Hey everyone,
I can't believe it took me so long to join the community, I've been listening to the YouTube channel for a while now. It's honestly the most eye opening and challenging show I've ever listened to. There's been so many times I've had that instant reaction to scoff at what's been said because of my biases. And then when I listened and followed the arguments my mind has been blown. Time and time again.
Supporting Trump being one of them. Stef doesn't half know how to make you unpopular around regressive family and friends lol. I have to admit I've shed more than a few since I started speaking out and voicing my true opinions. A little bit of realigning.
I've toyed around with the idea of my own YouTube channel actually, I wouldn't mind teaming up with somebody else who was thinking about it. I have some good ideas I'm just a little time poor right now to do it on my own, that and lazy.
Anyway I'm looking forward to diving in and having some good conversations. I'm a digital marketer by trade so I love talking about marketing but also everything Stef talks about, some areas I need to learn more about. I'm good at the economic argument, so much so I'm scared shitless right now because I'm in start up mode with very few bitcoins stashed away! If the crash came tomorrow I'm screwed.
I think what Alex Jones has done with InfoWars is pure genius from a sales and marketing point of view. Selling your own products as a media company will bring down the establishment media if left to a fair fight. I hear they're trying to regulate him out of business so we'll see what happens. That's the free market for you, to beat it you have to cheat and use force.
Weird talking about myself so much but I do love a good rant (not normally about myself).
I look a little foreign, I grew up being called the Zig Zag man from the cigarette paper packets (google it but if you laugh I'll know). Not that it matters but I'm an English thoroughbred (as far as I know) living in far north Queensland, Australia. I've been in Oz for nearly 10 years and I love it. I'm 33 years old.