps a specialist in the generation and manipulation of electromagnetic fields through screens who could give us some insight into US Patent#6506148? Why do people say conspiracy when fact is stated? More importantly and perhaps personally (because I am half retarded) how does anyone know whats real on the internet? Why participate in a farce that is so clearly a farce? Why not do everything in your power to bring it to it's inevitable end by whatever means available to you? And how is Trump going to accomplish this same essential purpose without FEMA camps? Obviously Hitlery is greasy with a capital G. Does that strike anyone as rather odd and rather bold that some podunk failure of an attorney from Arkansas has such an incredible amount of support from nearly every single corporate entity both domestic and international on the planet? And this is a contest for the keys to the biggest baddest hot rod war machine on the planet.... and I'm supposed to believe that this is all up for grabs through the magic of democracy? Cause of "muh constitution"? Is this not funny to anyone else? Am I being too cynical? I don't feel I am. The leader of my country said these words
  4. My thinking is that the 18% of people contacting the most attractive women are primarily composed of alphas and the over-confident people who think they are alphas. Thoughts? 100% of the 8 or above, on the hotness scale, attached women I have met, did not meet their partner online. But maybe not so baseless speculation would say the hottest chicks on online dating sites and apps are assumed to be hookers and avoided by all but the desperate. Super hot girls do not use internet dating in my experience. Personally I avoided the top end of the spectrum for two reasons. Firstly too much competition. Attempting to stand out in a crowd of every single other guy trying to stand out is stupid. Secondly I saw early on the types of male figure that demographic seemed to gravitate towards and those two variables = no chance for lil' ole' me. A more critical answer would be I'm ugly and not a rapist. Never tried debating a woman I was interested in. Found conversation a more pleasant form of exchange. Interesting tactic though. Agreed. Yes and yes. Taking it back! Amen. Strange aversion to the word re-calibrated....wonder what that's about? A generalization quoted like gospel. LMAO Dude should we burn them at the stake they might be witches? My accountant wears black lipstick she's a swell lady. #zerochill Tinder is your reference? Can I troll here please? If I understand correctly your intention was to obtain a result in a character experiment where the control element is the color of an alleged woman's lipstick and the medium is a well known hook up app thus verifying an earlier assertion regarding black lipstick? Am I missing something? What have you proved? That your opening questions missed and she does not want to talk to you? You probed shallowly for a shallow answer in a shallow place and boom there this is. Yay. I've read this several times and it seems like you are bragging about intellectual masturbation? Is that not correct? You do know what Tinder is right? I'll explain it for you. It's for drunk people with no immediate sexual partner to rapidly locate and acquire said immediate sexual partner. Also for bored people who would like to find a sexual partner for that night. That's the expectation going in for her dude. You let her down big time. You let Harambe down. You let America down. You let Freedom down. Approach a broad (can I say broad here?) like that in a bookstore. Not online. Say some intelligent shit. Get her interested in you. Then you can find out all about her. Maybe she's a libertarian who happens to love Slayer? Or maybe she's a librarian who loves Hilary? We'll never know. But really though it's just people with government education and a potential lifetime of abuse oozing it's fetid way out through distorted creativity...but naw fuck the bitch she's evil right?. I just think it's disappointing as shit that this post went from some innocuous question about why, potentially, men, online, seem to trend away from extremes of hotness into an interesting conversation about the definition of alpha male into 'Steph said women with black lipstick are evil and I proved it on Tinder'. Fuckin sad bro. Hope I didn't hurt your feels and sorry if the language is bad.
  5. ENTP-T Extraverted - 66% Intuitive - 71% Thinking - 73% Prospecting - 81% Turbulent - 81% Had to take two days of assessments had components similar to this recently. Have not received the results and don't know the name of the tests. Multi-faceted, spatial perception, mathematics, pattern recognition of every kind. No results yet. Not sure what to make of the results of this online personality test. Basically says I like to bullshit doesn't it? Wicked band name though - "The Turbulent Prospectors" .
  6. Hi there I've been listening to Steph for a couple years now and I like what FDR is doing. It's engaging in a way that I have rarely found. By rarely I mean never. I should clarify I have no evidence for me even belonging here I am pretty sure I'm half retarded. I've spent a good deal of time alone, even when in the company of others. Had a not that great entry blah blah, blah, got my shit halfways sorted out and found work around 21, got a trade but a good one not like an iron worker or carpenter. It's been the only constant in my life since then. My safe space lol. I know the rules I know what's expected and I was good at it. I suppose I have self medicated all my life rather than pay for therapy. Found liquor for real around 23 but only for a couple years, found cocaine at 27, found philosophy like right at 30. Good timing! Cleaned up my life. Quit everything except the job and the woman and the cigarettes. Right before 31 I had some small misfortune. A year or so ago I was hurt on the job and the resulting injury has ended that career. Totally unprepared for that one let me tell ya. As it happens that injury happed a few weeks prior to the birth of my first kid. Slightly more prepared for the baby or at least I thought. Fought through the pain and physiotherapy and the pills but in the end I no longer have the physical capabilities I once had. Kinda a big deal, what now? Holy shit wtaf now? My employer was unable to accommodate me in another position and frankly I was not in any shape to be at work and had not been since the accident. So now I'm freaking out daily right. Barely holding it together still going to work but eventually I ask my Dr for stronger meds and he puts me off work. Not for long says I. I live in Canada so there are government mandated systems in place to take care of this I'm not quite homeless yet. However. I am against these mandated policies because of the moral hazard of abuse by illegitimate claims but I know they have access to world class treatment. I'd been hurt pretty bad previously and successfully returned to work. I like our system for that, I'm sure it could be done more cost effectively if it was free market and if there were a bevy of options and I was not paying so much in income tax well again blah blah blah "no stehp on snek" (taxation is theft). So what get over it you got a kid to feed. Still this sense of existential dread coursed over my skull, spine, ribs and groin like some conflagration of self loathing. I started feeling lighter I don't know if that makes sense... But stiff upper lip chaps I got this! Have obligations you know. I absolutely must overcome this gonna get back not sure how or what but fuck it I'm gonna win. Because I have to. To prove I could still beat myself I quit smoking. Big deal. Had my first cigarette at 12. Fairly committed previously to dying of lung cancer or heart disease but in reality likely a stroke as there is a predisposition in my family. But wait there's more! Now would be a fantastic time to have a second child wouldn't it? So that happened and expecting in December. Things are tense at home to say the least. In the midst of all this personal turmoil and uncertainty we experienced a fire. Not going to explain, no insurance not my fault. Yes it was that one. Started smoking again and drank a bit more than I should have for a month or so but I have a shiny new laptop and actually logged in to the site. Got a new roof to sleep under and some shit to sit on. That's about it. Started therapy a couple weeks ago. First time since I was a teen. So now I have this thing or situation and I'm looking around and I don't see me winning anymore. Which really sucks it's not a position I am used to. Anywho.... Long ass post eh? I've been skimming through some of the threads and trying to read books or engage in something, anything but honestly after a minute I lose interest. Nothing seems real. Not books I buy not any of it. I don't know what I'll find here. Hopefully some kind of helpful conversation. Sorry to be all broody and Debbie downer. I know there are bigger issues like who is going to win the Hillary assassinates Trump before the election death pool.
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